PvP vent about Hunters

Class triggers the sh** outta me. A monkey could play that crap - fittingly enough.

Durrrr, you need to hurt someone? Hit the hurt button.

You need to slow someone? Hit the slow button.

You need to CC someone? Hit the CC button.

You need to silence someone? Hit the silence button.

You need to dispel someone? Hit the dispel button.

You need to get away? Hit the get away button.

You need to be invincible? Hit the invincible button.

You need your buttons back? Hit the buttons back button.

How Hunter players take themselves seriously is beyond me. I respect the ones that play it sarcastically, or knowingly. But holy CRAP, dude… I think even Frost DK requires more self-setup than that.

Or hey, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Hunters are super complex to play.

What do I know.


Flame on, as they used to say.

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Do you do arenas at all? You should try playing a hunter. I’ve been playing this season for the first time, and it’s pretty fun, but definitely a lot more going on than I would have thought.


I’ve THOUGHT about it.

It does seem like a guilty pleasure class. All my years of playing Wow, I never played a Hunter or a Feral. I REFUSE on Feral. But I might indulge with a Hunter soon.

Ngl I rolled one because youtube vids said they were broken in Cata and I haven’t looked back lol


Git Gud dim bulb.


Hearted this, that was really good.

As a warrior main that prioritizes PvP and a hunter alt that literally only leveled a hunter because I didn’t want to play anything that my friends were playing, let me give you a tip:

Kill their pet.

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Dont bother because u wont be a hunter u will be a huntard.

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You realize that is only efficient with bm hunters right.

Hearted this too. So true, bestie, I probably couldn’t crack the code like you have!

Lol you must be new.

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really showing your age when you say “vent” in 2024

We have instant pet rez, good luck with that :joy:

If someone can kill my pet twice before I kill them I’m afk.

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Hunter is the hardest class to play in PvP with. You are so weak and easy to kill if you dont know what you are doing. I got a lvl 85 lock, rogue, priest, warrior, hunter and i dont manage play PvP with hunter at all. So ez with rogue, priest and locks. Little bit harder with warrior but Hunter is not for me.

xd xd xd

bruh im 36 years old fr fr if you know you know


sounds like you got ur butt whipped boy


I did. It was really annoying.

They shot me once for 20% of my max HP, and I’m 3.4k resil and in plate.

Then they kept me perma rooted until i died, because i refused to trinket a ****ing root.

I got whipped real fine like.

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Lol, I’m guessing your a warrior?

Yeah lol.

Mostly living a great life as such. But sometimes, when there’s no healer around, life is hard.

It’s a game. Take themselves seriously? I would hope that anyone playing this game wouldn’t be taking it or themselves too seriously. It’s not going to put bread on the table after all. Besides, we all make choices, couldn’t you just choose to play a hunter since you think they’re so powerful?

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