I don’t disagree if that’s how the devs want the game presented, like a FromSoft game. People who cry about it not having a difficulty scaler quite literally need to just “git gud”.
Wow put in a story mode, and I don’t have an issue with it as long as it stays a story mode. LFR should never give you gear that is even equal to gear from a harder difficulty, otherwise, what’s the point of doing the harder difficulty? Self filling challenge? Idk about you but I just want the gear to do big numbies for the team. The challenge is moot cause if I wanted a challenge, I’d go back to one of my FromSoft games lmao.
But to each their own, I can’t hate someone who doesn’t want the story mode in the game at all.
That’s the core of my issue with Wafectus. He’s so pathetic at maintaining his character, then whines about it. Like, just gem and enchant correctly, run a normal build, and 99% of his issues are gone.
But he’ll turn around and scream about how he’s lazy and just wants a queue specifically for that reason and that reason alone. It’s pathetic lmao
Been awhile since I posted that. Just about every point still holds true and I’m sad to say the developers just do not PvP and do not care. They’re spending their time on SoD
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Your posts have always been some of the best in regards to PvP.
Don’t stop voicing your concern and opinion on what truly matters.
It’s good to see your name again in recent times.
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Definitely a skill issue, L2P little buddy
No I was complaining I want to buy heirlooms with honor!
what the actual F is a sentry totem
Although i understand your point here, what is having gear disparities that make you a better player?
Surly you could still do well against equally geared players because of your skills? I never understood the people that cared so much to argue that for others to compete, that they must compete with less!
Being carried or win trading does not equate to skill, why do you fear people competing with equal gear? Is there a crutch you’re leaning on here?
I don’t see how this would be bad! Arena used to give out titles and Mounts and Xmog gear! If gear was given it was a little better than the honor equivalent.
Having everyone equally geared makes for more people pvping.
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I would slaughter you in full furious buddy lol
Paladins are OP as F! You gonna Divine shield and run at me… I’m scared! Always the Paladins claiming superiority!
As soon as they remove your OPness you go crying rivers.
Basically a camera…it is a totem the shaman can look through.
Paladin abilities are unique and frustrating to be on the receiving end. They have higher “priority” like as you said straight-up immunity, and my number 1 most-hated ability: judgment of justice.
This sh!t cannot be trinketed, and counters free action potion and rocket boots. “Doesn’t count as a movement-slowing ability” my green stanky @$$!! With the movespeed talent or boot enchant, it functions the same as a slow. But at least they have to play paladin to use it. We all know paladin is the most cringe class fantasy.
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It’s not a slow because it caps you at your base movement speed. If you have 0 speed enhancing effects, it does literally nothing.
Do you have a better suggestion? We get literally 0 class mobility (and 0 profession mobility in Arena) and this only sometimes helps to close the gap.
Tbh it’s fine I just had a really frustrating experience where I got hit with it right as I was about to rocket boot slowfall across WSG with the flag.
Understandable, have a nice day
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Ive never understood having a rating req on every item. Its like moving the goal post forward more and more the higher rated your team was.
I dont mind when it’s only a single item but its best when its cosmetic only.
yea but what % of people with shoulders do you think are win trading or buying a boost? shoulders is like challenger rating in wotlk classic
going from a beginner who’s never played arena, to having shoulders/wep, is a great feeling. For many it’s a far better feeling than any PVE achieve because you’re not merely 1/25th of the equation. I think the people who want to “keep gatekeeping” the items, just don’t want that awesome feeling to be taken away from other beginners who are still learning.
But overall I liked the TBC system, couple items locked but most weren’t
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Lmfao that’s because you’re terrible at the game & an eternal low rated rat. Improve at getting better at arena and you’d gain rating, but no just complain constantly and stick to battlegrounds its working out great for you so far. Except never getting the gear you want lol
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I didn’t read any of this thread since most of it is just argueing.
No gear should have rating requirements on it. Only cosmetics like the tabard.
I don’t know why we even have T2 / Elite weapons. Just make the T2 weapons baseline, or make the rating requirement 1400.
Gate keeping the population to lower gear in a player versus player environment is not healthy game design. It may work in PvE, but has no place in PvP.
PvP and PvE are fundamentally two different things. You can not use PvE solutions for PvP problems.
It’s fine that you need to do arena to get arena points, and it’s fine that you get more points based off your rating. All gear should be accessible to every player who wishes to step foot into arena.
This is coming from someone who has achieved 2655 in the past (wearing the 2600 cosmetic tabard) and is 2400 (alphoncejr) rn in Wrath Classic. Arena rating has no place in a healthy, competitive player versus player game mode.