PvP items still gatekeeped

You are AFK and not participating if you spend the entire BG looking through a sentry totem and so I hope everybody who is unlucky enough to have you on their team reports you. Cry about it.

More pointless deflection. Theres was 0 contradiction in what I said, I explained why, Apathy explained why as well. Read better.

Explain why you think your spec is good. If you ignore this part of my post, respond with something along the lines of “NoNe oF YouR BuSiNeSS”, or otherwise try to deflect from this question, I will take it as you know your spec is awful and you are purposely running away from the truth.

You seem to be answering your own question just fine by yourself.


That part there, “good”, is subjective.

LMAO thanks for playing. Glad we have this understanding then.

Deflection again.

You have a negative win/loss ratio in arenas.

You have a cookie cutter spec that doesn’t take Astral Shift, Thunderstorm, Shamanism, or Lava Flows in the Elemental tree, so you lack a defensive, bonus damage for your spells, and a spell that creates a gap between you and people trying to tunnel you. So you’re useless as Elemental.

In the Enhancement tree, you don’t take Shamanistic Rage, Feral Spirit, and Earthen Power which makes you unable to close the gap on someone if you’re being kited around, not have a defensive if you get tunneled, and you lack the extra melee damage despite having some talents for it.

Your spec is objectively terrible for pvp but somehow I have moronic logic. Okay…


Inb4 you hit this mouthbreather with logic and he retorts with “ThaTs SuBJecTiVe BrO”


You’re literally calling a 2200 rated player “ignorant”. The irony is just oozing out of my screen right now.


Did your talents allocate themselves? Did your gear gem itself? You clicked this stuff. Those are actions; and it is those actions, along with your statements, on which people in this thread are basing their opinions.

You could be a great emo band song-writer though.

Also, no duel? It will be fun and we could be friends, I’m already on your list afterall.


I’m the only one?

What would all the players who optimize “properly” and have worse ratings than I think of you throwing them under the bus like that?

You don’t know what a cookie cutter spec is.

I detest any of these players in my BGs, and they shouldn’t be allowed in my BGs with their gear; or the gear should scale down to BG level gear.

These 2200 players are responsible for the PvP disparities that carry over to BGs.

What a stupid person you turned out to be.

Using the literal sense of “actions” to justify a terrible narrative to begin with.

Nor do I recommend you contact me in away should you ever decide to log on.

Oh I just got done gearing my double-agent to send him after special horde like you.

Can’t wait to send him out on a hunt.

For you, it would be a start. Maybe then you can actually get past 1700 for once.

I’ll just use the word “Trash”, then.

So you just want to bar any good players from playing with you so you can feel better about yourself? Because that’s all I read.

Weird how people that are good in a video game, tend to win…weird.


LOL so better players than you should be penalized for being better so you don’t have to improve. Crazy.

Also, you most certainly get stomped by players of your same gear too, because your spec is awful for reasons that everybody has already told you. I expect rogues in particular eat you alive. No thunderstorm to knock them away, no sham rage for dance, no wolves, no astral shift for their stuns. Terrible.


Watch out boys! He gon git u!


Yeah I’m the one with poor comprehension.

You arena gear should be for arena only. You’re the one that wants to take the superior gear and use it on a playing field where the rest of us have the gear intended for that content.

Wouldn’t that be better than getting stomped by players in superior gear?

That argument doesn’t help your cause any…

You unwittingly admit that you want to have your superior gear advantage over the BG audience.

Oh we know. We had that figured out not long after you started posting.

To be fair, that’s not true. That’s the systems design, not the players fault.

Unlike you, i don’t like stepping foot into BGs. But i’m “forced to” to get gear.

Regardless, the design is what’s really the problem here, not the player.

If i could just do arena to get gear, i would. I wouldn’t step foot into regular, non rated BGs if i have the choice.


I was being a little abstract to demonstrate my disdain for that 2200 player, that I threw other glad-like players like you under the bus when glads like you champion what I’m, the OP, is about.

I’ll refrain from that from now on.

Not all 2K plus players are disdainful pieces of feces like some of these arguing against me.

But for a good portion of them, they sure do come with a narcissistic complex, don’t they?

Fo sho man, don’t tickle me too hard, I might wet my kilt.


You’re just mad because we’re literally speaking the truth, but you won’t accept it.

Who cares what they’d think.

If someone does everything else right and still loses then it is the definition of a skill diff.

For you, it’s both, but you could actually probably hit 1800 if you did everything else correct.

It’s similar to blue parsing. Any trogg mouth breather can do it. Those who are lower than blue parses legit just suck. Those people will always exist.

Your issue is that you actively self sabotage yourself and then complain about everyone else. You’re a moron.

And stop deflecting. It’s pathetic.

Wipe the drool from your lower lip as well.


339 page thread that could have been avoided if SOMEONE just answered the “why have you done this?” question with something as simple as “I like it”. Yet you choose to be the guy who shows up to a party, relieves themselves on the floor then maintains the everyone else can leave if they don’t like it. When in reality you should when in reality it’s you being the issue.

Nah just belligerence and hostility instead, and somehow working in prejudice? Distasteful.
Dude you’re essentially full wrathful sitting here crying over not having a weapon you’d waste anyway. You have all the gear you should have for your “skill” level, actually, you have higher gear than your “skill” probably warrants.

Guess you can’t get carried to a wrathful weapon, but can get carried to everything else.

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