PvP Tuning Changes for January 26

Lmao, “nerf WW, their 2 min burst that can be stopped is too OP”. Even though they are glass cannons, 1 stun you can flop a WW.


These are some of the best changes possible. Impactful nerfs that don’t destroy the class, you guys are on a roll! Much love.


“2 min burst”

have you ever q’d a game above 1750


the 30 something monks above 2.1 and the dozens in the lower brackets are losing hope bois


Kaivax for prez.

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So we can enjoy 2v2s without getting instant gibbed in 1s anymore?

continued condolences to MWs

kind of crazy that WW / arms / divine toll / chain harvest / maelstrom wep healing are still untouched

also I’ve said it before, but the place WoG needed to be nerfed most was Healing Hands / Hand of the Protector talents. a 20% baseline nerf might not be right/enough.


love to see these changes. addresses a lot of main concerns with the season without necessarily killing any spec hit.

Wrong change, guys… You were supposed to nerf Healing Hands, not make Word of Glory absolute trash without it… Now that talent is more mandatory than it already was… WoG isn’t an issue on it’s own, Healing Hands was the only thing making it heal for anything that could be considered “too much”…

Don’t be absurd, if anything it was too much (for Ret, Prot is another thing, they heal like 2x as much with WoG as Ret does), and in the wrong way.


my class is destroyed !!!

please revert infusion of light !!!


Omg omg omg it’s happening. TIME TO CELEBRATE!


Why insist to let palys on the garbage trash, other season in the hole

Actually like these changes, it’s a good start


Paladin is going to be fine, what?

Read that and I thought was a out of season April’s fool joke til I read “pets”


Divine Toll and Ringing Clarity are both already nerfed in PVP, reducing damage and the number of possible procs respectively. The problem with it is that the multiple layers of RNG makes it so it can either tickle someone or send them to the morgue. The Ringing Clarity conduit needs to be reworked to a flat damage increase.

As for Healing Hands, it’s actually also reduced in PVP already. 70% possible bonus instead of 100%. The 20% baseline nerf should be fairly significant in addition to that.


Apparently WW/Fire Mage damage is a-ok.



as others have pointed out, i don’t think any % change to WoG will help fix what’s really breaking ret and prot healing, the talent that makes WoG heal more based on missing health is what’s breaking it. i know ret and prot have one i don’t think holy has any talent similar to it


So a very minor nerf to holy pally for a skill that currently already doesn’t use mana? what about disc mana and mistweaver

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I realize. Its continued casino nature is the problem.

I also realize this, but it isn’t enough. The talent, and its prot equivalent, are just problematic at their core.

This change makes those talents even more necessary as opposed to less powerful.