Ill literally get on and just say it to you at anytime. You just want your cringe criteria of almost never actually having it happen due to the random nature of bgs and rdf. You really can’t try to gaslight me into thinking I’m a coward when I’m openly telling you that I’ll get on at any point. I’ll give you the MW2 treatment, gladly.
Just say when you’re on. I’m not going to stay logged in for 12 hours waiting for you to maybe log in.
Its way more than 30 ppl dont be ridiculous. The only thing i could criticize about pvp atm, is how handing out Shadowmourne like candy has made things even more unfair. Giving DKs, Warriors and Ret Paladins this kind of massive advantage that cannot be duplicated by other classes makes it very difficult for ppl to climb.
Lmao I’ve met Wafectus in a battleground and its gone exactly like this thread.
Wafectus, nobody, literally no one, has a program to auto full dot you or whatever weird claim you made. You are an old man, guaranteed 50+, and just can’t comprehend what is happening.
The rogue talking to you on here, Apathy, says you arent a help to your team and are bad BECAUSE he can see your talent tree and gear set up.
Your spec, your gems, your gear choices, your enchants, your glyphs, every single thing that makes your character function is COMPLETELY WRONG.
You’re an enhance shaman spec’d deep into ele for shock dmg/cd while not going deep enough into enhance for wolves. Your enchants and glyphs are equally as useless/wrong. Agility, armor, spell power, stam all over the place. Then you’re using a caster staff and have parry gem as an ENHANCE shaman.
Every single thing about your character is just painfully wrong. Your set up definitely makes it a lot harder to climb in arena no wonder you’re perma hardstuck 1600. You shouldn’t badmouth arenas, they arent the problem, your lack of understanding the game is the problem. If you werent so insufferable someone would have helped you fix all this by now.
Diagnosed all your issues for you. Maybe fix your talents,gear,gems,enchants,glyphs & overall understanding of the game before you open your mouth again asking for free arena gear so you can “stomp bgs” on the 10,000th thread.
As ive said before you should be embarrassed asking for the bare minimum to be removed for your sake. You’re a man aren’t you? Idk I don’t see it.
You should take a few tips when we are telling you your character is built completely wrong and its probably a large reason why you’re stuck at ratings lower than the gear requirements you want to unlock.
Literally everything about the way you’ve set up your character is hindering you. Anything to say about that? Thanks ill look into it, anything like that? Or just nose in the dirt & you don’t want to improve?
Thing is ive seen him during battlegrounds in action. He seemed quiet & playing normal till i made fun of him recognizing him from the forums. I think he really plays like that & is genuine. I didnt know this uh build of his was on purpose, I figured he just consulted a magic 8ball for all his characters decisions.
I did not consider all of those decisions were done with informed purpose. Maybe if you explained what you’re going for we’d understand better. No shot we agree on it being good/better, but having a reason for it is more credit than I gave you lol.
Saving grace of meme builds. Like Druids stacking mana and using mana potions for power shifting, since more shifts was just more damage. Like, it makes sense.
Even Warden Shamans, atleast they were stacking the correct stats for what they were trying to do. Was it good? No. But, atleast it was readable and on paper made sense.
Wafectus just clicked around and called it a day I stg.
Almost fall for it but it’s almost “cute” that you think about the 0,00002% of the playerbase. It’s okay tho, not like the classic dev’s are thinking in improving wotlk in any sort or form… they are waiting for the time to pass so they can move to cataclysm and then mop to sell more epic bundles…
I would have remembered you; and, I would have berated you for even saying anything to be in a BG.
None of you do BGs though. Your elitism won’t allow you to do random BGs because you’ll run into players like me all the time in there; and, I doubt you any of you will have the guts to say anything to me in an instance.