PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

I smell the stench of flaming butt hurt! Math isn’t your strong suit obviously.


What “math”?

You, a single person, declaring they wont queue wsg, so that somehow means everyone else will follow your carebear mindset?

Even when wsg and ab queue times were 15-30 mins long during 2019 classic people were still reaching the bracket caps of over 1 million

750k is perfectly achievable regardless of what queue times become

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Because I know the amount of hours it will take to reach 100k honor per day doing wsg or even ab during the week. Been there done that in Vanilla when it was actually hellish difficult. This boils down to “Time Management” Off-week and WSG week definitely throw away weeks under the new system. I’m not interested in win trading so its AV or not at all.

Have fun taking 5-7 months to get rank 14 because you’re gonna skip the “hard” weeks in favor of afking AV

The majority of peoples egos aren’t that fragile, they will leave carebears like you in the dust, win or lose


Bring back the portable shredder unit!!


Thanks! I intend too. Hopefully there’s a lot of turtling, those are the best AVs.

Hopefully more solo queue’rs like me farm AV for weeks on end so 10 and 15 man premades can fight each other way more often since thats what they want. Sounds like a win/win to me.

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We dont know what the final numbers will be set at but even if the last two ranks are out of my reach Ill just be content to run around in blue pvp gear, I aint worried.

Tell me you’re a bad pvper without telling me you’re a bad pvper. (And ranker)

On som my premade was farming every single premade in under 8-9 minutes. Literally every single one.

There was only 1 team that would even run up games with us for 20-30 minutes +, and we didn’t even mind because it was fun games.

If your premade is actually good at the game, you won’t have to worry about “long games vs other premades”. I’m assuming you were never invited to the good ones for a reason.

100k+ in av? Yeah sure, which faction? How long are q times?

We were doing 150k+ in wsg alone before the weekend even hit. We were so far ahead of the AV morons that they all went wsg and AB just to keep up, even if they got arm barred by other premades.

I’m not bad at math, you just don’t know WTF you’re talking about and aren’t even a pvper. Every server/fresh starts with an AV meta. If the honor is so good, why then does the meta shift to AB/wsg, every single time?


“Won’t bother pvping wsg during the week”

You’re a dodger and don’t know how to play wsg. Just say that.

You’re missing the point. Nobody else really cares. The “new” system opens it up for more people to go farther, regardless of how they choose to do it.

Premades will get there alot faster and more power to them, they should. Everyone else can go at their own pace.


I highly doubt it. They aren’t going through the hassle of this revamp to make r14 locked behind some 750k honor cap. That number is for those who plan to reach max rank as fast as possible. Just like the CC badge gear, they’ll have a slow n’steady route available.

Yeah I mean I have nothing against people who q av because they actually enjoy it. There are a lot of factors about AV that are fun and enjoyable. I just posted because this guy is declaring AV to be the best honor farm, when it is in fact not and has been proven

I thought the same thing but the last two ranks will probably still be a formidable grind. Whatever the case, I hope you’re right. Even if it takes me a month to hit 13 and another to hit 14 I wouldn’t complain.

Yeah, its going to highly depend on a number of variables. AV is probably the best route for most solo queue’rs, especially if you’re in 50s quest reward gear whereas WSG and AB will be better for premades but there are exceptions all over the place.

If AV queues are relatively even and it doesnt turn into a pve race 95% of the time then it could be both fun and rewarding. And yes, I play AV because I love AV.

Ill probably be skipping WSG in the earlier parts of the week while premades are capping and that probably goes for AB too, although I love AB as well and won’t avoid it out of fear of premades. Ill just take my beating and requeue and hope its a pug.


What you are doing now and what will be are two different things. The fact that you think you’re a better pvper then me is good for a laugh though, so for that I thank you. In AV I’m one of those people who actually do objectives and take no part in hk farming. What I don’t find entertaining or worthy of ranking is farming pugs with a pre-made. Especially when it is sub-average players in Naxx gear who think they’re actually good at pvp.

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Why would you care how many hours someone puts into a game. Games can encourage whatever they want and nothing is wrong with that because no one is forced to play the game.

You’ve already self-reported yourself dude

I HIGHLY doubt you’re as good at pvp as you think you are.

You sound like one of those dudes stuck in rank 10 gear that uses their gear as an excuse for every time they lose but never actually works on getting better gear because you’re too lazy and/or you’d rather keep the “gear diff” excuse in your back pocket for when you get beat.

WSG if it is equally balanced team vs equally balanced team and both teams have a Druid to flag carry, I’ll take that challenge any day of the week. I love all 3 battlegrounds and shine brightly when there is a balance. All good players are that way though.

Yet you’ve already stated you plan on NOT playing bgs on WSG week because you dont want to fight premades :thinking:

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You’re allowed to think whatever you want to sunshine. I have no reason to lie or over exaggerate never did. Just pointing out the simple fact that anyone with a sense of math, who isn’t win-trading, is going to have issues with honor per hour in the new system.

How are people going to have honor per hour issues when bracket caps have historically been over 1 million even when queue times were at an all time high?

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