PvP Premades

I fear many of you are weighing in your experiences with premades in Vanilla. Please understand that 10 years of Rated Battlegrounds have been going on since then.

An elite premade will wipe the floor with ANY PuG or trade chat premade. I guarantee it.

For sake of argument, lets say your assumption is correct. What would you do, just remove the opportunity to form groups? What a sad state that would leave the game in. Just let Classic come up as close to Vanilla as possible and trust people to find ways to have fun in it. It will be fine. We don’t need Blizzard to act like a helicopter parent and start manipulating the rules so poor little johnny doesn’t have a bad experience. In Classic there will be winners and losers. Some people won’t be picked to be members of their chosen guild or premade or whatever. Too bad, so sad. They will find other ways to have fun or they will leave.

I truly believe this to be the answer. People can still Q up with a small group, or as a 10-made premade where you can Q into only other premades. The choice is available and premades don’t get fully shafted.

Uhm. So youre agreeing with me then. It was that way in vanilla.

Yep, looks like we agree. I was responding to many of the people that were saying they have experience beating premades in a PuG.

I don’t think they fully understand what they’ll be up against when any of the current elite RBG teams starts Qing premades on Classic.

Even a trade chat premade in T2.5 will get trampled.

Oh ok. This forum reply system is a little wonky.

This will be a moot point when no one bothers to grind PvP ranks when Blizzard nerfs the PvP gear.

Why would they nerf the PvP gear?

If anything, cross realm BGs will be a decent answer. Still no information on whether or not there will be cross-realm.

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No changes.

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It’ll be rough.

The only issue is queue dodging and win trading, both of which carry significant punishment these days.

It won’t be a problem.

There is no punishment to Queue dodging.

The other option is people will choose to not play if they don’t find it fun.

You simply have someone sitting on a level 1 alt of the opposite faction and telling the team on voice when the other premade gets into a Warsong Gulch. This has been happening regularly for quite some time. In Classic, it will cause all solo Q players to get destroyed by premades.

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Solution: Don’t solo Q and get some friends.

Do you need a blanket to lay down in your safe space?

3 player cap to pvp in a gd MMO??? Are you simple??

You new generation kats are SOFT ASF

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People keep saying that…

I’ve been a high rated PvPer for a long time now. I got HWL the very first season of Rated Battlegrounds. I have no doubts I will either lead or be a part of premade when the time comes.

However, I think it is far more desirable and healthier for the game for people to be able to queue up to a random battleground by themselves and actually have a chance to win it.

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The punishment for queue dodging is an account wide deserter debuff, which can be a significant impairment to your honor:hour.

This is cross-faction collusion, adjacent to win trading, and is probably bannable.

The reason why it works on live with RBGs is because there aren’t enough RBG players and no one cares that it’s a cesspool.

Incorrect. Even more, they’ll simple have each other added on battle tag and see exactly when the other premade enters a battleground and then they’ll Queue up to get a PuG.

People don’t dodge as much anymore on live because of matchmaking and cross-realm. You might see Queue dodging at the very top of the ladder, still, it’s rare.

There is absolutely no rule against it and there would be no way to even make a rule against it.

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