PvP items still gatekeeped

You can look me up on ironforge pro and see that I’m at a much higher rating than you are.

Nobody knows what you are even talking about. Sounds like cope for being bad and losing games. Apparently everything is cheating to you and you can’t even explain what you’re going on about. Typical.


Well show up to one of my BGs with your toxic elitist attitude…

See what happens…

Like this idiot who claims to see me out there but never has the guts to call me out.

Well you would get 2 shot by me, since your character is set up horribly.

This is all pointless deflection btw. You still haven’t explained how people are gaming the system, or how people are cheating.

Someone doesn’t read or pay attention to the forums often.

You’re only proving my points.

Deflection and excuses. The only thing you have claimed is that somehow people are instantly applying a bunch of debuffs to you lmao. That doesn’t explain anything, it’s probably because you lack so much awareness that you’re just not paying attention.


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You sound like that mage, drinkyblinken, that decided to question my topic on if GDKP is cheating or not…

It’s time I made a topic about the corruption that is Wrath arena.

Haven’t you suffered enough on here? You have been made fun of in at least 10 different threads on here by pretty much everybody. If you want to continue to make a fool of yourself then go for it.

I’m still waiting for you to tell me how people are cheating or gaming the system in arena. I guess you just have nothing to say.

I’ve only been coming on here to retort.

Plus I’m quitting WoW at the end of Wrath so it makes little difference.

I’ve gone on record many times stating I was the worst WoW player in the world…

Nobody cares…

Only pathetic nerds like you do, that have placed all your self-value into this game.


cmon wafectus you must not be that bad
i bet if you use a regular build you can reach 1850 at least
and with 1850 you for sure can get 2k
why dont you give it a go? no shots

How can you know that for sure in a PvP setting?

How do you know I haven’t tried that already?

Assuming I optimized by going META and I still couldn’t reach the rating, you already have your excuse ready.

i dont want to make any excuse for you
im 100% sure you will get at least 200 higher with a regular build

Am I the only one out there stuck in a rating wall?

How do you account for the rest of the arena players that are optimizing “properly” and yet are still stuck in their rating walls?

Going to answer my own question that you are incapable of…

You can’t in a fair PvP environment.

To know for sure that you can achieve such high ratings in a PvP environment is a demonstration of a corrupted, disparate system.

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

perhaps they need better tools, better UIs, better game knowledge as a whole.
but if you are playing as enhancement shaman without wolves and without shamanistic rage you are just playing arena in a lvl 70 character, which leads me to believe you are better than the bracket you are @ rn

All of that is counts as cheating.

You see…

You are unwittingly proving my points as you go along.

game knowledge is cheating?


LMAOOOO there is no way you are real :rofl:

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dude this guy must be having a blast with our stupidity
he is just the best troll in history at this point


Depends on the circumstances.

And didn’t I say you had your excuses ready?

You painted the narrative that anyone that plays META can get the ratings; guaranteed…

Your narrative, not mine.