PVP Tuning is in!

ret has been 1 shotting all expansion even after all the nerfs … what are you on about


Clear prove you dont play the game or you are just dishonest. You stopped “one shotting” after the first round of nerfs. You could kill someone in two or three globals (which is still stupid yes) but ret hasnt been able to one shot since the cap and heavy nerfs to the kyrian covenant. By the way I personally dislike the 1min build I was forced to play the entire expansion so thank god its gone.

Now Find me one ret that can one shot you. You cant.

Necro ret is not about burst but more sustained damage. And the current tier set doesnt allow you to get crit since you still want mastery vers.

There is a bug****** that when you have 4charges of vanquisher hammer sometimes it consumes 2 or 4 in one cast and does the extra free ds. That is a bug I personally havent gotten it to work but some other ret did it to my sham lol.

I don’t know, chief, it still feels pretty bursty to me.


RPS is back baby

Imagine playing a cloth wearer with literally 20% more physical damage taken

If you died to SoV you were just dumb
If your team stack on it, it will do no damage,
you can cc or root the ret before it explodes, with dots or casters you explode it while running,
if theres any pets with you it will do 0 damage too.

This is the weirdest pvp nerf to ret lol

check out flyerz the multi rival trying to justify SoV damage that I watched regularly provide accidental win conditions against trill and Cdew @ 3500 mmr.

This is as stupid as “bRO JuSt CC The ReT On SHis Cds BrOoO”

Everyone knows you shouldnt’ die to SoV. The point is taht a defensive chucking someone for 70% of their HP is beyond brain dead and if you think otherwise it’s because you’re boosted and 1300 both of which are clear check marks when referring to you.

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There you go, the rating shaming right away lmao, im multi duelist by simply getting duelist and stopping playing seasons cause I don’t have much time, doesnt matter anyway.

And its just supra rare that it happens, but when it does its just funny. But 90% of the time it doesnt happen. Most of the time it’ll happen against a rogue cause they play RMP and the rogue will always be on its own.

And its not even a tangible wincon. So that nerf was stupid.
Will you nerf the thing that make ret damage toxic, extra dam from vanquisher’s hammer that’s guaranteed every 30sec or a gimmick that rarely happen?

Ret gonna be fine, hunters def hurting more in patch.

This isn’t much better and you’re being a ret apologist for something disgusting. Don’t be that person. It’s a good thing it’s nerfed, the defensive value is still there. You’ll be fine.

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Im sorry to be that christtel but you’re Rival 1 on a ret. You’re not in a position to have this strong of an opinion on what ret needs/should lose.

We played ret/war on alts for a week and hit 2k with the ret never even playing a paladin prior. Its busted.

Im literally saying they nerfed the wrong thing, and that it is a stupid nerf.

that isnt even close to a real nerf for rogues. they need the hammer for thier set bonus and double lego along with covenants.


It’s not, the sov nerf is fine. It’s hurting your offensive pressure while keeping you defensively there same. Ret could stand to lose a bit more offensive pressure since it’s really gross right now lol.

a 2s DH named illixxx rating shaming some1… What’s that word folks like a lot around here? that’s pretty Cringe. Especially if you consider you can reverse glide out of it or w/e that stupid ability is called like 4 times.

I would have preferred they nerfed its dmg by 40%, increase absorb by 20% and reduce its cd so it’s actually a defensive ability that lasts more than 1 second.


That is called Conqueror’s Banner + Warbanner on your go

If you trully want to nerf the thing that make ret damage oppressive, you’re going for the thing that make your spell do 4 things for 1 like Vanquisher’s Hammer empowering DS damage by 25% that’s 30sec cd, has 2 charges and you get 2 stacks for each usage.

But honestly, every Ret since legion is asking to delete SoV and bring back Divine Protection cause its a healthier defensive option and don’t have degenerate oneshot from it.

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It’s a bad nerf

Agree to disagree. Sov shouldn’t be a thing, you should get wall back, alas blizzard makes dumb design choices. That said, Sov doesn’t need to hit hard. Baseline absorb being the same while offensive burst being toned down is fine.


Should be punishing to hit into
It’s the same concept as karma, you shouldn’t want to tunnel into it you should swap off of it.
Or quite literally w key away from the explosion.
The only players I see consistently gibbed by this past 2200 mmr r rogue players who now compete in the awc


I mean it doesn’t bug me, DH is almost practically immune to it, lol. Usually blast it with blur up solo to eat it for my team mate and it’ll ding me for like 11k which is fine.

It’s just toxic with the rest of everything Ret has.

That said if it just worked into RMX and was quadruple damage, I’d sub forever.