PvP needs spell batching or the meta is tarnished

Pretty sure this guy is their target audience as well


Well Ziryus was part of the anti-classic “wall of no”, so now he seems to be going out of his way to try to ruin Classic for everyone who wants it to be as authentic as possible.


Reading through this thread it’s pretty clear that a lot of people don’t really understand the effect this did have on gameplay. That or they don’t care and are trolling


Is no one really going to mention that the going out of combat actually took 6 sec? Its the reason why when you one shot something your 5/5 camouflage stealth would take a second longer to enter stealth or longer depending on latency. Doing what OP said would make in impossible to not restealth every time even with the batching as you would have a whole half of a second lead and it would have been much more noticeable if everything happened in longer than half second increments. It would make everything feel too slow.

I expect to be able to jump a warriors charge.

OP is right, this is a huge part of the meta.

Especially when we get around to BC/WoTLK, being able to jump a nova/jump a charge adds a ton of skill to the game as well.


The fact that nearly all of you don’t know who OP is makes your replies invalid. Spell batching was a key component of the game until Cata, it should return because it has a MAJOR EFFECT on everything, not just high end pvp. It has key effects on every aspect of play.


Yes it made a lot of things not just pvp work very poorly and unintuitively. All the more reason it should stay gone.


I remember exchanging gouge with other rogues all the time. Those who say this rarely happens back then clearly didn’t PvP. This is a dealbreaker if Blizzard doesn’t fix this because it’s a CLEAR and DEVASTATING game play change.


This is a huge change to gameplay, and definitely needs attention if we’re going for “authentic”. What the hell is Blizzard doing?


[quote=“Ziryus-doomhammer, post:74, topic:22267”]
Since you believe that batching was intended and controllable by the players I have some magic beans I can sell you.[/quote]

I don’t think you understand the idea of Classic. It’s not just about recreating the intentional design decisions. It’s about the overall design that existed. The intentional and unintentional choices(and bugs) that existed in Vanilla due to hardware/server limitations. I remember back when they originally told us about Classic and opened these forums, a Dev mentioned getting feedback on what bugs should even be brought back or “unfixed”.

Huh. Something went horribly wrong with the quote. Oh well. :stuck_out_tongue:


This is a common misconception. They actually kept batching until WoD. It goes to show that spell batching is just fine by modern standards if it stayed that long. I always thought it was removed in Cata but was surprised to learn otherwise.


Ah… so what you really want is batching but tuned so well that it’s virtually unnoticeable?


Lmao, why are you twisting his words?


I get the impression that his only goal is to derail the thread, apparently he’s always been against classic


hey blizzard listen to Xjum, this is a dealbreaker for the classic community that want to play for the long run of classic server, dont mess this up otherwise people will just go back to playing evil pirate servers. weve been waiting for this along time so take the money and make the game right.


Is spell batching what allowed you to root a warrior mid charge and still get stunned even though you rooted him like 15 ft away from you? If so no we don’t really need that.

That is exactly what it was. It made no sense and it sucked in a lot of aspects of the game, ever wonder why you got hit by a mechanic when you were out of it’s affect range on your screen and in fact died outside of it, this batching mechanic the OP is trying to glorify.


Not quite, that’s typically credited to their previous implementation for movement interpolation. The server communicates it completely differently now. In every critical way it’s synchronized much better than it was in vanilla. It’s also worth noting that better movement interpolation doesn’t really affect balance because the outcome of two players with super low and steady ping isn’t changed, so unlike batching, that type of architecture change doesn’t affect balance.


That’s sort of what he does. He is very good/bad at it however you want to see it

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Good post Xjum, this is a crucial part of recreating the 60 pvp experience and I hope it’ll be the same way.

And great job dismantling Nicho’s ridiculous posts.