PvP items still gatekeeped

Even if you are not playing to win (bad manners in a team-based game), I don’t even understand how your build is fun. Like you’re obviously not playing to win games, so you must be playing for the fun of playing your unique spec/gear configuration or casually grinding achievements. 1, the achievements would be more achievable if you committed to Enhancement or Elemental and reach wolves or thunderstorm. 2, you might have more fun if you tried out these “meta” options. Looking at your hybrid spec and gear, your playstyle is limited to bonking people with a staff and hoping for a WF proc, shocking, purging, interupting, and recon with far sight and sentry totem (lol). That’s all well and good, but final-talent Enhance or Elemental do all of those things and so much more (minus the staff bonking, but a 2H mace or axe would deal more damage if you want to go that route). I have found 2H enhance to be too frustratingly weak to play, even when I tried it in TBC with the stun-proc blacksmith 2H mace. There is so much additional power available to you that would increase your fun as well as make you a more valuable teammate. Your build optimizes nothing, and leaves huge amounts of damage, utility, and survivability on the table.

Give Elemental a try and Thunderstorm somebody off the center of EotS or off lumbermill in AB. Or dual wield Enhance, pop wolves and shred somebody while spamming purge and kicking their feeble attempt to heal. You might really enjoy the meta builds and there are still many ways to customize your own personal flavor while picking up critical talents. I myself deviate from the wowhead elemental build and gear, but there is an element of mathematics such that certain things should not be skipped.


And how did you determine that I’m not playing to win? Just because of how I optimized myself?

That’s just a display of ignorance and prejudice.

Like I said, that’s just an ignorant statement because of How I look. My actions on the field determine if I’m playing to win or not.

You determining I’m not playing to win based on how I look is just a display of prejudice and ignorance.

So that’s you discreetly trying to say that my spec is in violation of the rules of the game.

You’re just the same kind of ignoramus as these other posters…

Who rarely plays their shaman BTW…

That’s right, I got you on my friends list and haven’t seen you log in at all. You talk this big game about being a shaman when you’re not even playing it on a regular basis.

wafectus, cmon
i get you are doing your own thing and stuff but taking wheels of a car and substituting it with pizzas and saying its prejudice if we tell you it doesnt work is as stupid as it can be


With that spec, you’re not playing to win, at all.

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Stupid is the bad analogy you just made.

Again ignoramus… You’re basing that on face value only; not on actions themselves.

Dude, you literally are playing a bad spec and pretending that everybody else is wrong.


hurr durr your prejudice

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Nothing that is against the rules.

All you ignoramuses are basing your opinions on face-value; what I look like, not on my actions.

That’s the definition of prejudice.

And you’re using those guidelines to reach into game violation of the rules.

Can’t know that for sure ignoramus unless you are in real-time content with me yourself.

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This is the most cringe thing I’ve read in a long time.

My point still stands that players like you are the vast majority of players that complain about rating requirements because you are completely incapable of obtaining those ratings.

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I did not say anything about the rules of the game. I’m saying the game has an element of mathematics that cannot be overcome with skill, and playing to win involves making gear and talent decisions that take into account this mathematical component. I am offering you recommendations to improve your success and fun at the game.

I have raid logs for every week for all of wrath, as well as all the way back to molten core in autumn of 2019. Only skipped sunwell and the first few weeks of BWL. I also have the 100,000 honorable kill achievement, at around 120k now. Unwise to speculate before doing any investigation at all.

I’m at work for most of today, then have guild raid scheduled at 6pm. I will happily meet you for a duel between 530 and 6pm pacific time, tonight. I am elemental pvp and pve, but if you pay my respec cost I will also duel you as enhancement.

I saw you join and then leave the Ironwolf Clan hosted wpvp last friday night. But it was late and no more skirmishes were happening. Also there was mad drama and the leader was drunk. But even on a normal night, a freshly boosted shaman specced into thunderstorm would be more useful than you.


But that’s how I interpreted your ignorant post.

And here you are offering something I didn’t ask for, only further cementing my disdain for you.

I’m not interested in interacting with you in any way. Other than to berate you for simply contacting me.

Season is not over yet. We’ll see.

Dude, that shaman is a better player than you. Not trying to be rude. It’s an objective fact.

You literally are calling the guy ignorant but he actually plays the game at a higher level than you do both in PvE and PvP. If anybody is going to take a shaman’s opinion serious on any topics, it’s going to be his and not yours.


With that horrific spec you’ve chosen, it will be a miracle. I’ll go ahead and bookmark this post to see if you make it to 2k before pre-patch in spring.


I said I’ll report you for griefing yes.

Never said the parry gem was a violation of the rules. I said I’d report you for griefing for the whole set up plus your “afking” by “defending” which you never responded to that in the end either.

This is a solved game. We know what is and isn’t good in terms of producing the right numbers your character should be producing.

It is objective.

That was me, not him, and I called it self sabotage every time. Go reread the posts.

The first post is about your spec, the second is about you afking in wsg. Those are two very separate things.

I’m not scrolling through more, I really in the end missed nothing of substance, which is just status quo for you.


He’s such a weirdo lmao.

Absolutely pathetic individual.

Yo, please let me watch if it happens.

yo can i duel too xD

You used the word better to describe something objective. That’s just a demonstration of your moronic logic.

Better is always 100% subjective.

Then you’re in violation of the game’s reporting system if you’re reporting based on that criteria.

You’re the one breaking the rules of the game.

Who’s “we”?

You’re assuming I’m afking simply for casting sentry totem. That makes you an idiot.

Not how that works at all. Reports are notifications to Blizzard to investigate based off of the criteria of the report to see if the reported individual is indeed in violation.

The responsibility of the player is to initiate the report, and that it is. That is the start and finish.

Wasting everyone’s time very much will warrant a report from me to Blizzard about the individual in question.

Cry more about it.

More deflection and blatant disregard to the actual post.

Already explained how your sentry totem works within the parameters you set in how you use it in accordance with the mechanics of the ability.

You never denied my claims in how you use it, only coped and deflected like now.

You refuse to elaborate further in it’s usage, which means that it just :point_down:


No1 is wasting your time in a random group. You’re welcome to leave anytime you want if the group isn’t working out for you.

Even in a manual group, the group leader can initiate a kick anytime they want.

You made those claims on assumption. You don’t know if that’s how I’m using it or not. I never made mention of how I actually use it.

I’m not obligated to reveal how I play the game at all.

Piece of feces.