PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

Ironically moving to Smolderweb made the journey far harder then had I stayed on EF. People get really sensitive about the system. I understand that. Also thanks I just made a post on that forum.

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Good Luck… I never understood why someone that hits r14 couldn’t keep the tittle. Its almost as if blizzard doesnt play their own game. lol


I’d far rather do it on a new character (and I would argue a bunch of r14s regrinding their rank isn’t ideal for BGs) however not having to chain those insane weeks together will make it doable again long term.

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Save me a spot if you premade. =) I will be grinding it was well. Just not sure if it will be Hunter, War or Rogue. lol

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If you had stayed on Earthfury and ranked in the Summer of 2020 we could have played together as ally. It was super chill with easy caps and people worked together great, and although there were a few people I didn’t mesh with I met a lot of fun people that I still talk to. I had a 0% buffer for 4 weeks and still got my r14 there because the people worked together so well.

Anyway, things are what they are though.

Yeah, there is some weird jealousy fueling the hate.

I’m glad that most people are happy with the changes and I hope you get your rank displayed on Era, and have fun if you’re ranking a new toon with this system.

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Winning a sleep deprivation contest isn’t something that should be a source of pride. Hell I made rank 14 in original wow during the 1st year. What made it possible was I had some health issues and had too much time on my hands. After I realized, as much fun as the PVP gear is, it isn’t worth it. If you want something to hang your hat on go run an actual marathon. Being consumed by having a title is what gives Rank 13/14s a bad name. Do it for yourself, do it for the equipment, but there really are better things out there to hang your hat on if that is what you’re looking for.

Your personal distaste for the system isn’t an argument to prevent those who completed it from have the title just as those who will atain it going forward will be able to. If you want to play those semantics none of us should play any mmos as they are all just waste of time grinds.

I don’t tell you what to value in a game, and it’s a bit odd for you to be telling other’s what they should value.


the original system was very cool in that it was based on the alliance/horde looking at all the players and creating an army of them, with the best fighters given the highest ranks. and this had to be repeated every so often, to reassess who deserves what rank. it was all very cool design.

this new system has abandoned that in favor of simplicity. soon there will be countless grand marshals running around :expressionless: it’s all a grinding game.


Guess what, Your not getting your title back. If you want it go do it again. I’m going to have it on a fresh toon now that it is a reasonable system that doesn’t pit Alliance Players against Alliance Players. Now pvp will finally be against the opposing faction and not the Toxic atmosphere created by the original system. When I reach rank 14 again though, it will not be something I strut around bragging about. I’ll enjoy the game and let my play speak for itself.

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There’s not gonna be a million gms running around.

You’re still gonna have to grind that Cap out every week. Likely 50+ hours


And I’m in favor of those reasonable changes, I’ve already said I will likely do it again. I’ll play games for why I enjoy them and you can do the same.

My comments however are aimed at people who actual work at Blizzard, not some random dude online lecturing people on wow forums about how they should play or enjoy games.

Yes yes, me wanting a title for something I already did is…checks notes…strutting around bragging.

You seem to be taking this quite personally.

As a former GM I don’t like the sterio-types attributed to us. You reinforcing them doesn’t help. And yes you’re looking for some kind of recognition for have done something under the old system. Hell I think once you hit rank 14 the equipment should be unlocked for all future toons, but that isn’t going to happen either. To hell with a title rofl.

Exactly! Rank 13-14 will still require 2 weeks vacation!

Reinforcing a stereotype by wanting to have a title I already earned.

At no point did I say “omg look at me I did the system” I just want to keep the title.

You are taking this way too personally and protecting attitudes onto me that I have never put out there.

Litterally you started all of this ranting over me saying I wan’t to keep a title.

The fact that you came to the forums to complain about something this trivial is fascinating for sure.

Also If it was about recognition I’m pretty sure the giant yellow sholders and sword do that. But it’s not I just want the title.

God forbid people give feedback on changes they would like to see.

You clearly do not have the slightest understanding of what actually ended up happening with the ranking system to post this drivel.

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yes yes, giving feedback on patch changes is complaining.

IMO someone being so offended at someone wanting to keep a title is far more fascinating.

no rank decay = rank inflation
simple as :expressionless: