If you lack the basic understanding of why end cap talents are important, or how wolves or your knockback would help you significantly in pvp, then good luck.
Your fundamental misunderstanding is for you to figure out. I’m not a coach for free.
If your fundamental understanding of this game is so poor that you can’t comprehend why your final talents are locked at the bottom, or the importance of them, instead opting for whatever build you cooked, then that’s on you.
I don’t have any need or obligation to teach you how this game works at the most basic level.
What doesn’t change is that you are wrong in terms of your talents. You lack meaningful abilities from both trees because of your distribution. You would have an easier time winning games if you talented correctly, and then geared correctly in accordance with your talents.
Your childish “But why though???” is just that. Childish. This is adult time. The basic fundamentals should already be known and understood amongst any player trying to be in this conversation. Your lack of knowledge is no one else’s concern in this regard.
We can all enjoy talking about your bad build, and coming to the same conclusion that you are your own issue. If you’re too dense to even understand the basics, that’s just on you. We have no obligation to explain it to you. Figure it out.
I can feel the pain behind the mask you’re wearing.
Daloria already started explaining it to you 13 days ago. YOU LITERALLY DID NOT RESPOND TO IT.
So what makes me think, based off of your actions, that you’d care and listen? You wouldn’t. We all know you wouldn’t because you have a history of not listening and just fighting everything everyone who is better than you is telling you for shaman pvp. You want to cope and hide behind “The rampant cheaters at 1650 elo”, instead of looking internally.
Which is worthless and meaningless. You address nothing, cherry pick a specific line that isn’t the core of the stance, and reply to that to derail as a means to covering up the actual topic at hand because you lack any ability to even explain what your build is, or why, and jumping at everyone else that we’re wrong for playing the game correctly, and you’re right for being a selfish tool who is so greedy for “their own play” that you self sabotage to push it as a point.
But then turn around and complain about the self sabotage and push that onto everyone else for doing what is correct, which beats your brainlet self sabotage build, while ignoring your entire self sabotage build as a possibility as to why you’re having a hard time playing against and with others.
Which then leads us to talking about your self sabotage build, which you then ignore the core of it and address very specific lines that aren’t core as a means of derailment…
And the cycle continues.
Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → Nothing he says has any bearing, and he should be mocked and ridiculed until gameplay improves.