PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

You can rank up slowly, you won’t lose your current rank, and the most you’d ever have to farm is 750k in a week, but you can say, farm 200k a week and eventually progress.


Any change to discourage addictive gameplay is a win.


pm lazlordx on ally for inv do not afk or suck

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So effectively you can get to a rank then sit that until you got time for another… Maybe that puts a carrot out there.


Are they still resetting ranks for this? Why not just give people their current rank in the new system?


No idea, imo award highest rank, start there.


They said they are reseting honor… so I guess you lose what you have gain up till the change. But I could be wrong.

Seems decent in theory. You only decay down to the bottom of your current rank.

The new system basically changes nothing unless you’re on whitemane in which case it’s much easier to get r14.

As far as I’m aware, clusters are included in the same pool as Whitemane? At least when I asked my guild they said as much.

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the only change actually is, that you can no longer decay past the rank you have achieved. Everything else stays the same.

I find it funny that they put months of work into something like that. :face_with_monocle:

They should have updated the pvp rewards to meet Naxx level, should have found a way to make the Solo Q experience better and fix AV to make it like it was pre 1.09. Also the rep rewards need an update, when you gain exalted after months of grinding, the item reward should not be less good than T1 drops.


Overall I am happy with the changes. As I understand it a) you can only decay to the beginning of you current rank, b) you no longer compete with your faction to rank up.

I am glad that the rewards are the same. I understand that some players want to gear only through PVP. When gearing up can be done through just showing up in BGs it creates a host of problems including making dungeons and early raids irrelevant.

I hope this gets a lot of people queueing up and if it does that’s awesome


Not at all, they removed pool sizes and caps, now you earn a flat # of honor to get the most rank you can get. No toxic brackets or anything, just farm honor, the max you can farm in a week is 750k to gain rank, and you wont lose your existing rank once you’ve achieved it. So you get to keep the title, and you don’t decay, you can take monthlong breaks if you want to and come back and progress at your own leisure. You can farm 100-200k honor casually a week and eventually, say 14 weeks later, be a high rank


Classics issue is pvp’rs that do not want to raid cannot obtain decent weapons because rank 14 was no obtainable.

Does this change make R14 doable for someone with a full time job???

If yes then = very nice change
If now then = they need to continue working on pvp changes


no, thats not “classics issue” thats YOUR pet issue :expressionless:


That is literally every single pvp’rs issue that do not want to raid.

I had to afk raid in 2019 and hated every minute of it. Theres no reason not to have pvp sets equal to the current raid patch.


I cringe everytime i see a full warlord geared warrior using the unstoppable force with a current rank lower than 13


I think these changes are overall very good.


One issue might come from colluding r14s to feed the highest honor reward/kill to the opposing faction. This existed prior to the change but with rank decay no single toon would reliably keep the r14 honor bounty for an extended time. Once the number of now permanently r14 swells, it may crop up as something to address.

The diminishing returns for repeatedly killing the same player may need to be tuned.

Pretty rich coming from a guy with rank 14 with 4 digit lifetime hks

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