Well yes, players who have a solid understanding of the game, with an optimized gear and talent setup, running an optimal comp with a comprehensive UI will almost certainly get at least 2k rating. If you had those things, you’d climb. But you refuse and would rather sit on the forums and cry
Arena partners just grow on trees, do they?
and you unwittingly revealed another disparity…
Proving me right in the process.
Not for you, because you haven’t made any effort into making yourself a valuable player. It’s a social game, you have to play as a team player or of course you aren’t going to find teammates. If you do the things listed above, you can easily find partners at your rating. Go in LFG, join discords, etc. Theres a lot you can do instead of once again, crying on the forums about it.
Cope, deflection, derailment.
Why? What are you going to do? Trash talk him in BG chat?
You still can’t even describe how people “game the system”. Instead, you deflect by calling everybody that knows how to play the game “cheaters”. Just because you’re garbage, doesn’t mean people better than you are “cheating”.
It’s not hard, but the first part is you gotta actually know how to play a shaman. You seriously refuse to admit that you’re at fault for your failure to ever hit 2k and just blame everybody else. Nobody with common sense is going to take you on as a partner to grind to 2k when you have a damn staff as a 2 hander with a terrible spec.
I BG and get teamed wafectus sevral times and we only losed once
i dont talk on anglo BGs because my ENG is potatoe lol
No they shouldn’t
Not really, you play and learn to recognize ability queues, or situational awareness
No need, you just need to know their abilities, what those abilities do and what to do when they use them.
It’s not cheating at all, that’s like saying that knowing a wall bang spot in CS and getting a kill from it is cheating.
Then you don’t care enough about the game, if you want to succeed in the game you enjoy it can take some extra steps like practicing your aim so that you don’t get sloppy.
How can you say that you don’t want to better yourself while also asking for the rewards only given to those that do?
MMO’s aren’t for you, you clearly don’t have the right attitude for an MMO or at least WoW. What kind of player asks for the best gear with zero effort?
The ones that can’t get it if they tried. Is that why you want it, because you can’t get it even if you tried?
weird dal has 50 players
You were not on my team how would I call you out? I was watching bots devour you in WG while on an alliance character. You know ive called you out in eots and flamed you the entire time, just like I make fun of you on forums. Ive never NOT taken the time to call you out lmao you are the most clueless person ive ever witnessed.
If only youd listen to the free information I & others have given you. You more than anyone else is in need of a “armchair commander”. I’d charge for any more help. 2600xp, ill give you an hourly rate (inflated to compensate my sanity).
You say “too bad” pretending you don’t care that you’re an embarrassing fool that shoots himself in the foot. More accurately with how your character is built wrong in every direction it’s more like you’ve shot off all your toes & then shot your foot.
You should WANT help & should thank those that take the time to diagnose your cornucopia of issues. You are the worst.
I been pvp’in for only 2 season and i have hit 2k.
But without the gear, the titles are literally the only reward of being a high end player. IMO the gear should be also gatekept.
Now i’m wondering what spec your buddy runs?
Sword Mage?
Trispec Rogue?
Give us the deets my friend
Wafectus I would resub right now if you play resto we can dual resto sham 2v2. I’ve won games with that at 2400+. Seems memey enough for you to enjoy it. Also many rage whispers will ensue which is your time to shine
you could make it cosmetic yes
elites,enchants and tabards are enough of a flex
and if the guy managed to pull it he shouldnt need the extra edge
it is not fun for any1 being super far behind
One of the most satisfying things back in original TBC was getting the Vengeful Gladiator Sword on my warrior after I got the rating to get it. Tabards and cosmetics to me are weak carrots on sticks.
That’s why I think having the T2 as a chase item is fine. Have the full set of gear and T1 weapon as items everyone can work towards.
Good news, thats the cata system.
for real?
i could swear they had gatekept stuff too
didnt play it tho
He’s/they’re selling you snake oil.
All PvP gear in Cata, throughout the whole expac, is mediocre to terrible.
PvE gear is only going to get stronger for arena in Cata.
That’s why all these anti-welfare advocates are suddenly ok most arena gear being on welfare moving into Cata.
And guess which one of the pieces is going to be gated behind a rating, just to make sure ppl like us don’t get them…
The weaponry; the most important pieces of all.
wdym by us brother, this guy is 2200 cr in 2 brackets
he would get it again
You mean the same ppl are achieving the same success, yet again?