PvP Vendors in 8.2 straw poll

So in game currency equals RL dollars to you?

You do know what an analogy is right? :roll_eyes:


Yea and that was a BAD one

It was acceptable for getting the point across of spending currency. You want me to use credits and pretend we live in the SW universe? Nope. Not arguing something so ridiculous. RL examples apply.


Made sense to me.

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Ofc, any complaining makes sense to you

Of course anything that doesn’t agree with your point of view doesn’t make sense :roll_eyes:


Eh, I have my ways of thinking, you have yours.

That’s how you keep pvers interested pvpers want to just have equal footing, you are the exact example of what I mean about the devs having pve mindsets with how they did gear. And no gearing too fast wouldn’t cause that. Not being able to play multiple classes without feeling like you could be improving your main that is the issue here. We dont pvp for gear, we pvp to pvp.

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So do that.

We are too busy trying to farm gear so that we don’t find ourselves with a gear disadvantage

How’s that working out for you?

The reason according the Ion in a Q&A earlier in the xpac basically said “With gear it’s hard to find the vendor, and there are soo many choices that players wouldn’t know what to get” something to that effect.

Well i never have a gear disadvantage on my monk, but my alts I don’t feel like farming up all the essences again and lvling rustbolt rep for each toon to get that stupid punch card. With current season if you dont have that punch card you are gimping yourself hard.

You’d always have a disadvantage on alts to begin with.

not in wod

Yea you did. Fresh alt vs full geared was not pretty. I was two shotting people on my cp geared toon.

2-3 hours in ashran earned a full honor set on average.

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Lols Ashran

That is where you went to gear if you wanted to do it fast.

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