" * PvP players will receive additional conquest instead reducing the RNG in PvP gearing and giving players significantly more agency."
thoughts? i think it removes gearing RNG, but also removed getting a weapon fast
" * PvP players will receive additional conquest instead reducing the RNG in PvP gearing and giving players significantly more agency."
thoughts? i think it removes gearing RNG, but also removed getting a weapon fast
Great. I wonder if it’ll just involve raising the weekly cap to 700 or 875.
going to miss the rng of getting weaps and also thinks like ring/wrist/belt being able to proc a socket.
not rnging a weapon always felt bad
Good riddance, glad it’s going away.
Maybe this means we could see some kind of simple pvp tier now too.
This is a genuine massive win, been asking for this since the vault’s introduction. Very excited for this change.
Yeah, hopefully the tier bonuses are already on the gear directly from the vendor, like before. We could even see the glove bonus come back. Would be sick.
Honestly, even better would be to have tier, glove bonus, and sockets all already present.
Depends on how they handle set bonuses. If this means that PvP players can no longer obtain tier until they open up the catalyst that’s a loss.
It’s a good change on its surface. Vault RNG bad
I mean, not really. This change makes it so that PvP-only players won’t randomly get tier faster than other PvP-only players. The only issue left will be top-end PvE players with high-level PvE tier bringing that into PvP early in the season. If they address the PvE thing, then there’s no loss. Even if they don’t, there will be far fewer players who randomly have more tier than others in PvP just because they got lucky. It’s a net positive change no matter what.
Can take pve items guilt free from vault now
Yup, huge change for this too. No need to optimize for one game mode per character anymore.
Felryn doing cartwheels
This change might seem good, although it’s a sign they’re putting PvP on the back burner.
Well depends if they keep with the token at 1600
You still have to choose between more conq and pve items, no?
I think they are just giving us more conq period. I dont think they are reliant on each other. I am wondering how we get gem slots though. We used to get them after we had full gear by using our currency from vault. Im guessing they will add this to be purchased with conq too?
Excellent, this may alleviate the “need” for a pvp alt.
Ah, I kinda took it as “you can just get more conq from vault tokens if you wish, or choose from the pve items”
I hope it works how you’re saying. That’d be a lot better.