PvP vent about Hunters

I’m BM, why anyone would pvp as anything but BM is beyond me but hey what do I know I’ve only been doing this for 20 years :joy:

I’m in full pvp epics this week and constantly top bg damage as BM. It’s amazing.

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Some retail converts like to see SV before the melee only fiasco.

Retail I ran MM hunter lonewolf to enjoy the pet free life. NOt so much here since you run a pet anyway. May as well do it proper lol.

PLus my hunter is caught to my needs and wanders for pet collecting. She stayed BM in case in my wanderings I find an exotic.

I love BM despite bliz’s constant nerfs, bestial wrath is still kinda op and it’s the best rogue repellent in the game :joy:

Hunting rare pets adds something no other class has.

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BM is really good in PvP and can fill an important niche in PvE. I d get people who say it’s bad.

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My only gripe is WG as yeah, pets cna’t path to turrets. So those are longer kills. Sometimes I am the the only ranged popping these things lol. It be nice if it went faster some nights when that happens.

Hunters only get more and more faceroll with each expansion. It gets to the point where non-twink leveling hunters, just players in regular gear like heirlooms, can literally 1 shot people with aimed shot. That’s the kind of stupid that’s coming.

well you dont have to sell me on it lmao

Can we talk about how you can cast “Steady Shot” while running and jumping around

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no, u can’t

btw anyone wanna see a sick deter


Its not that cut and dry. Later MM hunter has issues I admit.

Usually in preload to new expac game cycles and weeks into the new expac.

Its usually due to the gear others would need to counter/survive it better is not there yet.

Historically its the preload stat push that is truly awful.

BFA to SL I will grant this was…a horrid mess. MM got its stats push for SL with no SL gear out and were just stupid damage.

Now when SL came, people got geared then that stat push equalized out a bit.

edit: and later retail pvp is also jsut trash in leveling brackets, imo. Its balanced for endgame. and the mid level stuff…I jsut stopped doing it.

The balance is wonky as hell. Because blizzard only cares about level cap.

I know i’m fairly new to hunter, but at 85 when I try to PVP I get melted as soon as anyone looks my way. Litterally can’t do anything when they get within 5 feet of me. And with all the trinket abilties nowadays that’s every time. At low levels they are OP but at max level they actually require some skill imo.

Man shut up. Pure crying from a grown man about a video game.

Holy crap what a wild post.

Who are you trying to prove something to? They aren’t here. You’re allowed to show feelings if you want. Your father won’t judge you here. Nor will your girlfriend.

It’s okay. Let it go.

You don’t have to prove your masculinity right now.

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