PVP Servers (i.e. Stalagg) - Need solutions

show me your data buddy. lets see what servers you can merge all across the board to fix this…

the only fix was to make pvp server only and blizzard &%^# the bed.

everyone rolled pvp horde for the disgusting racials

massively outnumbered alliance and then wondered why you’re on dead servers now

you reap what you sew

im loving my experience as ally


There is only 1 pvp server on West Coast with balanced population. I want to try an Alliance alt to see if I like it, but it’s impossible.

Please support a voting system like OSRS so we can have some population control to balance the factions.

Down with #nochanges do-nothings.

This is a player created issue. No matter what measure blizz puts in now or would have in the past. It still would have came down to imbalanced pvp servers. Its the nature of this game, especially one that gives players free reign to create/move around.
Most alliance don’t enjoy pvp, not all but a good chunk. Why do you think pve servers are skewed heavily towards alliance? The ones that do stick to pvp servers merge to dominated servers as do the horde on others.
I know not to put all the horde players into the basket but a lot of the issues are partly your fault too (and those ally on the 2 alliance dominated servers). You berated and camped people to the point that the game is unplayable. They could not level, farm or do anything outside of their city. I dont blame them. I would have quit or left too. You told them to “git gud, reroll, or wait for transfers”. They transferred or rerolled and now all of a sudden you are unhappy that the servers are imbalanced and scream at blizz to fix an issue you helped create.

Not all of you, but a very big chunk of you guys caused this.


I wouldn’t mind playing Alliance, that is not the reason I picked Horde. I would prefer to have a solution where I don’t lose the progression I made tho!

Can’t blame anyone but the person you look at in the mirror and the streamers that brought the bad behavior toward your fellow gamers.

Why would anyone wanna play and waste their time with players like that anyway? To many games out to deal with this nonsense these days.

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Why do people keep saying this? When an outnumbered faction is corpse camped every step of the way across the map with the enemy spamming “go to retail” they are either going to quit, reroll, or if possible transfer.

Blizzard didn’t create this problem, YOU did.


I Agree with you sir

Honestly I’m super excited to see what happens if they release tbc. Kiddos already swarmed horde in classic because HoRdE bEsT pVp LoL. But then the belves will come to draw in the weeb crowd.

Honor farming is going to be a BREEZE come tbc for alliance.

So you have to then agree that the mentality of said players must change before a true fix can be provided. I’m on a new server and it is night and day compared to Stalagg Horde. People 1v1ing everywhere. People not 1v1ing everywhere. Sometimes you PvP, sometimes you dont. Its not ALL OUT FURIOUS RAGE MUST KILL ZUG ZUG PREVENT FUN xZUGx xZUGx all day long. You know what needs to be fixed, and Blizzard can NOT fix it.

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I hope you can understand the vast difference in players camping a GY that blizzard can easily fix to massive faction imbalance across the board.

… or maybe you honestly can’t idk

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If only it was Emma Watson

How would this work if there are more Horde players on PvP realms than Alliance? Would the Horde Players just have a queue?

Here’s an idea.

If you aren’t happy with your current server, perhaps you should…transfer or reroll? Sound familiar? :smiley:

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I do agree with you that mentalities have to change, but I can’t agree that it will change by itself. I can tell you that, in the beginning of phase 2, when they launch PVP, even if I was Horde, I was getting farmed my friend, I wasn’t 60. I think the environment favorise those kind of behaviors too. I think its Blizz role to do something about it.

the problem itself is self solving, horde population itself needs to reduce and horde players quitting or switching due to population imbalance issue is good for the health of the game as a whole since it will bring the population closer to balance…

the worst thing blizzard can do is merge servers and then “forcing” alliance players who doesnt want to play with horde due to phase 2 trauma and AV meta (which reinforce prey (alliance riding past like a bunch of zebras) and horde (lionesses trying to slow down catch alliance rushing)

Well you are just simply wrong friend. There is literally nothing blizzard can do that won’t completely and totally ruin a whole lot of players experiences who don’t want to go alliance.

The only true way to fix imbalance is for people to want to go alliance. Blizzard’s only ‘solutions’ would be to either A) Make massive que times for horde only so the server are completely balanced while you are online. or B) Just literally turn some players horde characters into alliance by force.

There’s nothing blizzard can do if the majority of players want to go horde

Yep, The alliance aren’t quitting now. Just the horde that are tired of queue times. Thus making it better for everyone.

Stalagg is dead though. less than 500 auctions alliance side.

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Well I liked the idea about giving us a bridge that doesn’t make us lose all of our progression.

honestly people were warned about que times if they roll horde before the release of classic but horde players all went other ppl will do it and then we end up where we are now