PvP items still gatekeeped

You can have circular conversations with yourself in a corner.

You type entire novels to argue for 2 pieces of gear to be obtainable lol, weird that you choose to die on a hill that you’re so wrong about


Already explained in the very post you’re quoting, as well as many other times prior.

Stop deflecting. You could legit just actually try to play the game well for once.

You didn’t explain anything; or I wouldn’t be asking the question.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → I have explained it so many times.

You’re not explaining anything. You’re just displaying my personal information.

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I have. You never paid attention. Reread this :point_down:

You’re doing it right now.

And I found whatever it is you think you explained to be incoherence; so in its essence, you didn’t explain anything at all.

Whereas no one else has.

You’re the odd one out.

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Who’s No1? Your own cohorts?

Baseless conspiracy and more derailment.

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I mean, i’m not wrong though.

And it’s more than just 2 pieces of gear.

One. We have Weapons locked at 1800, that’s Main hand.

Two. relic / ranged.

Three. Helm.

Four. Shoulders

Five. Tier 2 / elite weapons.

Typing more to articulate my point is why i type so much. As well as i like to type. Whether people read it or it not… who cares, right?

If gear isn’t a problem, like your implying that it’s simply “not that big of a deal”, then why are you responding? Obviously, as a forum, that’s to be expected.

It’s not that big of a deal to remove rating requirements.

It will give people motivation to even try arena.

We all know you can get to 2k/2.2k in one bracket and take that gear advantage to the other brackets. We can help eliminate the gear disparity and variables by removing the rating requirements, as well as making the pvp scene more accessible to those who just want to dabble, and not devote more time than some can afford to devote to a game.

All in all, if you have something that’s worth discussing, like why you think rating requirements are good, then why don’t you do that?

And no, i don’t think “just get good 5head” is an answer. Nor do i think that people think gear is enough of an incentive to actually even step foot into arena.

There’s a reason why in later xpacs they not only eliminated rating requirements, but also started awarding gold, elite cosmetic sets, and cosmetic enchants. IJS.

I already know, and i’m sure you already know, that this late into wrath they won’t remove rating requirements. It’s still worth discussing, at least for me.


Right there, summed up perfectly. Stop deflecting and address it.

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But in what way, is that sabotaging?

I hope your ability to draw circles is as good as your ability to loop the conversation into one.

You are your own issue.

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And you wonder why I don’t want to raid through ppl like you.

And why I want an automated queue system to do it all for me.

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More deflection and derailment. Still have yet to explain the reasoning and logic behind anything you have done.

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No it doesn’t.

You don’t know the rules of the game and are openly infringing on my rights to play it by taking an authoritative stance.

It’s none of the group’s business if I’m wearing a parry gem or not…

Nor does it say anywhere in the rules of the game that I as a shaman can’t wear a parry gem in a group setting.

Because I don’t have to. You’re not an authority in the game; even though you really act like one.

You’ve lost the entire argument, and your ignorance is displayed for everyone to see with this one simple statement…

Nothing in the rulebook of the game, anywhere, says that a shaman can’t wear a parry gem in a group setting.

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Cope and deflection. No player has any power over another player. You can’t force your way into my group nor do I have to include you if I was making a group and you wanted in.

You can do whatever you want.

And everyone else can mock and ridicule your talents, build, play, and exclude you from our groups because you want to be a selfish individual who demands teams but refuses to work as a team member.

It is when you are in a group bigger than yourself.

More derailment and projection focusing on some asinine stance that no one ever said.

Of course you can put whatever gem you want and where.

And we can mock and ridicule you, then exclude you from groups for doing it.

True you don’t have to.

And it’ll force the rest of us to come to the conclusion that you’re a selfish tool with no understanding of how this game works, and thus, should be excluded from group content until you learn how not to be useless in a team environment.

More cope and deflection. There is no argument. There is you, as seen here with ironforge(dot)pro → wafectus and everyone agreeing that you are you own issue.

You’re just a tool who wants to blame everyone else for your own failures and shortcomings.

Already addressed this goal post moved narrative you’re just now making up for derailment purposes. Stay on topic.

What a waste of time.

This belonged on the other topic, not this one.

What poor forum etiquette you have.