PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

Where are the epic pvp belt/bracers and what are their names

It’s just the same thing as generals/marshals named gear but it’s belt bracer instead. The items are bad tho.

If your only decaying a max of 2500 cp and the max bracket cp is 65000 then you will not be decaying much bracket anywhere. The only time you truly decay would be multiple weeks not ranking which doesn’t matter anyway.

Terrible changes. People thinking they’re great is short sighted because they think it’s their chance to get something for free. This is how to chip away at, and eventually ruin, a great game.

Zero trust in Blizzard to make changes to this game.


So as long as pve gear is super easy to afk and get were good yea?

But the second pvp’rs can get gear and defend themselves in open world against said pve gear its no good?

Well 750 k honor in a week is still a huge amount for anyone with a job / partner. It’s not that easy.


Yeah, its not free… is the better cuz its an actual goal people can reach? Hell yes. I love it.

Get off ur high horse the only people that can complain are those that have a r14.

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Even most people with rank 14s approve of this change

The only ones that don’t are the losers whos only “accomplishment” is having enough time to grind rank 14 and are upset that their only delusional claim to “prestige” isn’t going to be exclusive to people with zero real world obligations like them anymore.


so it sounds like you’re saying it’s a whole lot easier to get rank 14 now :expressionless: contrary to what others have been saying.

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Yea I’ll get there, not as fast as others, but I’m sure it’s much more feasible. I think the highest I got to back in the day was knight champion or lieutenant commander before I fizzled out.

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I wouldn’t say its universally “easier” than before, just more consistent and within reach of most players if they put in the time

There are people that got rank 14 on completely dead servers and/or from running sands in sillithus that have less lifetime HKs than i would get in a single month of sporadic casual bgs.

And then there are people that had to play 18 hours a day for 2+months to get rank 14

This new system makes it so the grind isn’t as degenerate where you’re forced to do the grind in one condensed period of time, you can actually steadily work towards it at your own pace BUT it still requires a lot of grinding and time.

2 months MINIMUM of 750k a week is not exactly “free”. Its a solid amount of grind.


Yeah, that’s the part that most people just miss. Thats the new sweaty standard… way less sweaty as before but still kinda sweaty. lol

The whole point of the new system is you can now casually get to r14 w/o the degenerate old system.


Same… and I’ve been trying to be positive about this one too because I think things could be worse, and I know most like it. However, I also see it as the first of many changes they will probably make, and while some may be loved, many won’t, but I am very jaded about the Wrath changes by these same devs.

it’s also annoying when you’ve written many posts getting deep into your thoughts and you still see the same stereotypical judgment from some people because their minds are solidly closed and well… they just are not very nice people, so instead of trying to understand other perspectives they judge them, because it’s too difficult for them to do anything else. It makes you wonder if this game is worth playing if the player base is like that but I do know there are a few people who are not total jerks as humans so there’s that.

Anyway, it is what it is, this is how Blizzard does things. Enjoy what you do, adapt to what you don’t, or move on.


that actually sounds terrible. AQ 40 lvl styled epics should never be casual/soloable. thats what killing retail and SoM in the first place lol


Your issue is you cant seperate the two… please stop.

In the time it would take you to “casually solo” the grind to rank 14 under the new system you could be in full bwl/aq/naxx gear and be better geared than a person only doing pvp


I am not one to give out free praise to Blizz, hell I am one of their critics… This change however is a decent move and will potentially increase the life of the game because PvP became more accessible simply because certain players cant literally lock down Rank 14 blocking everyone; demanding absurd gold payments to release the spot.

Nothing Free or Welfare about PvP loot that is literally 10X harder to get than any of the PvE loot. (all that is true before and after the changes)


Anyone that thinks this change is giving away “free” pvp gear, spend the next week grinding honor until you have 750k, see how much playtime that actually is, then image doing that for 7 more weeks. Its not as “free” as you think it is


You obviously don’t play era. Maybe 5% of players are earning their gear instead of buying it. Including R14 gear.


What is the difference to you between going to a raid, killing the bosses, gear dropping and you rolling on the gear and winning it vs going to a raid. Killing the bosses, gear dropping and you bidding on it and winning it?

You’re doing the exact same content either way, what distinction in there makes it less “earned”?