Please keep making small frequent changes like this. Don’t let this be the last pvp balance for another month…
/10 char
Typical immature player, “X was OP so they should now be trash to compensate!”
How would you feel if that happened to your class? I wager you’d be very unhappy. Quit being a hypocrite.
They should be nerfing the talent, which is actually causing the problem, not nerfing the baseline ability that isn’t a problem.
Please buff mw
As you are crying over a video game.
Not all of us are FotM rerollers. I play my Warrior and DK win, lose or draw. The possible incoming nerfs to Arms Intervene would be well deserved and it wouldn’t bother me a bit. It helps to be objective in life.
Having not even watched the awc, I can pretty much guess the comps that were run just from reading the nerfs.
How is it, that they can never figure it all out in the BEGINNING?
1 time. Just once I’d like to level a character and not have to worry about a hotfix/retuning/nerf/buff in the middle of a season.
Just once
You’re being petty over a videogame.
Not all of us are FotM rerollers.
And you think I am? I’ve been a Ret main, every expansion, since TBC launched.
You might need mental help if what I said is causing you to reee this hard, dude. Your whole class is crazy OP, this was inevitable.
I mean WoGs are still going to crit for like 20k+, considering 28k+ is common right now.
Good start tho, any changes welcome.
If the convoke change just means more chance for starsurge spam tho its still going to be busted, convoke surges hit for 15-18k.
You’re the one being petty and vindictive over balance in a videogame, dude.
I like the nerfs to classes outperforming… but where are the buffs to the classes in the dumpster tier? No changes to Mistweaver at all? I have never in any expansion played a class before that felt so undertuned.
I can see I have been fooled into engaging with a 9 year old. You got me. Welcome to my ignore list.
Warriors’ Ignore Pain needs at least a 50% nerf. Even with a 50% nerf, that would still be an on-demand, spammable 25% shield wall, which is insane. Especially considering the passive damage reduction they get from defensive stance and their plate armor.
The Convoke change isn’t really going to do much. It’s rarely the Full Moons that kill people, it’s the instant Starsurges. If it’s going to keep being able to proc Starsurges in pvp, then those need a huge nerf.
The Hunt for DHs is still ridiculous, even though it has already been nerfed. It’s still critting for ~20k on mail armor with its initial hit. If it’s going to hit that hard, it needs a much longer cast time in pvp to warrant damage like that.
are you still on mitch jones crap list xd
Rofl, you’re the one being immature and petty, but I’m the 9 year old? Good one.
WoG nerf is a problem for those who play Selfless Healer.
Healing Hands needs to be nerf instead.
lol rogue is S teir because of the mage or spriest doing all the damage.
Pikaboo and Whazzz spend a decent amount of the game re-stealthing to get the crit back. You also noticed the comps that won? Wasn’t rogue/mage lol.
Good job bliz, but there are more work to do!
Exactly!!! I’d rather them nerf the leggo and let the class play more than out of stealth.
Its losing 33% effectiveness. Wow going from 18% more dmg to 12%. Totally going to work