PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

If you’re premading and getting an optimistic 20k per hour a max of 750k is still gonna take you forty hours a week. Most people aren’t gonna do that.


My question is to see a break down of the honor required per rank. Like the cap being 750k but how much honor is needed to go from rank 1-2, 2-3, etc. will getting 750k at rank 1 get you to like rank 3 or 4? I’d be really curious to see this, if it exists.

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Getting the top bracket at rank two in the old system would get you to to like rank 5 so that seems likely but would be good if blizzard gave specifics

40 hours a week is childsplay to seasoned ranker bulls


I just hope this makes more people queue up for bgs. Because the way it is now… getting 750k a week outside of AV weekend will be a chore. Last AV weekend on a Friday I managed like 200k honor. (like 12hours of AV) =)

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I have to disagree.

AV will be the lowest honor yield.

Ab and wsg will be much more lucrative in a good premade. It won’t be comparable

A good AB or wsg premade can yield 20k+ hph if flawlessly executed. AV isn’t a controlled environment and varies too greatly

People aren’t PVPing right now because Blizzard said not to bother. That really is the reason.

(and yeah, AV metas are no fun)


it’s not like BGs are even dead lol. Well rn it mgiht be jus cuz they know rank resets are on the way. So these changes really arent even needed to get people participating in BGs

If anything the announcement of a new pvp system is killing BGs becuz everyone expects their rank to reset

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Im obviously not including premades. This will probably be the first time I ever premade.

AV will still be the best honor per hour for solo play. It will probably be the meta again, unfortunately.


For solo play it might be ok.

Until they realize they may be playing 20-30 hours more a week compared to premade s that win

Premade discords will form because people won’t be happy with Av hph

My predictions anyways

that’s why the old system was better. AFK AV and botting in cave should never get u close to r14. obviously it happened anyway but blizz shouldnt be encouraging it

AFK AV isnt as good as WSG/AB premades, but it’s pretty competitive.

I actually did an experiment where i only did AV solo for a day, and the next day WSG/AB with the premade i had. AV solo is about 70% effective of a WSG/AB premade


Oh, i know that. Its why im going crazy for the new system to come out already. I level a war and currently leveling a rogue while I wait. The only people queuen up now are sweaty premades getting that last bit of honor grind.

I have NEVER afk AV. I can find joy in looking for those 1v1’s, 1vX fights. Defending or Pushing. I can always find something fun to do.

never accused u but just saying a game that rewards solo play, or a system that makes something easier gives more of an opportunity for botting. other ppl might and will find ways to abuse this system (and any system) but at least with the old honor system, there was enough “friction” to filter out a lot of the bots when the wsg/AB premading became the meta.

Even a 24/7 AFK AV botter won’t beat an actual wSG/AB premade in HPH (AV queues was sparse during the day, and dried up at night)

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Not on AV weekend. Alliance won like 90% of the games. I’m curious to see if horde adapt the scorch earth meta again, now that hopefully more people will care about grinding honor.

Edit; I never said you accused me. =) just saying I dont afk bgs. =) ever…

well yes obviously lol. on AV weekends, we didn’t premade much jus cuz AV was much easier but was now actually competitive. The honor per day of a full day AV ona an AV weekend was the same as a WSG/AB premade so on the weekend we’d just do solo AV

Also, the scorched earth meta was just playing defense lol :slight_smile: it’s a counter to the base race meta that favoured alliance

Oh, I know about the SE meta very well. It seems like the current horde have though. lol

AV scorched earth tends to happen by whatever side has the longest queue, unless there is queue syncing premading going on. I doubt that’s a thing at the moment though.

Question: As of recently, do pug allies tend to queue AV in Era because AB and WSG games don’t go well? I’ve heard in Era WSG and AB that the ally pugs are just not good (and even the premades are meh) but I haven’t really been following. I so maybe that’s driven the ally to do AV normally. I honestly don’t know though, just curious.


I have no idea really. Only started playing Era like a month ago and blizzard release the note on honor reset. So, I haven’t really bg, except for the AV weekend. Which surprise me at how much the Alilance actually won. Only really played like 2 wsg, 2 ab. Today played one WSG but was into a horde premade.

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Interesting. Thanks for answering.

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