Arena participation is low; some suggestions to address the problem

Hello everyone,

There’s been a couple of threads now attempting to address the frankly abysmal arena participation numbers we’re seeing in WoTLK classic. I would like to make this thread to offer some suggestions to the developers on the matter.

To preface this and give some credibility to this post, I have gotten Gladiator every season of classic thus far, and am currently in the top 100 at 2300 in 3v3 arena on two characters. I reached gladiator last season on both my mage at 2916 in 3v3 and my paladin at 3244 in 2v2. While I raid multiple times a week across my characters clearing 5/5 heroic 50 attempt runs, I mainly play this game for the PvP aspect. I’ve been playing WoW off and on since 2005, and have been playing classic non-stop since Nostalrius came out in 2015. I love classic WoW, and I love classic arena. I’m not an amazing player by any means, but I would like to count myself among the most dedicated of players currently doing arena.

With that out of the way, I would like to share some ideas that the upper-end arena community rather largely agree on.

  • Rating requirements on PvP gear

Arena rating requirements originally were designed as a sort of carrot on a stick mechanic. In the old days seeing that gear on a player was something to envy, something to aim for. In these days, it’s not so much anymore. In fact, it’s become a major deterrent to the average player attempting to step into the arena. Currently, the challenger cutoff which indicates the top 35% of players above 1000 rating is sitting at 1650. That means, at minimum, 65% of the player base(it’s more) does not have access to the majority of the current arena set. This leads to players feeling discouraged, as attempting to compete with worse gear isn’t fun and leads to many simply giving up. A vast majority of people who play arena simply do it to get better gear to do battlegrounds with. Since they can’t get any gear outside of gloves and pants, many simply do not bother engaging in this content.

  • Honor gear being 2 sets behind

This is actually something that many players do not even realize. The current honor set, deadly, is 38 item levels behind relentless. I want to express here as an experienced player that gear this far behind will mean you get absolutely obliterated when facing players with even furious gear. The stat difference is massive, unlike TBC where it was minor between seasons. If you’re attempting to push rating, it becomes harder and harder the closer you get. Unless you’re a gladiator level player, you most likely will struggle attempting to climb being so far out geared, and may simply give up.

  • Lesser quality gear for arena points, such as furious or 245 1800 weapons

These items being on the vendor for arena points are an absolute bait tactic. Spending your hard earned arena points on gear that is outright inferior will always feel bad, no exceptions. The idea for people who cannot reach the rating requirements to spend their points on the last seasons gear as a stop-gap is good in theory, but once you factor in how long it takes to get arena points it becomes frankly obvious how bad of an idea it is. If you do buy the inferior, last season’s gear, then you will find yourself in a situation where you flat out do not have the points to buy the current gear when you do finally reach it, leaving an ever more bitter taste to contend with. The 1800 and 2200 weapons for example cost the exact same amount of points. I don’t know about you, but spending 3-4 weeks farming an 1800 weapon that is flat out inferior to any weapon out of the heroic raid feels very, very bad. This is especially true once you think about how easy heroic ToGC is.

With these points laid out, I’d like to suggest a couple easy-to-implement changes that would vastly increase arena participation and encourage new players to step into the arena.

  1. Removal of rating requirements on all main-set items, caster off-hands, shields, relics/totems/librams, and wands/thrown
  2. Furious main-set & furious 238 weapons for honor
  3. Reducing the 258 weapons to 1800
  4. Reducing the furious 252 weapons to 1600. This would upgrade to the 258 weapon for a small additional cost of arena points.
  5. Reducing the relentless 245 weapons to 1400. This would upgrade to the 252 weapon for a small additional cost of arena points.
  6. Removal of the accelerated weekly MMR inflation added in S5, as it is no longer needed. Normal inflation should remain to encourage ladder activity.
  7. Double the daily BG & quest wins to 50 arena points each.

The above suggestions would dramatically encourage new players to enter the field. A solid starter set is easily farmable for honor, and the major goal of weapons is readily obtainable. These weapons are similar in power to the 1800 weapons in TBC. They aren’t BIS in PvE, but are strong enough to encourage players, especially alts, to engage in arena gameplay. They’re also layered to give that carrot-on-a-stick feel, and to encourage players to continue progressing upward. These are more closely similar to the difficulty in acquiring a weapon from the current raid tier, which is frankly very easy. The additional daily quest win arena point reward will help as both a catch up mechanic and to encourage more BG participation. The 6th suggestion is mainly for the upper-end players, as the endless inflation adds some serious detriments to end-of-season title pushing that results in the entire season being irrelevant. More players engaging in arena will by default increase the competition for title spots, as more spots will be available with the increased player pool. These changes will also have a two-fold factor of encouraging people to roll more alts, which as always are the lifeblood of WoW as a whole. This game is the most lively when gear is easy to get and alts are abundant. ToGC is honestly turning out to be one of my most favorite raids yet, as it’s quick and relatively easy compared to the slog that was Ulduar. This means I have the time to run it on more characters then I otherwise would. The same situation can be true with arena.

I sincerely thank everyone who bothered to read this far. I truly believe reducing the barrier to entry would do absolute wonders for player participation. I know the WoTLK arena meta isn’t fun for everyone, and that’s OK. More casuals dipping their toes in would do wonders for the entire community, even if they decide arena isn’t for them. If anyone has any questions on my experience, or the opinions of the higher-end PvP community in general feel free to ask.


