PvP needs spell batching or the meta is tarnished

This goes full circle. The game was balanced around 8/16 debuffs. The game was balanced around spell batching. It’s that simple. And again, it has nothing to do with latency/responsiveness - MoP/Cata had spell batching and those games were plenty responsive.


It was designed into the game BECAUSE the hardware at the time couldn’t handle a higher debuff count.


ehhhhh, I wonder if you played Vanilla. Cause I wasn’t good at pvp and this stuff happened regularly. I played a priest, and I would routinely get stunned RIGHT as my fear went off. Its not a top player thing at all. I was a clicker back then. But it happened daily. Soooo yea, the guys got a point. Whether it gets changed or not, is another thing.


This change concerns me heavily as one of my two “mains” will be a Rogue. Being able to vanish immune things on a Rogue was one of those rare (in my case) perks that rewarded you out playing your opponent, and I’d really hate to see it go.

That being said, the bigger concern here from a Rogue perspective is this now all but garuntees a free restealth off gouge, when that simply wasn’t a thing vs most people in vanilla. That is a massive (and unnecessary) buff to their dueling abilities.

Finally, something else worth considering in this regard, that may or may not become an issue with modern architecture (and may or may not be related to this issue) the game’s ability to properly handle combat status has been incredibly buggy for years now, and there are times since Cata when you can get stuck in combat for 20+ seconds for no damn reason at all.

Modern architecture IMHO will totally ruin/change the rogue experience…


People also seem to forget that the game was never designed or intended to be balanced for pvp on the 1v1 level. It just became an avenue they pursued later on, and tbh I think wow would be better off if they’d continue to focus on the games original intent, keeping things like pvp as an option to participate in on pvp servers or bgs once they originally added that, though the games pvp could of been much more rewarding on pvp servers for world pvp if they actually developed things for people to fight over out in the world besides just ganking each other back and forth till someone logged off or left.

This man gets it - it was common and could be done intentionally with a little foresight.


I have some magic beans I’d like to sell you.


True but these differences will affect the game across the board


How do I put Ziryus and the rest of idiots on ignore with this forum’s layout?


I don’t know. That’s an excellent question. I view him as a great sort of reverse barometer. If I’m in favor of something and he supports it then its a good indication that I need to rethink my stance. Its not 100% but its pretty close. The guy’s mission is either to destroy classic out of malice or he’s just been dropped on his head so many times everything he spews is backwards, this thread is yet another example in a long, long list.


Idk but it amazes me how far and few between it is to find people who know anything about PvP these days - which is a shame because that use to be a big part of the playerbase


Since you believe that batching was intended and controllable by the players I have some magic beans I can sell you.


I think that since spell batching was in during vanilla then the devs should be working on a way to add it to Classic, if they can. You can argue that it’s quibbling over a small change, and maybe so. But, at what point do the small changes add up to produce an experience that’s inauthentic?


Well what if they just told you they added it, since it was random how would you even know if it was in or not?


Duel person of same faction, spam cc ability on each other as timer goes off or get distance and spam instant cc as you get within range of each other. If they both go off there is spell batching.

You do not understand spell batching nor have ever been in a highly reactive PvP situation to experience it apparently, why do you continue?


Because that’s not a consistent way to get the effect to happen. You could argue that after a few hundred tries it wasn’t happening but you’d never be able to prove it :slight_smile:


Dude it worked every time in from vanilla > wotlk


Except for all the times it didn’t, for every time it worked(two spells went off when they shouldn’t have) there were hundreds or thousands of times when it didn’t.


this is some semitic level of debating of the talmud where you can just outright deny reality because of a breadcrumb of contradiction.

this is going no where and if it did you would simply go back to repeating the same thing the day after anyways. godspeed.


I graciously accept you humbly admitting you were wrong.