PvP vent about Hunters

While i DO know them to be “so powerful,” this thread actually has nothing to do with that. Nowhere in my OP do i say anything about their power.

Hit the “XXX” button? Thats all classes

Ah you’re op

Well fear not, because after I force you to sit in my ice trap rooted for several seconds while I machine gun you down, I wing clip, master call your inevitable hamstring and continue to pepper you at range again as you desperately try to get back into melee with me. In addition I usually use a spider just so I can have a second root.

I mean, i dont play a Hunter but uh… thats how every class works. Were you expecting to have to push a button, enter the Konami code, steal the declaration of independence and pass a field sobriety test before the button worked?



Sort of, but yet… not even close to the extent of Hunters.

If a Warrior wants to slow someone, they have to be in melee range, and hope it doesn’t get dodged or parried. Even a FROST MAGE can’t instant cast slow someone from 40 yards away with no cooldown.

Even a ROGUE can’t stun someone without being in melee and either having combo points or being stealthed/Dancing.

Even a Warlock has to burn a shard to instantly revive their pet.

Even a Pally bubble has to worry about Mass Dispel and Shattering Throw.

Hunters just aren’t the same. They want a thing done, they just hit the button that does it. They don’t have to build it up or prepare for it in any way. And the thing will ALWAYS happen. They don’t have to worry about a counter. The thing always happens to its fullest. They can’t be dodged or parried, and their effects aren’t magical. Everything they do is so guaranteed, people used them in Phase 1 of SoD to clear dungeons twice their level.

It ain’t the same as other classes. Not even close.

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What if I told you that all of this costs a resource called focus, and when I don’t have the focus I can’t cast anything

Tranq shot for example costs 20 focus, a high price for the opportunity cost of doing more damage or CCing with another ability

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As disgustingly powerful as Hunters are in Cata, i prefer them in Wotlk

I know things cost focus, but i don’t know how much of a cost that really is.

For example, if a Rogue said “this ability costs 20 energy, i can’t just do it whenever i want,” I’d say, yes you can. Because I’m familiar with that resource.

I don’t know how focus flows in compared to energy, but i imagine all a Hunter has to do is be mindful not to empty their focus to 0 for no reason. (And even if they did, it’s probably fine.)

Honestly, next time I’m super bored, maybe I’ll make a Hunter.

Well right but just like rogues there’s a trade-off. If I am spamming tranquilizing shot, I’m not using arcane shot or my other damaging abilities. It’s also worth noting focus regens way slower than than energy. To regain focus quicker I have to then spam cobra shot, which has a cast time. Which again is another opportunity cost.

Your charge into hamstring basically makes hunter struggle to kite you outside of their 4 second masters call, you can bladestorm quickly their roots and if they disengaged and rooted you you just leap hamstring and you win the game.

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Yeah but… that’s probably one of the only cast times you have. And it’s a fake cast. It can’t be kicked. I assume all it does is pause your auto.

Which, your auto is still blazing while spamming tranqs or whatever. Nobody else has that at a range. (Constant, unyielding damage pressure even while spamming utility.) Except maybe Warlocks. But at least they can be dispelled or kicked or whatnot!

Okay, so my auto is going 4k every couple seconds, which is basically a weak dot. Meanwhile warlock and spriests get much stronger dots that they set and forget and more importantly they can spread it to other targets simultaneously. Hunter is great single target but unless you are playing serpent spread shenanigans that’s where it ends really.

This is why you don’t charge hunters out into the open. Stay by a pillar to LOS their long cast time aim shot.

I mean that’s a you problem. You have trinket AND bladestorm that can get you out of roots. Whats the point of having the pvp trinket or will to survive if you’re not gonna use it?

Neither do you…well the dodge/parry part. Just get your expertise where it needs to be. It’s literally listed on every guide as one of our top 2 stat prios. Hit/Expertise > Crit

You should! That way we can be entertained by your next “Rant” thread about ret pallies eating you alive.

Again, prio right and neither can you. And your attacks are not magical either.

Hunters are strong no doubt, but they are far from our biggest counter class. Generally I don’t have many issues with hunters. Obvoiusly if I make a mistake, get caught out in the open without trinket/bladestorm and they root me and I just sit and eat aims shots… it’s GG. But a good warrior should beat a good hunter most the time.

Welcome to warrior pvp. It’s frustrating at first, but once you get a good healer buddy for 3’s or BG’s it’s a blast.

Oh my god I hate ret paladins so much

Work hard chipping away their stupid hp and tankiness and then you get a 70k WoG that can’t be silenced or anything.

Grass isn’t always greener m8

Yep every class has it’s counter classes. Warrior just has… alot of them lol. This is probably the worst expac for warrior pvp at least for the first 2 seasons.

I seem to remember having good success late game, but I could be remembering wrong, it was a long long time ago lol.

True, but in a BG full of rogues, trinketing a root feels bad.

My hit is 5.01% and my expertise is 20. But I’m not gonna go full blast on expertise, which is what i would have to do to combat DK parry and rogue/druid dodge.

… But hey, maybe you’re right. Maybe i should. Lol. Legitimately, i wonder what full reforge and gemming for expertise would look like.

My rant scenario was me in a no healer BG, and got caught in some 1v1’s with my self heals down. I do okay against hunters 1v1 in a duel setting. This really isn’t about anything other than how simple the class is to play as. I definitely hate fighting mages or ferals more.

I think hunters are a bit more complicated than you give them credit for. I also have a hunter, and it’s not even as close to as simple as say a ret pally, frost dk, or really even my warrior.

Between being effective with all the traps, keeping melee off you, pet management, there is quite alot to do. And that’s what actually makes them so strong IMHO.

I really don’t mind Rets on anything. There’s no reason to. They are very counterable. All their buffs can be dispelled. Silencing them DOES stop Wog and a lot of other things. And yet disarming them hurts them a lot too.

Wog isn’t big on themselves unless they have those dispellable buffs active. Otherwise, it’s only strong on teammates, which is one reason focusing them first is a good strategy. And it typically only crits if the target is in a risky danger zone anyway.

I find Rets to be incredibly fair, honestly.

And on my Warrior, it’s mostly Mages i don’t feel confident to 1v1 (like solo defending Farm in games where we have no healers cuz i don’t wanna do a big fight that way lolll). Ferals are a toss up, probably in their favor, but mages are just another story. I can’t do anything. Any time one of my answers is back up, two of theirs are.

Found the problem.

Truth is, 1v1s are a problem for warriors in general unless you either outgear or outskill your opponent, or both.

Get a healer, kill the hunter’s pet, and win.

Honestly, mages aren’t even that scary either. At least frost mages. I’d rather go against a frost mage than a fire mage.

Ferals are the real issue here. A good feral will make a good warrior look new to the game because they’re just a joke.

I also disagree with warriors not being that great in PvP. Not sure what the basis for that is, but I absolutely railroad people so long as I don’t have an entire BG worth of people CCing me and/or kiting me.

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