At this point the biggest draw for stalagg should be the ez rank 14 if you get just enough ppl to roll there.
Even if the brackets are dead now… Imagine making r14 casually with a weekly honor cap of 100-200k honor.
At this point the biggest draw for stalagg should be the ez rank 14 if you get just enough ppl to roll there.
Even if the brackets are dead now… Imagine making r14 casually with a weekly honor cap of 100-200k honor.
So lets asume blizz gave you a group vs group que for 1.12 av wich never existed, but oki… what will happen is you will sit in the group que forever, since alliance have no reason to use it… all the alliance that want to group are already doing that by using discord and single que…
So you fix exactly what ?
The reason a lot of people left Stalagg was because it was so difficult to rank. To get rank 14 you have to be in the top .7% of all PvP’ers(not players). That means for everyone trying to hit rank 14, there has to be 142 other people getting 15 hk’s a week.
These 142 people needs to be levelers, alts, and casuals. But on Stalagg and Skeram, all the casuals transferred off when they had free transfers to Heartseeker, and the few who didn’t, transferred off when they opened paid transfers. And no new players would be willing to make their first character as alliance on Stalagg, so there were virtually no levelers.
If there aren’t 142 levelers and casuals to fill in the brackets, it means almost no one can rank. And since the server had only rankers left by the time BG’s hit, they either had to leave the server or give up ranking. But if they give up ranking that means the brackets get even smaller.
If you were literally the only person left on Stalagg, then it would be easier to rank, but if even a handful of tryhards stayed behind it’ll still be worse than most other servers.
What was idiotic about the people leaving Stalagg and Skeram for this reason, is that a lot of them decided to go to servers with large populations and a lot of big guilds. Which means once they get there, they’ll just make ranking that much harder for the people already there.
If your goal was to rank, you want to go to a total noob server.
It would be funny to see someone joke about punting gnomes only to login as one the next day.
I agree with the sentiment and yes, ranking on stalagg has potentially the flaw that its only rankers there trying to snipe each other.
But, if you consider that there might be people out there actually playing the game blind or having no clue of whats what and if you get enough players to be able to fill the brackets youd still be able to coordinate a fairly chill ranking meta.
Sure if you get some idiot breaking everything with 1 million honor per week, well you screw up your own advantage, but overall if you coordinate it a tad and get enough bodies to fill the brackets (cause its just 15 kills a week to be eligble, that includes your alts!) you might get a very chill honor grind out of it, where you dont have to shoot yourself if you miss a day of 10 hour av farming
A small server would be easier to coordinate, but you still need enough casuals to fill the ranks. In the case of Stalagg, there is room for like 5-10 rankers(rank 12-14), everyone else has to leave.
Can you support this?
There’s a plethora of words I could use that would give me a forum vacation, but there’s not a single word of praise I have for a Heartseeker Alliance transfer.
I can’t because I don’t have access to their brackets, but when I checked their AH it was 1/10th the size of the big servers. Which means they probably have about 200-500 pvp’ers total. Which means bracket 14 is maybe 1-3 people, bracket 13 is 5-10 people.
Then why pretend?
I’m on the Stalagg discord, I’ve heard people throwing out these same numbers. I just can’t verify them.
What a traitor. Honestly, how can you be? (how can you bring yourself to be?)
I joined the Stalagg discord when they added the server during name-reservation. Why should I have to leave?
Because you are a disgrace to the server. And a traitor.
How is that not obvious to you?
I rolled on Stalagg during the stress test (before it was an official Classic server). That’s when I decided to play Classic.
A brain. ****
Tell me, which faction did phase 1 and 2 incentivize you to play? Did horde get more honor for just being horde? Or whats going on?
No, phase one and two didn’t incentivize you to swarm one faction. If anything phase 1 and 2 incentivize you to balance out your server so there are enough ally for you to get kill HKs off of just as much as there are horde to back you up.
What you are saying is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard on here, which is quite shocking considering where we are.
On top of that, let’s just play with your little fairy tale here for a second. Let’s just say phase 1 and 2 gave you a 50% honor boost if you went horde and not ally. We know that the world pvp stuff was going to end, and that BG would come out and if stuff is imbalanced…well good luck getting a q.
So even IF there was some incentive and even IF they made one faction more attractive for the first two phases. WE KNOW that they are going to end and if stuff is imbalanced then bgs will suck for the majority faction.
So why again, would we try to fix this for the people who just wanted to exploit a system to get an edge on just the early phases knowing full and well that they were going to end.
Nope, let those people suffer the game they created. If they truly want it fixed, they will reroll. Period. End of discussion with you
Stalagg and heartseeker should be merged.
Because you are clearly clueless with the thought process of a 3 year old.
You have nothing to add
Are you so incompetent to think blizzard could have done nothing at launch to deal with faction imbalance?
How were players supposed to know imbalance would be this bad with zero information provided to us? This is on blizzard for the way launch was handled.