PVP Vendors Reminder


May we have PvP Vendors?

I have like 6 friends who are willing to play if you just add them in.




Watch the last Q&A.

I found it very hard to find pvp vendors every expansion so no plz :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Nope. Because you love complete, 100% RNG gearing. Remember?

As a PvP’er, you also love having to do PvE for Bis azerite traits / gear. Remember?

You think you want PvP vendors, but you don’t.



Ion, the All Knowing said it was too hard to have PVP vendors and that no one liked them. According to him the new system is much better.

Wink Wink


pvp vendor good.

RNG pre-picked gear BAD. yuck ( spits on floor )

Linked from here

I simply don’t understand his argument to why we cant have them.

The new system does not give me that feeling of accomplishment when I get a upgrade simply because I have no control or vision of what I can or will get.

It is just not a feel good system imo. Been playing for 10+ years and me hates it.

( wipes tears away )
( sniffle )


Yeah I want vendors back. It doesn’t feel like wow anymore having personal loot(wish we could roll for gear too again) and vendors.


So is Blizzard just going to watch the PvP subscribers bleed out? This company literally has no damage control. It’s like watching a hole in a boat and waiting until the ship sinks before they plug it back up.

I’m pretty sure most of the people that quit, won’t give WoW a second chance,

T’is a shame.


I know PvP has always been the underdog to PvE… but between this and how they’ve broken warmode (which replaced PvP servers) I do have to wonder.

We beg for vendors only to hear some insulting claim that vendors are too complex for us to figure out… Yeah we’ve had such a hard time with that in the past.

“There’s this place you have to go in the world to spend them, it’s not clear for someone who’s looking to get into PvP exactly what these are meant for, what you’re suppose to do with them”

What I don’t understand is how the actual fun is being slowly siphoned out of every corner of this game. What purpose does it really serve to not just… oh I don’t know…


We don’t want your system, it’s not fun, stop making things suck, listen to us.


I am actively not even bothering with pvp this week because I already have pants that are 15 ilvls better then what my reward would be.

Then good chance the pvp cache will just be another pair of pants. They have gutted pvp in this game. The queues to even get into a BG reflect the state of pvp right now.


I don’t believe the pants reward (from you conquest points) will change until you’ve completed it.

It changes every week. Just this week it is completely useless to me so pvp is completely useless.

That’s really good to know. Thanks

I thought it was a set gear progression that you had to go through.

I’ll be skipping certain weeks too now!

I’ve felt the same way since they removed them, All I did was just get full Conquest gear on my Main and Alts, do rated, etc. Now since they removed them in Legion I just can’t get used to this system, It doesn’t feel as rewarding

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I’d spend a lot more time playing if I could gear out thru the vendor and just roam the world in wPVP, as I have for every expansion since WotLK

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www. wowhead. com/news=289772/battle-for-azeroth-pvp-season-2-begins-january-22nd-and-conquest-schedule

See above. This week is legs. next week is Trinkets

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