I swear I only see rogues get tossed into the gulag from it.
I would agree to that but if I were to “nerf ret dmg” sov wouldn’t be how I’d do it but I also adamantly want sov to be removed as well
You will notice that sort of thing a lot especially when the poster pretty much knows they don’t have much to stand on “discussion” wise
i think id rather vs RMP over any lock meta
I haven’t seen anybody swap off karma for fear of its damage in 2 expansions
There’s nothing wrong with sub at all. Assa and outlaw however
kyrian legendary finishers are too good
You must be sub 2100 then
does it hit harder against players who are under 2100?
Mhm which is an argument of tuning, people should be afraid of karma like people should be afraid of SoV, people don’t swap off of either
Lol the irony.
idk, it just shows she’s played 1500 2s matches. She may have a fried take but there isn’t any irony there
mate you might wanna at least inspect someone’s profile before assuming their rating, it’s kinda embarrassing
They are commenting on threes and ret damage when they don’t play threes or play at a decent level.
thorns would be a better parallel then, “the same concept as karma was 4 years ago” doesn’t seem rhetorically intuitive to me
regardless i don’t think i agree. along the same lines as extra rewards for juking kicks has never made sense to me; the reward for doing a pvp fundamental(juking a kick, using a defensive cd) doesn’t need augmenting(you don’t get locked out, damage dealt to you becomes less efficient, respectively)
the problem of dps being trained through wall isn’t one i wanna see solved with harsher counterstrike effects, i just think it happens far too often that hitting the 1 decent target through wall is more efficient than swapping for a lot of comps
so much rating shaming going on in this thread.
That rogue is fried lol. Sub is fine, remi must be low rating, outlaw only busted rogue spec cause cdr.
Was what came to mind at first rlly
Thorns also is usually a deterrent to hit into people, sov and karma are not. Sov effected by dampening as well whereas thorns is stronger into dampening
I think you missed my point. I’m not sure what this has to do with anything
I would agree do see my point about sov being removed for wall
Which is bad design ya
it has to do with this
maybe i did misunderstand you; if it’s a bad nerf, then what you’re saying about the deterrent aspect seems like it’s saying that while sov exists it should be a threatening amount of damage to not swap off of it. the avenue along which i disagree with that is that i think doing inefficient damage to 1 target that could have been done to a guy without a long cd defensive active should be punishing enough, and a damage threat a la sov/karma is a sufficiently bad design choice that nerfing it even in a vacuum seems like a good thing to me
we won’t see sov removed this or next season, so the actual object of discussion is whether or not the nerf is good with no other changes. i like the team gameplay of splitting a sov burst, but i don’t feel like it’s super fun for comps that can less safely come into melee against ret war just for that purpose, so i’m not gonna miss it
the earlier point about bad design cuz no targets are worth swapping to also makes sense to me as kind of a cynical tax on playing ret/badtarget/badtarget comps, which d stance nerf and soon craven nerf have both reduced