PvP items still gatekeeped

You’re almost full wrathful, only missing head, shoulders, and weapon, which are all relentless quality anyways.

You also have a tank back piece but I know you could wrathful right now.

You don’t have low quality gear, just mix matched gear that is poorly gemmed and poorly enchanted. The actual stat weights of the gear is effectively as heavy as high quality gear gets.

So you’re saying 3 pieces of wrathful from relentless with all the rest being wrathful is the line between “not geared enough to stomp greens” and “horribly overpowered and makes the gear gap too wide.”

You’re a moron.

You have arena gear too btw. You’re only missing the head and shoulders because you aren’t good enough to get them. Also by that logic, PvE gear shouldnt be allowed either, and whats Wafectus going to do without his tanking cloak? :scream:

So by his logic his gear should disqualify him from playing in BG’s?

Because that’s how it sounds to me when I look at their gear and read their drivelposting. Which is hilarious to me.

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Dueling Wafectus won’t count unless you match his exact spec. Aka mirror match. Which he may very well win. I think you should do it Wafectus

I challenged some nerdraging dragonslayer sham in the guild Malibu Sunset on grobb to a mirror match duel, he chooses gear and spec. For 100k gold. He scurried away

Very well said. I dont even mind a single item locked behind rating (please not weapon), but when it’s everything the ladder is doomed. This time around almost no players will step foot into the arena for the first time, let alone stick with it week over week.

The problem is compounded by pve gear being strong. If you have neither and dont want to raid, it feels pretty bad to never have your character progress week over week while you are capped on arena points.

Edit: not to mention that the first 3 items you unlock as you progress drop from voa.

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Yes that’s right. I’m not a hypocrite. A better solution would be to scale gear down to the respective content, including mine.

Blizzard already did that but inverted. They scaled gear up to match.

It didn’t go over so well and was able to be abused hard.

That’s why it went wrong.

They didn’t do it my way.

Logic is your 10mm socket, isn’t it.


I remember murdering Wafectus in Undercity on Grobb once. Was great fun

I don’t have the best gear possible, period. You’re just stupid for nitpicking what is geared and what isn’t.

You’re the one promoting the gatekept ratings dumb feces. If Wrathful was available for everybody, then everyone would equally geared.

Plus, I haven’t seen you respond to any of the Glad-like players in here that are on the side of removed ratings who are making similar points to me.

You’re only trying to prove your idiotic points through me because you couldn’t handle an actual argument regarding the subject with any of them.

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who are the glads that want free gear besides that one mage
seems like mostly they just want easier titles with more spots

The only correct thing you have said this entire time, changing your cloak would be a step in the right direction. Unless you hate co-operative gaming, which it seems you do.

No, the other people can actually communicate thoughts and ideas and interact with questions without being a petulant child about it as you have been. This entire thread.

The better question is why YOU haven’t listened to the literal 2200 rated shaman who not only gave you tips but did so politely, only to have you lash out once again as a petulant child.

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He’s the same kind of condescending piece of feces as you are. Just because you mentioned the word “politely” doesn’t mean that it was so.

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Masking language that is against the ToS is considered the same as if you hadn’t masked it. Be a better human.

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What a ridiculous premise. How is giving equal gear out to everyone going to make it easier?

Also, they don’t want free gear. They have the gear. Nothing you say makes sense.

I’ll answer in the same manner that rogue likes to answer in…

Report me then if you don’t like it; if you think you have grounds for a sanction…

You piece of feces.

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more people farming free gear = more title spots available
the one mage you are referring to who is the only glad player ive seen asking for free gear, has said this himself

i brought up this topic on discord and like 10 glad players laughed out loud and said “sounds like bads are just asking for free gear”

In your stupidity, you assumed that we would continue doing arena once we got that gear.

Birds of a feather…

How many of us would really be bothering with arena at all if even the rating-less gear wasn’t gatekept…

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Bruh ur so cryptic and hard to communicate with rofl
you just said like two messages ago that glad players want free gear

i feel like ur just a master troll idk why i bite

and it doesnt matter if you do 10 games a whole season, if you climb over 1000cr you count on the ladder, and you inflate the amount of title spots incrementally

This is why S5 had so much “participation”, a ton of people just bugged Wintergrasp early in wrath release, got easy honour gear, played a few matches of arena, then unsubbed. But no one realized this until S6 started and everyone thought “participation fell off a cliff overnight” on S6 launch. Really these guys left in like November 2022

I can tell immediately, you miscomprehended, misread, took out of context, whatever it is you think I said.

Without intentionally attempting to throwing the few righteous Glads out there under the bus, it means all you elitists are all one and the same…

an infestation in the game.

That’s why I prefer bots as my teammates in BGs over disdainful pieces of feces like you.

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