PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

Pre-Made vs Pre-Made wsg can take upwards of an hour. Even if both teams max out on kills that isn’t anywhere near enough honor per hour to entice me.

If you’re actually playing in a good premade you will very rarely have 1hr long matches against other premades. Like maybe 1 or 2 a day TOPS , and not even a daily occurrence

Another self report

What pre-mades have or are doing in the current system is very different than what will come. Because of the Bracket Mafia up through rank 11 was fairly easy to achieve even with getting farmed in wsg.

The current system is harder, and people can push much more than 750k under the current system, so i fail to see how a 750k hardcap is going to be any less achievable under the new system

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I know you think you’re a pvp god we hear you. I never came here to say you shouldn’t do pre-mades or even win-trade if that is what you’re into. I’m just pointing out that getting farmed in WSG isn’t worth it under the new system, and these I’m in Naxx geared farm the pugs teams are going to have to actually pvp again. And if AV isn’t up during the week WSG and off-week pvp isn’t worth the time.

With bracket boosting got to rank 10 in 3 weeks without working up a sweat. I doubt that is going to happen under the new system. On the back end rank 12-14 will be easier if there are constant games going for all bgs during the week.

Not worth it for YOU someone with a fragile ego thats scared of fighting a better premade, sure

Other people will have zero issue queueing wsg and ab all day regardless of how sweaty it gets

You keep trying to make this personal when it is entirely logic based. I value my time and I know my value.

No it isn’t logical

You’re giving your own personal opinion on what YOU think is “worth” doing and then projecting your mindset on the entire community

Not everybody is afraid of premades like you

Most people aren’t going to prolong their pvp grind for weeks/months just because they will occasionally get stomped by premades on wsg/ab week

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I’m curious have you even made it to high school yet? I’ve not heard someone talk like you since the playground in Junior High. I want to point out again never once did I tell you what you could or could not do. I have no issue with pre-mades and never said I did. Even ran one myself during Vanilla.

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I’ve calculated that rank 14 is possible in 16 weeks without doing wsg or off week. Even if it takes 20 though that is fine by me. I’m not in a hurry and have nothing to prove. If I do it I do it for the nice shiny equipment. I’ll leave the “I’m special mindset” to you because obviously that is your thing.

Not seeing the big deal here. Its not worth it for a solo queue or even a small group of three friends/guildies to do WSG right after the weekly reset on a tuesday if Classic was any indication.

I cant speak for everyone but Im sure plenty of people will pass on it until later in the week or its off holiday.

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That’s all good cause I wasn’t in naxx gear, am not in naxx gear and I actually played in BG tournaments. Where were you? Can already tell I’m better cause you said you were dodging wsg and ab.

What I am doing now and what will be happening later are the same thing that happens every single fresh server which you conveniently ignored. I’ve ranked 6 times. It’s the same exact thing every single time.

Starts off av meta, people get TUF and lobo and off hands for the pve people who won’t q again, then everyone goes to WSG and AB. Yes, including the pugs.

It’s always the same thing. It’ll be the same thing for som2.

Save this post for later. I am going to be right, and you are going to be wrong

I’m not going to dodge AB week. Just wsg week and off-week. “I value my time and I know my value”. I’ve done rated bgs in retail too. I’m sure not to the level of your special-ness. However, when it comes to classic, I ran an A team and reached rank 14 under the original system. Reached rank 13 twice since utilizing AV and never once afk’d or hk farmed.

During first reboot (The Marshal Program) and SOM AV was how everybody got rank 13-14 so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

RBGs in retail are not the same thing as BGs in classic. They are entirely different entities.

Right, so you’re dodging wsg week. You don’t have a premade good enough to win fast. That’s not an insult, that’s just simply the reason you’re dodging.

You play AB weekend, and I am willing to bet you fold instantly vs premades who hold a 3 cap on you or just win BS. You likely run to the starter zone and sit there and get 5 capped. All in the name of hph.

Or were you good enough to 5 cap vs good premades?

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Not for horde, for alliance, the only reason they had to keep playing AV is because they had 1 hour ques and had to weave all 3 BGs in 5 man groups.

So you either didn’t play som or are just guessing. Nobody except extremely random people on horde got r14 with only AV, and it would be much later on in the server life

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Probably on different battle groups and for classic/vanilla I always play alliance.

Som was 1 battle group and everyone played on Jom only or the pve server. The AUS server died instantly

AB weekend there is enough participation that a few losses won’t make a difference. If AB is up 24/7 won’t have to take any time off. Will have to wait and see. Otherwise AB Weekend/AV weekend will suffice. 16 weeks to rank 14.