You keep using the word optimize. Intentional irony / trolling us all.
Nah you can see the rise and falls. The duo is legit a duo.
They both just suck lmao
Now I wanna see their other teammates builds…
I really hope this isn’t a “Mom says you have to include me” situation.
I do too, but, they aren’t spamming with forums with -30 IQ takes, so, who cares. If they’re content, then let them be freelo to whoever they run across.
Oh here you are again, defending literal bots lmao. Botting is against the TOS, meaning it is automatically bannable and they have no right to exist anywhere in this game. As for players like you, any in-game act that is directly ruining other people’s experiences is reportable.
And the fact that you don’t wonder why you encounter people who are upset with you in BGs is the problem. Why don’t people want you on their team? Every single time I go into a BG, I never come across people like this. I often actually get people asking me to group up for more.
The fact that you don’t ask yourself what it is that you’re doing that people don’t like, and even worse; you not caring about ruining other people’s experiences is why you deserve to be reported. No amount of mental gymnastics that you do is going to make staring through a sentry totem in the middle of a BG tolerable.
Pretty much.
Heck, I’d honestly have just passed this entire thing over if there was some stated reasoning for their just blatantly bad talent choices. We were all 13 once and thought I had a dope or groundbreaking unique talent build. My warrior was just as easy to laugh at with their lmao “gladiator dps spec”. Was in TBC like, 17/3/41 I think? WAS SO BAD LMAO.
Of course I then learned to play the game and took advice from people, like yourself, who have solid game knowledge.
But of course it’s relevant. The company didn’t know ppl were defending in AV until nerd feces players like you decided to start complaining them.
It’s not honor I need and/or want.
I call it as I see it.
That has been your bad logic you have been presenting since day one of the sentry totem argument. I’m just interpreting it as you present it.
That’s you interfering in how someone else plays based on some kind of authoritarian principle.
You’re just a player in a random setting; where else does that self-imposed authority come from?
So you’re basing your prejudices based on face value primarily. Seen that before elsewhere.
What part of…none of your business did you fail to understand?
I never did.
Now that’s a false statement if I ever heard one.
According to all your criteria, don’t I qualify as a low skilled player?
So someone has to have the authority to decide something like that. The rule book doesn’t say that the shaman can’t use a parry gem.
You, the players, have to take it upon yourself to decide that you didn’t like that; and based on that, you imposed yourself as an authority.
You’re just the same kind of nerd piece of feces that justifies throwing ppl out of RDF Gammas for showing up with the bare-minimum Ilevel/GS, whatever you want to call it these days.
And so are you.
This is why you are being considered a joke, this right here. Why not, are you embarrassed? We’re still laughing anyway.
Yeah ya did. Kinda sad.
It’s a pretty apt statement for people who want to put in effort. So not you.
No, low skill players can still put points in the right talents, enchant somewhat properly, use proper gems, and equip proper weapons for their role. you are a carry, not low skill. You are zero effort and should never get glad on principle, and I’m not even a PVP elitist lmao.
This relates in no way to the response you quoted, nor was the quoted directed at you.
I actually meant it for you, and roped you in at the end; because, it really applies to all of you here.
All that “proper” gearing won’t save them from me if I’m that much stronger than they.
Sure thing, you continue to be belligerently unintelligible.
You can have any dream you want. I believe that you believe this, nobody else does. Be better, if you can.
I had this energy regen build. Just went back to the calculator to see if I could rebuild it. Something like 31-40-0, get Overkill, Vitality, AR, and Combat Potency.
Was it good? No. Did I spam my SS though? Oh you bet I did.
Running meme builds isn’t even the part that’s bad, innately atleast. Having the correct gear, and preforming your role still, will get people to look past the bad build.
But Wafectus is just wrong on every single possible thing. It’s so unbelievably egregious. If he only did 2’s and his duo doesn’t care, then actually no issue. But taking it into bgs, then getting mad that others aren’t happy with it? Then going further and further, arguing bots have rights to be in bgs, and that everyone else is wrong and he’s right.
It’s delusional and absurd.
blushes oh you. I’m rusty on my pvp, mostly been a raid log andy recently, but honestly general knowledge should be expected at this point. Only legit new players get a pass, but these “veteran players” should be roasted, toasted, and flamed till they fix their discrepancies. Like, if I hopped into a WSG right now, no issue knowing exactly what I should be doing as a rogue, and when I should be doing it, despite the rust, you know. It’s just general knowledge.
The company didn’t know people were AFK in AV until players like me got tired of losing because those “defenders” wouldn’t rotate afterwards, or support other bases that needed help, instead opting to stay defending at their node the entire time, being effectively useless.
