I did pvp the other day and wasn’t instantly handed 2500 rating and a full set, blizzard please fix!
You get the rating you earn, and by extension the rewards you earn. Go earn the rewards.
I did pvp the other day and wasn’t instantly handed 2500 rating and a full set, blizzard please fix!
You get the rating you earn, and by extension the rewards you earn. Go earn the rewards.
It’s been explained in other topics the disparate mess that is arena.
There are some glad-like players even in this topic in favor of removed ratings.
This isn’t even my topic. I just happen to agree with the OP.
Go earn the rewards.
Dude, it’s not a gear disparity. You’re just horrible at the game. I literally have a warrior with no PvE gear that’s almost 1900. Meanwhile, you still can’t break 1700 with better gear than my warrior in terms of IL.
Nothing like keeping on eye on bads.
You are nowhere near the caliber of player that people should be taken seriously when it comes to offering feedback.
Just because a bunch of people say something should be changed, doesn’t mean it’s actually a good idea.
dude cmon
you are ditching the most fun talents on enhance
how can a flame shock dmg buff be more fun than having wolves
Ele sham crying about wotlk arena? LMAO
Also what is this cheat loading you up with debuffs? Maybe a DK just hit Pestilence->coil and hit you with 4 debuffs at once
He is half elem, half enhance, with neither 51-point talent, and missing many +%damage talents lol
Don’t forget the actual abilities that help you survive or close the gap on someone in pvp.
2 days ago I ran into Wafectus again, but this time it was during WG. Just wanted everyone to know the absolute joy watching him die to bots was.
Im convinced he’s a troll, no one can be this unlikable & oblivious to reality. Your spec/gear/chants/gems/glyphs are set up in a way that your character is objectively a detriment to your bg or arena team. The absolute head in the sand “nuh uh” responses smell like troll, nobody is that painfully ignorant, right?
Wafectus your entire existence is an affront to the Creator. May God have mercy on your soul. If it were up to us this thread would choose Barabbas over you.
You are full wrathful only missing head, shoulders, and weapon, which are relentless quality.
There is no disparity. You just suck.
Ironforge(dot)pro → wafectus
I wonder if you were that rogue that kept yelling in common language that I S____k, but refused to engage me and just kept sapping me like a coward.
Well too bad; looks like you’re going to have to carry me. You’re not my armchair commander in any random setting.
It’s as if you don’t know how this game works; or understand the meaning of disparity.
There’s no disparity yet I’m not fighting on equal terms against a full Wrathful player.
You’re contradicting yourself.
but how did the full wrathful player get full wrathful in first place
They gamed the system…
A corrupted system to begin with.
so you are wearing your socks in your hands so you deflect the system rules?
Lmao wait so everybody who gets full wrathful has “gamed the system”? Damn, if its so easy that all you gotta do is “game the system 4head” then why don’t you just do it?
Because I’m not a cheater.
Its cheating to win enough arena games to buy the wrathful pieces?
You don’t do arena, do you?
Because the arena you are describing is not the arena I’m playing in.