PW: Blink twice if Vixie made you make this

02/26/2018 07:47 PMPosted by Knocrogue
I wonder if any silly drama stuff happens on the discords. Though, I imagine trouble makers just get banned. lol

There hasn't really been any interpersonal drama. I did live-post about the thirty-nine inches of water in my bedroom in August, and the subsequent boat evacuation...that was kind of dramatic.
I personally dont mind/care if they make priests available to orc.

Seems I am not alone too with how this thread is going.

02/27/2018 08:05 AMPosted by Ezirald
I personally dont mind/care if they make priests available to orc.

Seems I am not alone too with how this thread is going.


Relaxing race/class restrictions tends to be a touchy subject in more populated forums. A ton of people will defend the status quo, whatever it is, and then poorly try to cherry pick lore to defend it.
Do you think this avatar will be stuck this way forever? I've gained 9 levels, about 250 ilvl, and seen so many things, and it still thinks I'm wearing my destro transmog from level 101.
02/27/2018 08:05 AMPosted by Ezirald
I personally dont mind/care if they make priests available to orc.

Seems I am not alone too with how this thread is going.


Oh, that. Uh, yes. Orc priests, fine.

Honestly, most of the one-race exclusions from classes have always seemed contrived to me. I'd be fine with tauren mages too.
02/27/2018 09:53 AMPosted by Syresia
Do you think this avatar will be stuck this way forever? I've gained 9 levels, about 250 ilvl, and seen so many things, and it still thinks I'm wearing my destro transmog from level 101.

Must've updated while you were typing up this complaint. Karma.
Man, too bad female human avatars still look awful, especially when the website is scaled down to 75% because Blizzard made the entire thing look like a large print book for people with visual impairments.
02/27/2018 03:46 AMPosted by Icpitl
There hasn't really been any interpersonal drama. I did live-post about the thirty-nine inches of water in my bedroom in August, and the subsequent boat evacuation...that was kind of dramatic.
Oh my. I was actually wondering if people even use the discords as OT threads and talk about non-class related stuff. As far as I could tell, didn't seem like it in the Rogue one.
02/27/2018 01:37 PMPosted by Nixxia
Man, too bad female human avatars still look awful, especially when the website is scaled down to 75% because Blizzard made the entire thing look like a large print book for people with visual impairments.
Mer would probably disagree. haha
02/27/2018 05:03 PMPosted by Mx
Yeah my humans still p cutes! But it's hard not to post as a void elf at this point. Something... weird happened with the forums, though, like he said. The scaling? But my humans were at least 100% cuter than they currently are before that point!


wtfffffff man, you betrayed me and started liking WoD humans?????
I never really noticed the changes to avatars. I will say this. A long time ago, I made this post:

Looks like that might not be the case anymore. Maybe Blizzard read that post and "nerfed" some of the other avatars. :P
02/27/2018 05:07 PMPosted by Nixxia
wtfffffff man, you betrayed me and started liking WoD humans?????

Don't get me wrong! Compared the real humans, WoD humans are heinous. But I guess I've finally accepted that good humans are never coming back.

And I can be an elf now. So whatever.
I think I made maybe 1 thread the entire time I've been here. I SUCK at making names.

And void elves just aren't really appealing to me, idk why. I leveled one to 110, but there's something about them that's a put off to me. Maybe it's that most of the hairstyles have tentacles, and there's no good ones without.
02/27/2018 09:27 PMPosted by Bujee
And void elves just aren't really appealing to me, idk why. I leveled one to 110, but there's something about them that's a put off to me. Maybe it's that most of the hairstyles have tentacles, and there's no good ones without.

They're a far cry from blood elves. I'd rather have something with normal skin colors and hair, but the developers knew they couldn't do that. This is the best Alliance will get unless they find a way to backpedal into normal looking elves. I don't see that happening since void elves have generally gone over well.

I was hoping the next divisive topic in allied races would be vulpera, but fat humans are dominating the discussion at the moment. And I just have to ask: why? Who on earth wanted more representation for obese humans?
Oh and RE: your other post in that other thread, yes, British accents ruin everything. Seriously awful. I just don't play with the character emotes very loud, and I have character voice for errors and !@#$ turned off. So the "I need more mana!" stuff is all disabled. F that noise (for any race).
02/27/2018 09:27 PMPosted by Bujee
Maybe it's that most of the hairstyles have tentacles, and there's no good ones without.


They have really poor hairstyles, tentacles aside. They have the ultra dope ponytail and that's about it.
Yah, I didn't really mind the ponytail, either. The shadowy effect is a little meh. I wonder if they'll ever add more hairstyles and such. Probably not, huh?
Oh my. I was actually wondering if people even use the discords as OT threads and talk about non-class related stuff. As far as I could tell, didn't seem like it in the Rogue one.

Well, I assume that in the actual priest discord, they talk about WoW stuff, but I'm not sure because I've never been there. The one we're talking about is the Power Word discord, which is intended as a general social forum but actually consists mostly of me posting pictures of the bugs I find and Nixx ranting about how Hungry Howie's is overcharging him.

02/27/2018 05:03 PMPosted by Mx

I'm wondering what it says about me that, when I first saw the word "Scalegate", I immediately thought of a scandal involving a politician having a torrid affair with an intern who was then exposed as a WoW dragon in human form.
Wait. You guys have an actual OT discord?
This whole time I thought when people were talking about discord killing the OT threads, they were talking about the class discords. I never thought people would make discords specifically based on OT threads. :o
02/28/2018 04:35 AMPosted by Knocrogue
Wait. You guys have an actual OT discord?
This whole time I thought when people were talking about discord killing the OT threads, they were talking about the class discords. I never thought people would make discords specifically based on OT threads. :o

They likely were, though in the case of the priest forum, H2P was contributing to that well before Discord was on the scene. Discord only had old bones to gnaw on, really.

We had an IRC before though. It just slowly died as the popularity of the PW threads waned, before eventually falling out of use entirely. The Discord channel is merely the successor to that.
Ah, I see. I suppose it's possible they all died off for different reasons. I do know a lot of the Rogues that frequently posted quit over time and no new Rogues were joining in.