They definitely need to change some things. The state of arena really is truly sad atm. It’s crazy to me how much the pvp population has fallen going from TBC to WOTLK. I am not sure if it is salvageable right now due to the cascade effect between seasons but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

PS: please fix dalaran sewer jump and dumb stuff like that


Oh yeah, the sewer jump. I wanted to mention it, but this post is mainly to address the fundamentals plaguing arena as a whole rather then the upper-end meta gameplay.

For those that aren’t aware, the Dalaran Sewers arena map has a bug where certain tall races, such as Troll or Dreanei, are able to jump up the wall and effectively exploit the terrain of the map. It’s rather game breaking and has begun to be abused more and more as the community becomes aware of it. Definitely needs fixed. here’s a video if it in action. The priest does it in the first 5 seconds of the video, and continues to do it throughout. As I’m not the right race I can’t do it and have to walk around as intended.

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Feel for the OP and all PvP players. My heart goes out to all. All of my effort and love stands with you.


I believe bumping participation in the game itself is the very first step needed to address all the issues we currently have.


I don’t know how i feel about this.

I’ll state that i do feel that it got out of hand last season. I feel that there was too much of it.

I feel that the lower bracket would get punished more so than any other part of the bracket. I feel that it should maybe start mid season, or closer to the end, but not the way end.

I think inflation is a very delicate thing to handle. If the game was more popular, had more players, and had people who werent 10+ year players being the majority, i would probably opt for the complete removal of inflation.

Given the circumstances, i think if inflation was handed out to anyone below 1800 mmr / rating is good.

Everything else i agree 110% with.


The extra inflation was added to counteract the arena rating requirements being so high and out of reach for the vast majority of players. Without the requirements there simply isn’t a need for it.

For the record, there was ALWAYS inflation. They just outright doubled or even tripled during the end of S5 to help with the low amount of players being eligible for arena rewards. They’ve been using this idea on retail to try and fix a similar situation. I don’t think it’s a good tool to use compared to simply adjusting the other end of the problem: the requirements themselves. I’m suggesting the old level of inflation be added back, rather then the crazy one we have now.

I also added a small change in the OP to the BG daily quests to help as a catch-up mechanic and to encourage more players into battlegrounds. More players playing the game is a good thing. I changed the inflation line to be clearer about only rolling back the change they did in S5.

They actually found the way to have catchup later on.

When they added Conquest points, that you could get in bgs and other events.
Conquest points that would let you indefinitely farm them till you hit a cap that would become bigger and bigger for everyone each week. But that wasn’t really wotlk design, early pvp design was very focused on arenas and it still impact a lot of designs about pvp nowadays.


Correct, this catch up allowed alts to get in the fight quickly. While a great design, I agree on it not being in the spirit of WoTLK or classic in general. You should be encouraged to play the whole season, but also not feel totally left out if you didn’t. I think with the furious sets being for honor in addition to the BG daily giving more arena points it’ll be enough for most. The gap between furious and relentless isn’t terribly wide like the deadly set is thanks to the ilvl buff we got in ulduar.

A 13 ilvl gap should be the absolute limit, and it’s what we’ll have here (Furious is 238, relentless is 251).

Literally described exactly how I feel and why I haven’t touched arena. Another big reason is the deadly set has 0 haste, the new sets probably have haste. As someone who likes playing affliction, I do no damage because deadly just has crit so I am forced to played Destro. Between raiding and playing with friends the grind just feels like it will take too long. If they made it so people can gear up easier and not with 2x old pieces it would bring way more people in. I understand this will hurt pve, so they should make the gear scale down outside of pvp or something along those lines. If I remember correctly MoP had easy catch up for PvP, yes you didn’t get the best gear but it was “good enough” and got your feet in the water and you didn’t have to grind as hard making it easier to jump in especially on alts.


The suggestion above are great and deserving of a bump. I think the biggest struggle to get people to participate also is the state of paladins when paired with X. You can be incredibly bad and make all the wrong decisions as say preg dk but you still just win. Why queue if you will just fight a Paladin X comp about 90% of your games? They can be won but it is few and far between for the casual player to overcome it.


I’m afraid at this point there might be only a slight chance Blizzard will ever do anything about this.
This was a thing during retail Wotlk but it was fixed in mid season 6.
The fact Blizzard has not said a single thing about this or has hinted at all towards it makes me have no hope even though this really is something that should have been fixed on Beta.

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Play 3s. Preg is only prevalent in 2s, while 3s have much more variety.

There is a reason why titles were removed in OG wrath.

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This is my issue. I have no desire to play arena because the comps are all pretty much the same and I play a warlock.



Agree! Try 3s people! It’s a lot more flexible compared to 2s where a lot of games are decided when the gates open

Excellent post, agree on all points.

Might I also add, another huge factor in arena participation is the lack of cross realm LFG listings. Server hopping on a level 1 and spamming trade is definitely not the move.

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if i had a third partner id definitely try 3s more but alas

time to get steamrolled by every death knight team as a lock in 2s instead


I wish they added a cross realm group finder as well. Seems obvious to have now that server identity is dead and buried for most realms. I imagine this would require some re-tooling of the current group finder and isn’t in a realm of possibility with the low amount of resources the classic team has. The changes i mentioned above are mainly number and vendor tweaks which are easy to implement


Just remove the rating requirements for the gear. There, fixed… Gatekeeping gear behind rating was always a moronic idea.


I personally am opting to only Rogue/Feral as my two mains. I made the feral specifically to counter the Pala comps in 2s. I understand counter comping is a thing thats unavoidable, but when the comp you play essentially only has 1 or 2 comps that arent free wins then your comp is clearly a bit overtuned.

I understand if i play Disc Feral I would get stomped by good RMs and SPRs lol.