PVP Servers (i.e. Stalagg) - Need solutions

Cross realm bgs killed off the rivalry aspects of the bgs and the chance for revenge against the players that overwhelm in death balls. Now the overwhelmed players have little incentive to bg unless they are ranking, and ranking means nothing but time, so the only people left doing bgs are people that want to achieve a thing that means nothing any ways.


I know what you mean. I primarily play Undead and Blood Elves, in part because they’re more
 real than the Alliance factions. Humans and dwarves are generic fantasy tropes. Gnomes are just annoying as hell. Night Elves are like those aggressive vegans. Draenei are those evangelicals that come up to you asking if you’ve been saved. Only good thing about the space goats is the female draenei booty.

Only Alliance character I ever managed to get past 20 before getting bored was a worgen. Even then, it just felt meh compared to the Blood Elf story in TBC, the Undead quest zones in Vanilla and WotLK, and so on. I just can’t get into the Alliance story.

Well, in that case, the people are choosing to transfer, and the chance that one name is going to be taken on the new server is much smaller. When you merge servers, the chances of people with the same name needing to get renamed, or guilds having to rename themselves, goes way up.

If you didn’t see it coming, you weren’t paying attention. Hell, I’m a pure PvE player, and have gone in BGs maybe a dozen times total since TBC on retail, and not once in Classic, and even I saw it coming. Problem is, too many people were like “No, you’re just a carebear fearmongering! World PvP is where it is at, and it is going to be glorious! TM vs SS every day, and a feeling of danger out in the open world!” They listened to all the youtube videos talking about how Horde had better PvP racials, and talking up how PvP was the real game, where the real excitement was.

What none of them did was actually look at the state of PvP over time in retail WoW. There’s a reason why Alliance has had max bribes to turn on War Mode since it went into operation, and why Horde flooded Mercenary mode so badly they had to turn the incentives off. But no, that was icky retail, and we don’t want to hear about that. Our classic will be pure, and the player base will be just like it was in 2004. Fools.

To answer your question, though, no, there’s nothing Blizzard can do about it that won’t cause more problems, except for getting rid of PvP servers altogether.

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This literally makes 0 sense lol. Make people have que into the same server except have it with CR. What? Unless what you’re attempting to say is give horde on balanced servers a que priority, in which case there is literally no point in having CRBGs. That’s actually the point of them is to give highly imbalanced servers or servers who don’t q a lot of bgs, more q pops.

Plus this wouldn’t fix a damn thing when it comes to imbalance. This isn’t a ‘pvp que time’ problem. This is an ‘imbalance’ problem. You don’t fix a broken leg with pain killers my dude, you need to fix the actual problem.

In which case, there really is no solution. This is a player created problem that blizzard didn’t really help by any means but was sort of unavoidable anyway

not all horde players are sociopaths but most sociopaths who play wow are horde

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Blizzard’s fix for the toxic PvP situation came in TBC. Honor was revamped, and they added arenas. They further fixed things later on when they got rid of PvP servers altogether. The only reason they brought them back for classic is because too many people whined about it, while drunk on nostalgia.

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Fixed that for you.

CRBG’s should only be so that people on low-pop servers will always have BG queues, even during off-peak. If a server has enough people to pop WSG/AV’s in a reasonable amount of time then they should never see someone from another server.

I am from Heartseeker, we are 80% alliance. Blizzard offered free transfers for horde to come here, they didn’t come. Why? Because they get the same queue times here as they would on a server where horde are the majority.

If you gave them an incentive to come, they would come. If BG’s were same-server priority and Blizzard offered free transfers from Stalagg to Heartseeker, half the horde on Stalagg would come to Heartseeker.

Had they done it a month ago, Stalagg would be a balanced server now, and the alliance wouldn’t have all left.

As for the overall balance, Blizzard didn’t give any incentive during phase 1 or phase 2 for people to play alliance, and with CRBG’s, it wasn’t clear what would happen once BG’s were launched. Had there not been CRBG’s at all, people would have done something early when it was still possible to do something.

You can’t expect people to reroll 5 months later when queue times are suddenly 50 minutes.

IMHO phase 1 was the best kind of PvP. The fragile balance where people fought for fun or resources.

The rank system breeds on minimaxing behavior. Even if they nerf AV and release AB, it will turn into another AV where alliance only plays premades and horde waits in queues. Even on Heartseeker, there are horde who farm lowbie kills in BRD, I imagine it’s much worse on ‘balanced’ realms.

It’s the reality of it for the rest of classic in the context of no changes. And even if we talk changes, it’s not entirely obvious how to fix it without destroying the entire classic meta. So in some sense it was predestined to be this way from the start.


I’m not responding to the rest of your post because it is completely irrelevant nonsense tbh.

But yes, yes you can expect people to reroll if they want the problem fixed. That’s literally the ONLY solution. This is like saying “well you can’t expect people who eat 20 hamburgers a day to just stop because now they are fat, someone should do something to help them”.

Nope, this is a problem THEY created for themselves. And just expecting someone to fix it for them is NOT going to happen.


Much like fat people. You are assuming its a problem they want fixed, rather than one to just feign outrage when people insult them.

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The servers are quiet due to a lack of content, BWL comes out people will be back, half a doing another crap rep grind on retail.

The problem was created because phase 1/2 incentivizes imbalanced servers. And the existence of CRBG’s made people believe that everything would be fine.

I can promise you that if the PvP’ers on Stalagg knew early on that Stalagg was imbalanced and that there weren’t going to be CRBG’s, they could have rerolled before they invest 5 months into the game.

CRBG’s at this early stage in the game(CRBG’s were added till the patch right before TBC), is absolutely Blizzard’s responsibility. And servers with four times larger populations than Vanilla helped create the misery the Alliance felt in phase 1 and 2, which worsened the imbalance and caused people to transfer to Heartseeker.

Allow us to queue as a group or paid faction change. Both are realistic.

And that altogether is pretty much the point I’m making. It’s something they want to do, but want to complain about the side effects. They just want the side effects to go away.

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This is so dumb I’m sorry
 nothing ‘incentivized’ imbalance servers. People MADE imbalance servers. Even if we leveled out all servers perfectly, that would just make EVERY server imbalanced because children flocked to horde because they want to be apart of the L33T PvPers club.

Incorrect. You must not have been here the day they announced server names and horde players were BOMBARING the forums telling everyone who wants to pvp as horde (and not on a streamer server) to flood stalag because at the time herod was going to be locked.

They literally made this problem themselves, you defending their actions is honestly quite hilarious.

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There were no benefits to being the majority faction in phase 1 and 2? There was nothing bad about being the minority faction in phase 1 and 2?

Not sure why I’m arguing with a moron.

That’s not why they created WM. They did that because retail is pretty much all one big CRZ glob. So they sharded PvP. There just isn’t a big enough population to have autonomous realms anymore.


faction changes will likely come at some point

Yes, it will be when Classic WotLK is released.

PvP happened
 horde told alliance players to git good and reroll
 alliance players did, and now a server is empty with just horde players, am i missing something ?.. :smirk: