PvP Premades

This is a DISCUSSION post. I know many of you are passionate about keeping Vanilla whole, but I think there is a point to be made.

Premade groups will run rampant shortly after Battleground’s release and likely throughout Classic. A solo level 60 will spend most of a battleground in the graveyard as a Premade TRAMPLES over the entire team on their way to Rank 14.

Is there any interest in addressing this?

As has been mentioned before, it’s in both faction’s premades’ best interests to Q-dodge one another, perhaps even collaborating to do so.

For those unfamiliar, Premade vs Premade could last hours (no timer in Vanilla) while PuGs are efficiently farmed for honor which is necessary to climb ranks.

Possible solutions:

  • Cap group Qs to 3 players. Perhaps a maximum of 1/2 group Qs on each team.

  • 10 person premades only get matched against other premades. (Win-trading is possible)

I believe that because the player base is nothing like it was in 2006, slight changes are justified to make certain aspects of the game enjoyable, or even playable.

ON THE OTHER HAND, if no changes are made, I predict that any player motivated to push ranks will end up finding a Premade to queue up with. I believe this plays to the GUILD aspect of Vanilla. However, in time, most casual solo players will learn that WSG/AB is not the place for them and both of those BGs will become retail’s RBGs with no matchmaking.


This is interesting because the Battle grounds will not ship till much much later… As it looks right now they will not come out til around BWL just like in Original Classic WoW.

Gotta remember this is not some kinda crummy private server, this is the real deal… mostly.

No thanks, they pulled this nonsense in the modern game where cry babies could not handled pre-made groups…

Win-trading is not as common as people claimed it was, I never observed this behavior in all the time I did BG’s in Vanilla…

Also Blizzard cracks down on win-trading now with PERMANENT bans…

Don’t cheat because you will get the axe!

That’s how it’s suppose to be done. R14 grind just like any other top end Vanilla content is a GROUP object. The loot is kinda sorta decided in the same way because it’s a group effort, meaning one member is elevated to the top 1 by 1.

No need to QQ, this is just the way it is.


except classic isn’t going live with pvp available.

so it will be just like wow was back in the day?

i have none. the point of classic is to remake the game.

really? is it? who decided that?

Not really.

PvP problem, PvP solution. Roll your own premade, git gud.


My understanding is that it will be on patch 1.12, Battlegrounds included. The raids will ship on a phase schedule.

Ranking up requires efficiency. Farming a PuG’s GY for a 10 minute win is much more efficient than a 30 minute deadlock with another premade.

This is more of a Public Service Announcement. Got Gud a long time ago.

pvp is being released in one of those phases too.

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You’re correct. It’s with BWL. It does change the time frame but I think the idea is the same.

Maybe first read some blue-posts.

Hope that helps a little.

Many teams have a ton of pride in winning, not all players are filthy cheating scum.

I have heard of teams taking a knee when they’re just getting beat and they know they’re gonna eat a loss…

As for the win-trading, this is something that I never observed on my server, but I am told by players on this form that it did take place…

However so far no one has said they were there first hand, most of the stories are 3rd / 4th hand accounts… Take that with a grain of salt.

actually we don’t know when it’s being released anymore.

Ya, it wasn’t directed at you, personally. Like your OP, my reply was more of a PSA.

Okay, friend. I’m more into discussing whether premade farm of WSG/AB is healthy for the game.

I think it won’t be.

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Healthy for the game? or do u mean it’s unfair for casuals?

I can only see a retail mindset here asking for everyone to be the same have the same.


Make your own pre-made and wreck them.

PVP just like PVE is a GROUP event, it requires team work and effort.

I have been in PuG’s VS pre-mades and won because they got too cocky and made mistakes.

If you roll over to a pre-made group just because you’re afraid to fight back then that’s on you.

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I agree 100%. I think it is even more social to try to pull out a win with random people from your server. It’s still drawing from the select number of people Qing on your faction/server, but randomly.

I believe this is far more healthy and Vanilla-esque than trying to fight experienced players on comms with a perfect composition.

I’d also like to say, from experience, it is very unlikely for a PuG to beat an elite premade as I’m sure each faction will have. This can easily be evidenced by the win rates of the top RBGers where gear is a bit more equalized. When we’re talking an entire premade in full PvP gear in Vanilla where gear is KING? No chance.

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So what is the problem?

The problem will be the complete absence of WSG/AB from the game. It will be Premade BGs or nothing and even at that, most premades will not compete with the best Premade. Please see RBG ladder winrates. Again, gear is even MORE influential in Vanilla.

I think you’re talking about Pservers, right?

I’m talking about WoW Classic.

Yeah but with the knowledge of Pservers.