PvP Tuning 3/7/25

First. Also, discuss.

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The following PvP class adjustments will arrive with scheduled weekly maintenance (March 11 in this region). We will continue to monitor and tune class combat in PvP and PvE as necessary in the weeks to come.
Player versus Player

Will to Survive and Gladiator’s Medallion now share a 60 second cooldown for healer specializations (was 90 seconds).
        All healing increased by 5% in PvP combat.
        Ancient of Lore (PvP Talent) damage reduction increased to 30% (was 20%).
        Ancient of Lore’s Mass Blooming cooldown reduced to 7 seconds (was 8 seconds).
        Dream Breath healing increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Tensile Bowstring reduces the cast time of Aimed Shot by 25% in PvP combat (was 50%).
        Unerring Vision increases your critical strike chance by 5% (was 10%) and critical strike damage by 10% (was 20%) in PvP combat.
        Developers’ notes: The one-shot potential with Flanking Strike was too devastating, so we’re reducing its damage and distributing that damage to the rest of the kit for Survival.
        Flanking Strike damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
        All spell and ability damage increased by 4% in PvP combat.
        Spearhead increases critical strike chance by 15% in PvP combat (was 30%).
        Deadly Duo increases your critical strike damage by 15% in PvP combat (was 30%).
        Frostfire: Severe Temperatures is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
        Frostfire: Frostfire Empowerment now increases damage done by 15% in PvP combat (was 36%).
        Conduit of the Celestials: Celestial Conduit damage decreased by 12% in PvP combat.
        Conduit of the Celestials: Celestial Conduit damage decreased by 12% in PvP combat.
        Blade of Justice damage increased by 25% in PvP combat.
        Final Verdict damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
        Judgment damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Expurgation damage increased by 40% in PvP combat.
        Power Word: Shield absorption reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
        Power Word: Radiance healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
        Archangel now increases the healing of Evangelism by 15% (was 30%).
        Penance damage and healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
        Oracle: Premonition of Solace absorption reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
        Developers’ notes: We are increasing the power of Void Blast while keeping its Atonement healing the same. Oracle has been a widely popular pick for its versatility and our goal with this change is to give Voidweaver greater opportunities to shine when they are able to get consecutive Void Blast casts in.
        Voidweaver: Inner Quietus is now 25% more effective in PvP combat.
        Voidweaver: Void Blast damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
        Voidweaver: Void Infusion is now 60% effective in PvP combat.
        Divine Hymn healing increased by 80% in PvP combat.
        Holy Fire damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
        Smite damage increased by 80% in PvP combat.
        Developers’ notes: We’re making a few significant changes to Subtlety’s damage modifiers that when stacked together can cause very high burst damage. Our goal for these changes is to decrease the maximum output, but increase the consistency of Subtlety’s burst windows. We would like to ensure that they are a threat even without all these modifiers present, but have their high-end output capabilities be more in line with damage expectations.
        Finality now increases finisher damage by 8/15% in PvP combat (was 15/30%).
        Shadow Blades now duplicates finishers at 10% effectiveness in PvP combat (was 15%).
        Darkest Night now increases the damage of Eviscerate by 10% in PvP combat (was 19%).
        Symbolic Victory now increases Eviscerate or Black Powder damage by 10% in PvP combat (was 18%).
        Danse Macabre now increases damage by 2% per stack in PvP combat (was 4%).
        Backstab damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Gloomblade damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Shadowstrike damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Rupture damage increased by 25% in PvP combat.
        Eviserate damage increased by 25% in PvP combat.
        Secret Technique damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
        Developers’ notes: We are shifting some of Elemental’s damage out of overloads and into core abilities to increase sustained damage and reduce Elemental’s reliance on overloads for kill power.
        Elemental Overloads now deal 60% reduced damage in PvP combat.
        Mastery: Elemental Overload’s increase to Physical and Elemental damage is now 30% more effective in PvP combat.
        Lava Burst damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Lightning Bolt damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
        Chain Lightning damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
        Icefury damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Frost Shock damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
        Stormbringer: Tempest damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
    Champion’s Might critical strike damage decreased to 15% in PvP combat (was 25%).

Fire mage and mw nerfed :joy:

Ww doing 1.2mil dps and gets slap on wrist :joy:

Champion spear rando nerfed for no reason :joy:

Ret buffs :face_vomiting:


Wouldn’t be a pvp tuning if warrior didn’t catch random nerfs.

Wouldn’t be a pvp tuning if ret didn’t get undeserved buffs. Christtell will be thrilled.


Where is the -25% ms nerf again blizzard.


That’ll come Monday or maybe just a hidden perk when the intern copies last weeks nerfs in again.


Ah, yeah. Okay.

I just wanna talk to the PVP dev.


at this point. I just look at warriors as those side characters in movies that are so unimportant, they die off screen and nobody even notices lmao.


We got to pretend we were the main character for a season or two of Shadowlands. :face_holding_back_tears:

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It’s a start. The surv hunter nerfs were a good change. Ele about to make a come back. Disc priest nerfs. Overall good changes.


Lorewise it is fitting. Outside of Saurfang, Varian, and Garrosh, there’s no real important warriors, and only Varian died epically.

Deserved tbh, imagine living in a universe of magic and shapeshifters, and you don’t manage to learn any of it. You could learn to stealth and poison your weapons to compensate, or use a gun, but nah, you pick up an axe and charge in and die.

Down with brown.

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Priest nerfs good, think ww needed a nerf to damage, but idk if a celestial conduit nerf is it.

Not sure why spear got nerfed or fire mage.

Very interested/anxious to see the ele sham and sub rogue changes.


Kennie buffing the raid…



Lore accurate, needs to be an albino groundhog though.

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Let’s goo ret buffs! I wish they nerfed the dots and gave more to spenders though.

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I thought most MW were going harmony anyways?

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Shame fury didn’t get nerfed more.


these are not good changes for the most part


What do you guys think changes with the priest nerfs? Are other specs going to feel better since they wont be compared to discs current version? or does it matter?

MW got nerfed lmao

So what Blizz is telling me is to stick to WW, got it, will do, roger roger

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Blizzard noticed people were putting talent points into champion spear, had to make hit it with a nerf so you go back to the boring dot ability.