PvP Premades

And this only works because there are so few premades that they can keep track of them all.

Because RBGs are a cesspool and no one cares.

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As an avid BGer I don’t really care about running up against the odd premade while in a PuG, that’s how the game goes.

What I have a problem with is the queue dodgers that create WAY more premade vs PuG matchups than there needs to be. Let’s not reward exploitative gameplay.

Queue dodging is a fail cycle that creates more queue dodging. Sufficient deterrents need to be put in place to make this unappealing. If the honor/hr isn’t an incentive, people just won’t do it.

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100% this. Getting whooped every once in a while is to be expected. That may happen premade or not. However, the likelihood of premades trying to ensure they get an easily defeatable PuG is very high, especially with Battle Tag friends being in Classic. I think this will create an environment that most solo Q players will face the opposing factions premades more often than not, if it’s not flat out every game.

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Well if we have crossrealm bgs might be a huge pain, if we don’t prepare for bg training.
Train people in pugs to organize against premades or just group up and spam bg que as a premade to hunt down those que dodgers.

Those that enter bgs are usually flagged for pvp, so infiltrate major city /camp them.

Well rbg is a cesspool so they would be more harmful to classic then premades.

I’ve always been an extremely active BGer, and likely done more BGs than most of the people in this thread combined over the years… In vanilla I was part of my server’s top pvp guild and helped no less than 7 people on my server get rank 14, while ending up with over 100k HKs and two characters with “conqueror” title rep going into TBC (hell the AB rep was 0-exalted in under 2 weeks when AB launched).

The point is, that over the years I’ve done more than my fair share of premade-roflstomping people during vanilla and beyond. I’ve also done even more soloqueing for PVP, as I actually prefer that (it gets super boring chaining 6min wsg/ab wins for 10+ hours only to spend the next 6-10 min trying not to die of boredom in the battlemaster room waiting on the next queu)

Despite the above, I’m -strongly- opposed to Xrealm BGs and strongly opposed to limiting premade size for Classic.

You want the power of a group? Get your own group. Getting absolutely thrashed by premades (particularly the good ones) wasn’t fun, but it’s the price of doing business in vanilla PvP sometimes. Premade groups in vanilla weren’t just about winning, it was about demonstrating to the rest of your server who the boss was (and it sure as hell wasn’t Tony Danza). I knew every member from the top pvp teams of the top alliance guilds over time as a result, and a number of the solo queuing alliance as well… because they where worth knowing (and killing).
I look forward to knowing who I’m murdering again in Classic, and building those rivalries upon the mountain of corpses in my wake, and the countless soul shards in my bags.

I went to rank 13 second on my server for the priest class in 2005 and I hated the premades and so did other players almost as much as we hated dishonorable kills. They’re about the same when you think about it. Anyway, I remember bliz made what we called a “Ten Minute Rule”.

Does anyone else remember what that was for?

*It meant premades were bad .

*It meant you had to stay in a BG for ten whole minutes while a premade farmed your face!

*Leaving before your face was fully farmed = No BG Marks of Honor for you.

Honor for kills at the grave yards wasn’t diminishing enough to make it not a bonus for premades. Not letting them was frowned upon since it was “part of the game”.

Don’t make premades a part of the game again. It ruins solo queue. I went to r13 solo queue and felt that being invited to a premade because they wanted me to share my honor per hour was killing the game we loved by abusing the solo players with our nasty, elitist, greedy premades. And we did! Look at the pvp game today, its a merry go round of FOTM teams, patch to patch, might as well call it battle of Warcraft theres no long war here just premades trying to cap before they have to log out. Sad compared to what it was: making do with what ever, who ever was online to queue with and the rank grind merely a counter, a progress bar as opposed to a shopping list.

I will premade no more forever.

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How about, don’t make solo queue a part of the game again :smirk:

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CRBG encouraged queue dodging. If rapid queue popping is uncertain, serious pvp’rs aren’t going to waste one.

Furthermore, more likely than not it was pugs that queue dodged. They would see a premade opponent and just give up and abandon queue leaving the few left, that were there to play, stranded.

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I so agree. Thats why i loved the matches where the pugs beat the premades. Lets be real here now, not all premades were composed of fabulous players. Most werent, but the ones that put you on farm definitely are to be remembered.


Premade vs premade end of story… the q Dodgers are a bunch of exploiters and a bunch of cry babies that can’t actually pvp with out someone holding their hand. Sad how blizzard wont address this after 15 years of the exploiters lazy cheat to rank.