You start actually sharing things besides deflections and non-answers and maybe I’d be inclined to actually dig that up for you. Currently you aren’t worth the wrathful gear you do have, let alone anymore of my time.
“what is the reason for your spec”
“none of your buisness”
“well okay then”
Respec, show some willingness to improve. Otherwise you remain dead weight sitting behind a sentry totem.
If you are not participating in the game (i.e staring through a sentry totem doing nothing) then that IS griefing. You’re actually delusional if you don’t see what’s wrong with that.
Except when you continuously get denied from groups, you refuse to acknowledge its because of your awful build. You instead blame it on everybody else being “toxic”, and the game for not having a LFR tool to force other people to play with you.
Dont bother. I thought you actually had that data and why you made that comment in the first place.
So. you made a claim you weren’t sure about, and expect me to take you seriously. Right.
Who decides that, that isn’t participating?
Not the rules of the game.
You’re living proof, combined with the precedence of ppl being banned falsely after being accused of botting, that the report systems operate on mob rule; Abused by gangs on toxic elitist nerds such as all those arguing against me in this thread.
Right. I can’t force anyone to take me in their groups; which is why I want a fair and impartial system for grouping… for all content…
??? This isn’t subjective. It’s not opinion. Either you’re playing the game or you’re not. If you have not moved your character and you are leaving your teammates out to dry because you are afk looking at a sentry totem, then that is by definition, inactivity. I’m not sure how else to spell this out for you.
Yes the rules of the game says that inactivity is a reportable offense, hence why you are able to report people inactive.
“wahh, everybody ganging up on me im so discriminated against for the way i play wahhh”
Yes we know, It’s all about you. Who cares about everybody else that has to suffer you on their team as long as you get to play your wack 37/34/0 build.
Yes, so you want the GAME to force people to group with you. Absolutely foul. Shame on you.
You don’t only report those who confirmed have done something. You also report those who are sus.
You look like a bot. I’d report you for botting too. My job is to just notify Blizzard with reports. They’re the ones who’ll investigate the claim. That’s not abuse of the report system. That’s just the report system.
I’ve posted from mobile multiple times. I’m not going to assume you’re on this very specific toon at this time because you’re posting.
Either say you’re on, or, you’re a coward.
You riddled to the brim with known delusions. You saying this as an insult is really just prime projection.
Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus
That alone shows that a trained chimp with no fingers can be more of a useful teammate than you on that character.
They supported the bans on defenders in AV, using their lack of damage or healing numbers as justification that they were afk.
The response from Blizzard was “If the team is only fighting and not defending, it doesn’t matter if they’re wrong, you fight or run the risk of being reported and actioned.”
So yes, you defending in WSG and using sentry totem very much can get you sanctioned for being afk.
Then don’t look like a bot. Maybe, actually talent your character correctly and allocate your stats correctly.
Then be reported for griefing.
I don’t drop totems either, but, I’m a rogue doing rogue things. You’re a shaman refusing to do shaman things.
Looking through a sentry totem is literally just spectating, you’re not helping to defend your FC, you’re not trying to stop their FC, you are literally afk staring at nothing. You are forcing your team to play without a 10th player on the team. It is 100% an objective fact that it is inactivity. If I were to use my own spectate button Eye of Kilrogg in the same manner that you use sentry totem, I would expect plenty of inactivity reports to come my way too.
Nope, Inactivity means inactivity. Staring at a stationary totem is being inactive, sorry to burst your bubble.
? That was the only thing to say since you said nothing but called everybody here an elitist nerd. Delusional crying doesn’t warrant any other response other than that.
You want the game to force people together randomly with the LFR tool so people get stuck with you in their groups against their will instead of putting in the effort to make yourself a valuable player that people actually want in their groups. That is quite literally what “forced” means.
Well I’m thinking you’re 100% correct because not only has he not denied using sentry totem, here he is actively defending it lmao.
The statement is the justification used by Blizzard. When players responded to the bans saying “Look, here’s video evidence of me actively defending”, that was the response.
If your stat sheet looks like you were afk, then you were afk.
Cope more.
Your entire stance is “I play how I want, I do not care that it does not help the team, I do not care it is a team versus team based game I am currently in, I do not care to actually be a benefit and fill the role my class and spec is supposed to fill. I will make this game a 9v10, or 14v15, or whatever because I play my way and my way only. Everyone else is wrong.”
No. Get bent. I’m about to get back onto the grind and throw as many characters as I can into bgs, specifically for you and your kind. It’s been 20 years. It’s time for players like you to be removed. We don’t need selfish s treating team based play like it’s a single player game.
Asmongold just recently proved that I’m right with everything I’m talking about.
He caught a ban for simply playing the game, streaming raids, because he was mass reported. He hadn’t been misbehaving with WoW in any serious way up to that point.
And I paraphrase Asmon, from that same video…
Ppl reported me and got me banned because the simply don’t like me; not for anything he actually did
You telling my sentry totem isn’t helping, is just you as a player imposing yourself as an authority on what proper play is; and you can only justify those reports through mob rule, as in you got others to go along with your mob riot.
Somebody had to decide first that those players weren’t contributing…
Other players imposing themselves as AHJs; authority having jurisdictions.
What gave you the right to decide that someone wasn’t contributing, even if it was a bot?
So you’re admitting that you’re going to abuse the report system based on your criteria only?
Only someone who was a self-appointed AHJ would feel they have the power to take such action.
Because again, going back to that AV defending issue; who decided that defending in that manner was against the rules?
Old news, happened a while ago, and he was unbanned within 24 hours. The investigation on Blizzard’s end is what failed.
You are not Asmongold. You are actively saying you, at best, provide no use to your team while existing, or at worst, are actively afk by staring through a totem.
Not relevant. Players can not ban other players. The ban is issued by Blizzard. Unlike Asmon, they did not go back on that stance.
Because it’s a team based game, and if the team as a collective goes “yeah report this guy” then get reported.
Players don’t just throw out reports to everyone they run across. You actively have to do something negative, or atleast, neutral and irrelevant in a bg to get enough people to want to report you.
As much as you hate this fact, you are around other people in game. We don’t have to tolerate your bull because you want to impose your dumb ideas on everyone you’re grouped with.
So I’ll say it again, and will just quote this block for your stupidity if you want to continue to lack comprehension.
Blizzard decided that if your stat sheet, the one at the end of the game that pops up, shows that you look to be afk game after game, then you were more than likely afk. Even if YOU are sitting at the base staring through a totem, that is still afk, whether you like it or not.
If people report you, good for them. If Blizzard bans you from it, even better for them and it’s a rare Blizz W. Players like you actively ruin the experience of everyone else around you because you’re so unbelievably selfish.
You can keep coping, but what you do is very much reportable, and I hope you do get actioned.
It does not matter if the entire world reported you. If Blizzard finds your action within the rules, you won’t be punished.
Snaps fingers Get smarter, dog. It’ll take you a longer way than whatever this is.
No, it isn’t. If you run across multiple people, from multiple walks of life, from multiple backgrounds, and multiple histories, and the only connection they have and you is that you’re all within the same BG, there is no mob.
It’s players who are tired of useless individuals leeching honor while providing nothing to the team. It’s players who are tired of people like you.
And Blizzard agrees, thank god, that leeches like you should not be rewarded for your selfishness.
You’re calling it “mob rule” as a means of generating empathy.
What it really is, is you are a selfish player who is being called out for being selfish.
The issue is not innately Sentry Totem, mongrel.
If you waste your totem slot for sentry totem, but you have damage or healing done at a reasonable number that shows you were playing for most if not, but hopefully, all of the game, every game, then there is no grounds for you being sanctioned for being afk.
That said, I’d still file a report for griefing, based off of your gear, talents, and how you play. If you’re dropping sentry totem and refusing to actually even just buff yourself with actual good totems, then yeah, I’m still throwing the report out for griefing.
Those are two separate reports with two separate criteria.
As far as being afk is concerned, if your stats make you look like you were afk, then you were afk. To quote the military (iykyk), perception is reality. You look afk, then you’re afk.
Never decided it at all. I helped report those who afk’d in prepatch for levels. All I did was notify Blizzard. They decided it was actionable.
Keep coping.
You’re a coward, a clown, a tool, a useless object of wasted time and space. I can feel that you’re an overweight 50 something, possibly bald. You rival Chris Chan in terms of delusions.
You’re a joke, and you’d be slaughtered if you interacted with me. I grew up in MW2 lobbies. There is nothing you can counter me on in this topic.
least I can spend talent points properly. At least justify or give a reason for your less then meme spec choice. You wont, because you can’t, and that’s probably fine.
Oh I am 100% sure of my claim, because it’s true. Even reached glad as a slight joke comp arms/boomie. However we still used talents, enchants, gear, and gems properly, unlike yourself.
Until you prove you actually care about PVP you shouldn’t be critiquing the claims and work of others. Show effort. Swap that parry gem I dare you.
Wrath PVP isn’t hard or insurmoutable, it takes time, persistence, and the smallest level of class/spec knowledge. Low skill players can reach glad, I am unsure of where that puts you though.
Slight correction “that’s the point where his carry stopped trying”.