You want arena points and rating to then go into bgs and stomp undergeared players. You also want to play your way while in these bgs, a way that is basically afk.
I know what you want. You need to actually get good.
Then you’re blind or dumb.
Probably just dumb tbh.
You call it bad, but everyone else has come to the same conclusion that your sentry totem usage is a detriment to your team.
It’s almost like you’re the common denominator.
You also have yet to even defend your stance on it in any capacity. You refuse to say how you use it, so we go with what we got, and that is that you drop it in the WSG tunnel.
We know how sentry totem works, so we can come to the conclusion of how you are using it in the context you outlined, and in accordance with the mechanics of the totem.
You are useless.
No. If you stand in a single spot, doing nothing, then you stood in a single spot doing nothing.
From Blizzard following through with actioning those who are reported afk because they stood around and did nothing.
We have your information about this character. We know you’re 1656 peak now. We know you’re spec’d poorly. We know your geared poorly. We know your enchanted poorly. We know everything about you is poor quality.
You can cope and go “but you weren’t in the game with me” to be able to understand, from what numbers I can see, and how you talk about what you do and how you play, to be able to come to the conclusion that you are your own issue.
You just want to blame everyone else because of some mental complex you’ve crafted for yourself.
You can turn around and go “Who’s “We?”” off on some derailment, but all it does is highlight your own inability to think at any critical level in any capacity.
Good, they got suspended for being afk.
Have they tried not being afk?
Players like me, yes. I have never once said I am like you, and have drawn in many, many posts, that there are players like me, and players like you.
Just, you fail to realize that players like you are more and more rare. Players like you have quit a long time ago because you can’t get things just handed to you. You don’t have Blizzard authorized bots in your lobbies replacing actual players. You don’t get free gear handed to you. You don’t get to just hide your characters in full because the second a rating goes out, we will know. We will see your character get updated. So players like you have mostly quit, which is good. The ones who stayed are now getting actioned for their bull. No one is tolerating selfish tools in their games anymore. You don’t get a pass because “its my 15 dollars”, like, yeah, it’s all of our 15 dollars. Everyone else is on the same page to be a team player but you. You are a selfish tool who shouldn’t be allowed into parts of the game that require you to play with others. You should be locked to leveling and leveling alone, or even better, just banned.
Absolutley, people are way more willing to entertain a suboptimal or skew build if the person running it has half a brain and can stand out of the fire.
I 100% get your intentions with that build and bet it was fun to mess with for sure.
I KNEW IT WAS THE SAME GUY!! Could be worse, at least he isnt the shaman tanking guy being carried by 24 other people in BT.
It’s the general knowledge that can do so much, there is of course some depth to things in PVP but general knowledge of builds does wonders for effectiveness.
Honestly if this is someone’s second time through TBC/Wrath this shouldn’t be something they’re still struggling with and should be corrected according to their attitude.
Legit would feel bad for the horde team in WSG if I saw him on their team, basically a 10v9 at that point. honestly wouldnt even kill the sentry totem if I saw it, would just hit /dance.
Hey, let people cook. Sometimes it’s raw. Sometimes it’s overcooked. Sometimes, you get mana feral druid doing more dps than an actual feral because powershifting and getting burst energy from Furor is just better than stacking agi. Cooked, just right.
It was fun for a time, but it was towards the end of LK, right before cata prepatch. I didn’t get too much time with it, but it felt substantially worse than just being mut. I could rack my points up hard, but, it didn’t do much more after that lol.
Yeah Wafectus is the “I want LFR but for the hardest difficulty, like ICC 25 H”, the “Bots have a right to be in bgs”, and the “I want Blizzard to make bot AI party members so I don’t have to play with people” guy.
He also condemns retail and views everything as cata and beyond as retail, which fine whatever I guess, but simultaneously hates how classic works and plays, wanting the QOL from those games at best, or at worst, QOL that doesn’t even exist like LFR for Heroic/Mythic.
The Warden tank you’re talking about is an aussie. Haven’t seen him in a minute. I assume he’s living the good life in SOD where it’s an actual build that works in full.
Game sense is so important. I remember a friend of mine gushing over another raider’s dps in BT.
The second that other raider had to do literally anything that was not “Stand still and blow your mana bar” (He was an arcane mage), he crumbled like wet paper in the wind. Just absolutely awful.
Legit, every raider should have to grind a full honor set. Learn how to move. Learn how to kite. Learn how to bait. Learn how to work under pressure. Learn how to manage CC and targets. So much to learn from bgs to make some a stronger player, because god knows this game doesn’t do it for 200 hours and then finally gives you mechanics to do that.
At that point it’s too late. The bad habits have already formed.
