its like you beg for being bashed on being bad dont you
I’m more awake and have less of that evil magician moon grass in me, and I just really want to add that I spent more time defending than attacking in AV.
My friends and I closed tower point down, usually sending 10-15 alliance back to their cave. We then retook the GY and would retake IBT, closing both towers. We then floated around the area sending all lone alliance trying to regroup south back up north to be farmed.
I know who actually defended and who “defended”. Those who stood at a node as everything else burned were just afk.
Sorry not sorry if you’re the “defender” who is just looking for an excuse to afk. Actually go play the game and actively defend. Passive defense is just a nice way of saying afk. