PvP items still gatekeeped

There are 30 people playing this game. Reduce or remove rating requirements on arena weapons and gear. What’s the rationale for not doing so?


Thats how it should be, we get Furious, Wrathful and Relentless

There are likely triple digit players in Wrath, sir


It’s gatekept.


In your own thread you complain about gatekeeping, yet here you’re defending it. Pick a side and stick with it.


Learn to Play
(or buy mage boost)

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Since you (Blizzard) won’t ban bots and they are everywhere just make everything available


I’m not a big fan of arena, but putting in 10 games of 5s for 3 weeks to get 1600+ rating isn’t too bad. Then you are only missing head, shoulder, and weapon.

TBH I would love for the rating requirement to drop so I could pick up the head and shoulder but I’m not too bent out of shape about it. It’s the best pvp gear in the game–the pvp equivalent of 25man ICC. It’s not gatekept, it’s just not a total freebie. While the population has dropped a lot and it takes longer to form a group, this late in the season you can pump your rating up pretty fast. You might even get on a roll and go for that 2k rating. I suggest 5s or maybe 3s with a good comp and you’d be surprised how far you can go.


It very much is gatekept. There’s no guarantee ppl can’t hit the ratings they desire. There’s no guarantee ppl can find the players they need in order to even access 3’s or 5’s.

I’ve had the same partner for years and we have never earned a seasonal PvP weapon during the active season.


Lmao no. So just because there’s few people playing wotlk pvp, you want even LESS people to play the game?

Just like there’s no guarantee that people will be able to find a guild that can clear 12/12 heroic ICC. And there’s no guarantee their BiS gear will drop. And there’s no guarantee that they will be given the piece if it does drop. Literally no end-game gear in this game is a guarantee; if you want the gear, then earn it.

Sounds like it’s time to find a new partner or play a new comp lmao. I’ve had the same partner for years, he was adamant about playing mage so we played mage / lock 2s in this game and were hardstuck 2k because the comp is trash. So he swapped ele sham and with an actual good comp, we got 2.2 quickly while he was still massively undergeared and inexperienced. People are already over 3k rating in 2v2 now, the ratings get more inflated every single day. By the time the season is almost over, 2.2 will be a complete joke anyways. If not, then def skill issue

Both scenarios don’t apply to one another.

That could be easily remedied if they added LFR. That’s on the company and the players complicit in the decision to keep LFR out of the game wherever the can.

That’s an RNG issue. In arena, I have to fight for my ratings. Another player is literally gatekeeping me if I can’t beat him.

But everyone has a near chance at earning that piece of gear; especially if group loot was the loot method.

What, banging my head against the wall, season after season, always falling short of a few key pieces isn’t earning it? That’s you subjectively determining what is earned and what isn’t.

I should just dump him for greener pastures?

I’d be just like that rogue I’ve been arguing with; and, it shows what kind of community the WoW, namely the PvE, community really is.

All completely circumstantial. The known disparities of the game make it accessible for some and not others.

You and your partner were in a position that allowed you to reach your goals. We don’t have cheesy alt classes available to do the same thing you did.

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Can literally get most items in a Challenger rating range. What’s gatekept about that?


?? How lol. They are both not guaranteed to give the player their desired gear.

How would adding LFR fix the issue?? LFR would give WORSE gear than the end-game heroic gear would. LFR gear would be the equivalent of getting furious gear, which is very easily accessible btw. Also suggesting LFR be added LMAO

YES LMAO that is the point of PvP. It’s a competitive ladder, not a progression system. Like the actual entitlement here is crazy. If you’re not good enough to get it, that’s not subjective lmao. You OBJECTIVELY have to be at the certain rating threshold to obtain the gear. You are not entitled to get the gear just from putting in a certain amount of time.

Ok first of all, literally nobody uses group loot in raids lol. Second of all, whether you get the piece are due to factors outside your control. Whether that be loot council, or MS > OS or whatever. It’s actually WORSE getting your gear in pve. In PvP, whether you get the gear or not is entirely in your own control. The gear is guaranteed if you reach the specific rating threshold. I went the entire naxx phase without seeing turning tide drop once lol

It’s not subjective lmao. It’s objective that if you’re not good enough to get the rating, then you don’t deserve the gear. It’s really not hard.

Either play with someone else, play a different comp, reroll, or just get better, up to you. Any of these are a better option than QQing on the forums about it.

?? It wasn’t just some “cheesy alt classes”, my partner had to level, gear, learn how to play, etc. It wasn’t easy but we got results from it instead of complaining about it. Also, what “known disparities” are making it accessible for some and not others?? What are you even talking about?

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Oh nevermind, just found out that you’re a hypocrite / troll. Carry on.

Guess I can hit you with the same logic then: “No1 is going to hand you anything on the battlefield.” :slight_smile: keep defending bots LOL


He talents poorly, builds poorly, gems and enchants poorly, refuses to drop useful totems, refuses to play with a team in any regard, then cries about gatekeeping.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → All his glory right there. He has no logs due to the “gatekeeping”, but, his pvp “accolades” tells more than enough of a story.


Third time you mentioned me in a thread I wasn’t even in yet lmao

Translation, I play the game my way, and am discriminated for it.

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Interesting how you tied wanting things handed for wanting to try Algalon with a random group setting, where I’m not likely to succeed.

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No, you’re passed over for better options. You are only as valuable as you present yourself to be, which, is not very valuable from what I’ve seen.

Thank you for this LMAO I was thinking this guy was a troll but after seeing this, it all makes sense now.

How? Lmao you are over in the other thread, literally DEFENDING BOTS, saying they have a right to be there, and if people don’t like it, they can play harder. I can say the exact same thing to you here, while you’re whining about being unable to get gear with your wack ele / enh hybrid build with a caster staff