PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

No, AV never pops outside AV weekend.


hopefully this reduces the frequency of sweat groups steam rolling BGs

It is also a huge plus that they are demonstrating that the care about the long term health of Era servers.

It most definitely isn’t going reduce the frequency of premades

Premades will reduce their members play time overall. They’re still going to do it


If they reduce their member’s play time, than they will happen less frequently…

Once people are capped they will probably play alts. Good thing is most people don’t have a fully geared Naxx alt. Hoping AV drifts away from the one shot Vann meta.

What will probably happen are half alt, half Naxx geared groups.

750k is still a lot of honor for a cap

You’re still gonna have to play 50+ hour weeks above rank12.

The only thing that really changed is you can’t derank and the caps are hard fixed.

Hitting 750k is still gonna take most people the entire week, it’s like 40 hours of highly optimal honor per hour gains which probably isn’t gonna happen so it should be longer. I agree that the AV meta of tanking all the guards is mad lame, they should make the Marshals way more powerful.


Right but you don’t need to cap in order to still progress


You’ll need to cap at higher ranks. If you want to pass 12 you’re gonna need to cap every week.

You’ll have some leeway up to rank 11, but the difference in play time won’t be a large disparity

What some people are confused about is thinking they can farm 200k a week to r14. That isn’t at all what’s happening


But at least the decay wont be as terrible. I’m not sure how the dial will move and with how much honor you need to keep it moving forward. But I hope even if its less then 750k a week at least you notice a couple of % movement on that dial to next/last rank.

The numbers they have on the post suggest 28k is the maximum honor decay.

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That’s the worst part to me, those who already did the grind don’t keep their title while new rankers keep theirs forever.

I’ve got a rank 13 and a rank 11 and could care less. The existing system is very unhealthy. The new system is slightly less unhealthy which is acceptable to everyone who isn’t a Sadist.

I like the changes, I dont like that former r14s lose their title while all new ones keep it.

Nobody who is actually serious about pvp does it for the title. It is done for the equipment.

What? You mean you dont want to be forced to play 15 hours a day and end up having to make the choice between a life in WoW or having an actual real life outside of it?

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As someone who ranked in 2019 I dissagree, those who achieved the rank should not lose the title while all those who atain it in the new system keep it.

It might be more unique to see people with low ranks who have the rank gear.

Maybe Blizzard will change this up though, you might want to make a thread asking for it on their PTR forum because they aren’t going to look here (oh you did say this on their blue post, maybe they’ll see that, who knows).

Did you start on Earthfury? I think I remember you.

I never ranked for the title and certainly never did for the gear (gear is not even in my top 10 list for reasons to play). I did it because I had fun doing it, and I play for fun.

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Yea, started on Earthfury, finished on Smolderweb.

While I also enjoyed the system “though it took a hell of a toll one me”, I would far rather do it again on a new character then have to regrind in again to keep the rank.

Awesome. I remember you and some of the things you shared. I think on the Earthfury Discord and I remember you having some challenges with ranking at that time. Although I don’t remember what those were, you transferred to complete your ranking.

I don’t care about this for my clones, but I get why you care. For real if this bothers you make a thread here:

Also, some people on this forum are just rude and nasty for no reason. I can’t imagine doing something I hated, for even the amount of hours this will take now, for something as petty as video game purples.

I get attacked on here often just for talking about ranking which I had a blast doing. I’ve literally had people attack me on a real life personal level for talking about having fun with it. Yet some are miserable doing that same thing but want to do it anyway for dumb reasons. :thinking: Yep I’d rather play video games for fun and enjoy the experience, and not waste time doing things that I don’t enjoy.

I’m happy for those people who love PVP/BGs and can now get their goals while playing a bit more casually though.

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