PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

You’re from a pvp server group. Different animal.

So you play on pve servers

Mostly. Pvp server once in retail to experience the high end rated-battlegrounds scene. Never again though. I have no patience for being bothered when I’m questing.

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Lol, kek , bur even

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It’s quite literally in the post linked in OP:

Decay is still something we wanted to maintain

There will still be decay. There will be no “slow and steady” ranking. If you don’t outpace decay, then you won’t reach the higher ranks.

The PvP system is mostly unchanged, aside from the following 3 things:

  1. There is a cap of 750K per week (no more 2 million honor/week on highly competitive servers)
  2. You can no longer de-rank (but you still need to outpace decay if you want to increase your rank)
  3. Because the system rewards honor earned, rather than standing among your faction, you can no longer make meaningful PvP progress while leveling up. This will matter quite a bit on fresh servers. This effectively delays PvP gear by 3-4 weeks, depending on how long it takes for battlegrounds to start popping.

Yup it’s essentially the same system with theoretical “standing 1” hard capped by blizzard and no server wide brackets. Those are the big 2 everything else is the same

I actually didn’t even think about how it would change ranking while leveling. That’s an interesting point

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Who claimed otherwise?

This was always true.

That remains to be seen.

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Not how that works.

There is no slow and steady route with decay. You need to grind hard or you don’t outpace decay. If you don’t outpace decay, then it’s impossible to rank up.

Reputation doesn’t decay. You can grind CC rep as slowly as you want.

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Unless the advancing decay is, itself, slow and steady. The truth is we dont yet know but you’re adamant on a hypothetical possibility while I’m suggesting that isn’t as likely as you claim.

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There is no such thing as a “casual” rank when decay is in the picture at all.

It can’t be slow and steady for the highest ranks. It’s a curve. At the highest ranks, you don’t rank up unless you’re at the top of the curve.

The numbers for the lower ranks are up in the air… but the highest ranks will all but require you to hit cap (or extremely close to it).

Because all curves are a single uniform shape? You’re pretending you have the finished product when in truth all you have is the PTR to extrapolate. Blizzard could deign that 50k honor is the minimal needed to advance past the decay from r13 to r14 in small increments. We. Don’t. Know.

Possibly, but also possibly not!

If that were the case, then people who farm the cap each week would go from rank 1 to rank 13 in a single week and spend 7 weeks going from 13 to 14.

Do you think that is likely?

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Not when there are dedicated gates to how much a person can advance each week. You know, like how they said exactly that in the bluepost.

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I don’t think you understand how the PvP system works :joy:

Each rank after the first few are 5K CP apart from each other. Rank 12 is 50k CP. Rank 13 is 55k CP. Rank 14 is 60k CP.

There is no way to design the system where it takes 8 weeks to hit 14 if hitting the cap each week and also have 5k increments between each rank, with decay, while also allowing slow and steady progress.

You can keep telling yourself that. We were given a potential decay cap as well as a potential CP awarded cap. All that space in between is nebulous for now.

The hypothetical 50k honor could award 2501 CP and that would still advance someone from 13 to 14.

No, it couldn’t. Because then you could go from rank 1 to rank 13 in a single week if you farmed the honor cap.

There is no cap on CP gain. Decay is the only thing that holds you back.

Did you even read their bluepost?

I did, which is why I know your hypothetical situation is impossible :joy:

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