Even if it’s their first time. During TBCC, a RL friend was finally convinced to play wow with us. He played some retail at one point, but generally, had no wow experience at all. He hit 60 in TBCC prepatch, and within 2 weeks was in Kara and out dpsing other warlocks, players who openly bragged about their skills at this game.
He had only played for 2 weeks. For the rest of the time he played, no other warlock actually out parsed him on a consistent basis. One of the warlocks he parsed against was a mythic raider on the side in retail.
My friend, all he did, was look up a guide on wowhead. That’s it. He followed the guide.
It’s absurd that people are legitimately bad at wow in 2024.
Make it a 10v5 because I can promise people will just afk in response to it being a 10v9. No point in trying, let the alliance 3 cap and move on at that point.
Yes, yes it does.
None of you are team players. You’re self-imposed authoritarians hiding behind the game’s report features.
Just like what happened to Asmongold when he was just, and I paraphrase, trying to play the game.
You know that’s against the rules right?
And I even report ppl who say “let them win”.
Nope. It’s net neutral. Everyone in there has paid, not just you. You don’t get a leg up because of it.
You can play how you want, and we can report you for griefing. Door swings both ways clown.
I’ll actively blow my sprint to grab the flag in WSG to run it outside to a druid waiting, so he can save his Dash.
I’m constantly focused on making healer’s lives insufferable by training them, then CCing before resetting while my team handles the rest of the healers team.
I’ll actually sneak around the enemy base and give information on who is defending the EFC and where, and who has the Healers Have To Die markings on. If I know a CD is still ticking down, I’ll call it out as well. Actual useful information that only I and druids can obtain. This allows the team to leave behind the correct number of players to defend the FC while we kill the EFC.
You just build poorly, and play poorly.
If Blizzard didn’t agree, then there wouldn’t be sanctions against those actions.
You’re the common denominator. You’re the one who’s in the wrong.
God the delusions are too real.
You are not Asmon. You are not a face of wow, or atleast, former face of wow. You are not the head of an org that has organized events. You are not a divisive figure who openly speaks about their opinions on a wide platform that reaches millions.
You are a bad player who refuses to accept that. You even admit to being the “worst wow player” but are so adamant that everyone else is wrong. It’s hypocritical.
When Asmon plays, he actually plays. His build isn’t bad. He doesn’t play bad. He’s stat’d correctly. He gets reported because people find him divisive, whether it’s opinions or “ew streamer gross get off my server reeeee”.
You’re just Chris Chan without the criminal charges.
Then report me and let Blizzard decide.
But if you’re on the team, it’s already a 10v9 anyways. Uphill battle to carry someone like you? No thanks.
I concur. That will go both ways.
I don’t. If I grab a flag I’ll run it myself.
Because in a random setting, no1 is the authority of others, nor does it mean the rest aren’t contributing in some way.
TBF i would want to see the outcome of this if it ever happened. LFR Heroic ICC groups wiping on Marrowgar til 5 stacks of determination and the ICC buff. That being said it should never happen, and I actually like LFR lmao.
Malicious acceptance maybe? No idea why solo arena with AI would even give arena points should it happen (beyond skirmishes), or even be something they wouldn’t then turn around and complain about.
I mean if I was bad against average BG heroes I’d want bots to replace possible opposition too I guess? no, no I don’t think I would actually, being carried teaches nothing.
The disconnect on this is hilarious, no retail but give me retail elements. Do they not know that wrath and cata were amazing times to be a shaman? WOLVES WOLVES WOLVES!
Legit hope so, the threads were fun sometimes though.
Used to raid with a priest that I used to say often was “An amazing holy priest, as long as they never have to move”.
Massive agree, the PVPers I raid with have great awareness compared to my other raiders who refuse to PVP. It throws variables that often end up being mirrored in scripted encounters. Faction champs style fights are “FUN” sometimes lmao.
WoW is not a hard game at this point in it’s life outside of maybe algalon during ulduar and 25H LK, MAYBE a special mention to yogg HM’s. Just read the guide, smallest effort that’s all. Don’t even have to stick rigidly to it, find what works best inside the correct framework of a build and you’ll have success, granted that build isn’t well, this guy’s.
It has to be a choice, like I am nowhere near where I was at this time in the past and that was a choice. Don’t have the free time to push content anymore so I am casually playing, but I sill put effort in to generate successful raids.
classic WSG attitudes imo.
That’s a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black if I ever heard one. Except we don’t hid in a base behind a sentry totem(lol) and come to the forums with the worst entitled takes imaginable.
I know how to peel, I know how to interrupt. Most importantly I know how to not be dead weight in a BG.