Pvp removed from weekly vault in war within - conquest rewarded instead

Pve players can’t just buy the gear they want so it’s not really comparable

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you’re saying valor isn’t a thing? and valor vendors don’t exist?

now i dont know much about pve, but i think thats a thing.

Valor got removed at the start of season 2, and it was used specifically for upgrades and catchup boxes for alts. You could never buy a specific dungeon item.

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Still, the overall lack of attention towards anything PvP related shows that the devs hard acknowledge it exist. Taking away the option from having a weekly vault option doesn’t look good for PvP. Even if its a good thing.

It looks great for anyone looking beyond the surface level oh its gone >:(

That’s just convenient. Them completely overlooking PvP during the entire event, makes me lose confidence that they even slightly care about anything PvP related.

Sorry, what? How?

What about that 1 bg that they announced would be coming for 8v8 if blitz is a success
Also, they could’ve just not mentioned the removal of the pvp vault at all. So they do care at least a little bit.

hopefully thinking with a long track record of ignoring PvP.

Ya Ion even said “we heard you and probably should have done this sooner” when talking about removing PvP from the vault lol. I wonder if people really listen/watch at all honestly. We can point out things without saying things are great. Because there is still a lot that can be done.

How long is the track record? I am curious.

I did hear him say “don’t worry PvPers we haven’t forgotten about you.” And only mentioned a new BG, without going in depth about it. Last about 4 minutes. in an event that lasted 2 days.

Do you want to link a video where he said that?

He also addressed PvP specifically when talking about the vault and why they removed it. As far as the BG he also said it wasn’t done and was still in testing, an why with BG maps there isn’t more yet.

Doesn’t add anything to conversation buddy. Why are you even here? You don’t play arena.

Fair enough, but my issue is still with PvP hardly being addressed during the entire event.

retail wow in general only got like 2 panels totaling an hour and a half

And we got side notes about a new BG.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a stance similar to Valve’s in that bad communication is perceived as worse than none at all. Talking about new pvp ideas only increases the risk of player backlash if they end up backtracking on those ideas.

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