PvP items still gatekeeped

It always makes sense when you see it. It explains everything.

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gatekeeping is good for the integrity of the game.

gates have purpose.

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Learn to play the game.

What did the gatekeeping in BC serve if there was to be no era for it anyways? What would have been the harm in allowing Dual Spec when it was a popular topic then?

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Those are two very different things, and only one relates to the thread at hand. Don’t derail this like the others :clown_face:

What, the robbo can’t refute for himself? He need’s you to do it for him?

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Bad players are always going to complain about arena gear being gatekept. You want it? Get better at the game.

Starting with your talents, gear and enchants. 2K isn’t hard to get and complaining about that low of a rating just tells us all we need to know about you.


This is a public forum. I’m sorry if that’s too hard for you to understand.

Fully serious, there is a decent chance he will respond with something along the lines of “It’s all rigged, there is cheaters, the boosters carrying droolers beat me and my duo because we can’t 2v1 at 1600 rating.”

He’s said it before but I did add in my personal flavor to it.

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I think the community has suffered enough from people’s input in areas of the game they aren’t interested in playing.

it would’ve caused inflation.

great question.
glad I could answer.

:clap: :clap: :clap: standing ovation, I know I got heated at you prior, but, you do make me smile a lot

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Here’s a wonderful topic that shines a light on the disparity that is arena.

To clarify, I am not advocating for any change to arena, or the gear ratings. If the rating requirement was dropped I would of course take advantage of that, but I can live without it, and actually justify the requirement later in my post. I am simply stating that it is a minimal time investment to get most of the way there in terms of the most powerful pvp gear.

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Linking to another post that you think is well-articulated doesn’t make the point validated.

I can tell you from playing this game when arenas first came out that there wasn’t an issue with a dwindling arena population because players were “discouraged because they couldn’t obtain gear they weren’t good enough for” and that isn’t the case now. You will literally get your chance to grind honor for the gear you aren’t able to earn when the Cata pre-patch comes out.

When Cata rolls around, you can have all the pvp gear you want if you do enough arenas because Blizzard caved into bad pvpers.

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In an environment that no longer behaves as Wrath.

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Oh no here we go again. Get the mops ready, he’s tearing up because sentry totem is removed.

Cata plays closer to LK than it does MoP.

Again, Get better at the game and you can chase the dopamine like all the other players that have earned their gear.

Nooooo, I like my sentry totem but,

It’s what happens in WoD that leaves me teary-eyed.

Cata arena is just going to end up the same. The same disparities are following.

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That’s a you problem. Again, get better at the game.

Nothing is going to change until you fix all the horrible gearing, gems, enchants and that horrid spec. After that, you MIGHT notice some changes.