i am not against faction switches at all but you end up with horde players going “someone else will do it” cuz ppl want their wotf and hardiness
That’s not going to solve anything. Sure some might move over, the faction imbalance is still going to be there. The majority of people just simply want to be horde for the stigma of ‘horde best pvp’.
Blizzard provided free xfers for horde players on vastly horde servers and guess what? None of them moved because they WANT to be the majority. They just don’t want to negative effects of it
Maybe its worth a try
Yep, even a few weeks into release. It was clear to see that there were 3-4x as many horde as alliance.
petition blizzard or something, they are not going to be against making money and chances are over time it will be implemented.
but it still won’t solve faction imbalance due to racials
+25% to queue times (passive)
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Oh yea, Alliance were A holes too, but for a different reason. We let a lot of people go at first, but over time it became everything is dead. Level 1? Dead. Level 60? Also dead. We killed out of spite, it wasn’t even fun anymore lol.
OP this is true. I’m on Stalagg and when I /who 60 there’s about 11 online for Alliance. The early free transfer F’d the server big time and P2 did Horde no favors. I didn’t mind it hence I’m still there, but I know that a lot of people got tired of being camped in IF and not being able to do a single thing during P2.
Players created this situation. Many players such as yourself rolled the dominant faction and then wonder why none of the opposing faction is around. The launch of Phase 2 is not that far gone that people should forget what happened. The Horde made it impossible to be an Alliance and many people came to these forums then asking for help from Blizzard. The Horde responses varied from ‘uh oh PvP happened on a PvP server’ to ‘sounds like you rolled on the wrong server type’. This is the end result from how the Horde behaved. I do not feel sorry for anyone on a PvP server of either faction. I rolled PvE this time around knowing how bad things would be and I am glad I did.
I for one would welcome Blizzard decimating the Horde population on pvp servers. 1 in every 10 Hordies gets automatically rerolled to Alliance.
Announce their intention to do this randomly if the population difference doesn’t resolve itself after a month of free faction changes.
Imagine the chaos on the boards. In Org. It. Would. Be. GLORIOUS.
Give that to Alliance then watch Horde complain about queues not popping before they had to log for the night.
Blizzard could have easily prevented the massive faction-imbalance purely with faction-based queues. Many private-servers had faction-based queues, so the solution wasn’t novel or unknown. Plus Blizzard from their own experience knew faction-balance was an issue.
Moreover, Blizzard even allowed people to create characters on servers before launch, and they could have implemented a faction-based system at that point, long before Classic even launched.
If faction-balance was to be addressed it needed to be addressed early. And there needed to be a perceived incentive for balanced servers. But during phase 1 and phase 2, there were no advantages to being on the minority faction. In fact being on the minority faction was total misery. And because everyone knew there would be CRBG’s, there became even less an incentive to have balanced servers.
Blizzard could have taken early steps to prevent what happened, which wouldn’t have affected any actual gameplay whatsoever, and people were screaming at them to do it. Blizzard chose to do nothing and to say nothing.
It is 5 months into the game at this point, people aren’t going to reroll, they’re going to quit. Now, if it was only the horde quitting that would eventually correct the problem, but the alliance aren’t exactly having a great time either.
Blizzard messed up, this is all on Blizzard, and I’m sick of people giving them a pass.
the #nochanges movement gave them something to hide behind.
Faction based queues werent in Vanilla and they weren’t in Retail.
This is what happens when everyone rolls horde for the OP racials.
The answer, during phase 2, was to gate one factions logins so that it would not exceed the other faction. Now it is too late.
At the end of the day this is a player made problem. Nothing is stopping horde players from rerolling alliance.
It was too late by phase 2. It should have happened at launch.
Are we speaking about what they could have done or what they can do now? Because this topic clearly is in the present.
I think Horde who care about wPvP will eventually transfer to Heartseeker.
That is a simple way to see the problem, because that is absolutely not the case for me. I think discussions should be above those kind of shortcuts
The overwhelming factions on servers drove out the underdog. Even a 60-40 split is a HUGE difference given the size of servers. Maybe instead of walls and walls of the overwhelming faction between fps to dungeons in phase 2, the overwhelming faction could have been less addicted to small dopamine rushes and let the overwhelmed people pass after a couple deaths. Overwhelming faction players are poor sports that joined the overwhelming faction to hide from the stigma of PVE servers while creating the safety of a PVE server on their PVP server. Reroll underdog on a server that needs you if you are not a carebear.
If Blizzard actually wanted to encourage faction-balance, all they have to do is, when you queue for BG’s match same-server to same-server with CRBG’s. This would reduce queue times for horde on balanced servers and raise queue times for horde on unbalanced servers while still keeping CRBG’s. Then give people free transfers off horribly unbalanced servers.