PvP vent about Hunters

Well yeah. Same. But like every mage is fire.

Although there are many things to complain about from a fire mage, for me as a Warrior, the top pick is their proc to remove slows when they get hit. Totally ruins any merit the fight may have had. It makes all of my decisions lose/lose choices.

I should say interrupted but a good geared ret is a nightmare to fight anyway. 3 phase boss fight, bubble and then LoH to instantly reset your hp back to 100% every time, constantly trying to tranq half their buffs means I’m doing less damage myself. Monkey blind their HoJ lol. Freedom seems to be always up and I keep conc shotting into freedom like a dumdum all the time instead of dispelling it.

For hunters mages are pretty easy. I can usually roarsac or deter their burst and then dispell their shields and after that they are already dead due to being cloth.

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Nooe not new just dont care about my pet in pvp if someone wants to attack my wet struddle instead of getting on my deadzone they can have at it.

But i also never pvp and never do arenas.

I see.

But yes, as a melee it’s almost crucial to kill a hunter’s pet, BM or not. Hunters basically become target dummies without Roar of Sac, Master’s Call, or pet ability (monkey stun/web/disarm/etc).

Not crucial as in you absolutely have to to beat them, but crucial as in it makes it infinitely easier to kill them/almost impossible to lose to them.

Pretty sure Silence prevents WoG.

It would, I meant interrupt.

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Interesting. I dont have a lot of problems with Warriors on my Frost Mage. In fact, I find them a lot easier to deal with than they were in Wotlk especially late wrath. The new tools like Ring, Orb, and the root on CoC are pretty nasty.

I have to agree. I think Rpala can be tough for any class right now if the Ret is good. Granted, most Rets arent. But when you find the rare skilled Ret they are actually incredible.

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Trust me, you don’t have to be good lol. I’m trash at Ret and I still crush people. It’s just too easy to play.

Yeah, I think Ret is great 1v1.

But I think they’re less good in a proper team setting. Like I said, their entire kit falls to dispels, so it’s rough. I play both Ret and Warrior, and I rage a lot more on Ret than on Warrior by FARRRRR.

Losing on Ret feels like… “Omfg, I just couldn’t get combos and I wasn’t getting my RNG proc for fake combos. They kept spellstealing and purging all of my effects, and I couldn’t get to anyone because I wasn’t able to utilize Freedom and my self dispels got me OOM just trying to not be rooted.”

But losing on Warrior is like… “Damn, I coulda played that better.” And that’s a good thing to think after a loss.

Hunters will have to deal with dodge in MoP Classic.

Not true at all.

Killing the pet removes the pets dps, its utility and multiple interactions with the hunters kit.

Examples of that, masters call, monkey CC which can set up scatter trap in place of scatter shot, roar of sacrifice from pet to not be critable for a little bit (which can be huge for keeping an ally or self alive), etc.

Even non bm hunter pet has big value in pvp.

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You use a ferocity pet for pvp as a non bm? Cunning is the way to go for skilled pvp.

It will work vs scrubs in low skill marches sure, but cunning is better vs skilled players.

Tranq shot is the cheapest offensive dispel in the game.

Now you just talkin’ crazy talk. 40k crits with TV and 20k crits from ranged as a melee class and off healing for almost as much as the damage is busted imo.

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Ideally you should be pet swapping, though for bgs/wpvp Cunning spider is the way

You can’t just tell us the numbers they deal during Guardian + Wings as if that’s their standard everyday stats. Wings can be dispelled, and Guardian is the time to use cooldowns to kite them. They don’t have any tricks or boosts after that.

I DO find Ret to be fair. Absolutely. When i see one on the enemy team, it’s a relief it isn’t a Rogue, or a Feral, or a Warrior.

Cheaper than purge? I’m doubtful

We can agree to disagree I just think they do too a bit much dmg or a bit too much healing outside of those CDs. And what is the deal with having an untargetable little pet that you can’t snare when you pop a Defensive. Utter nonsense.

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When you consider that mana regenerates far slower than focus innately and steady shot returns focus I would argue that 20 focus is at least as efficient as an ele shaman its 3300 mana. Plus it also does enrage effects and none of the other ones do that except Shiv which costs about the same requires melee range and doesn’t do magic. So at best the 2nd cheapest lol.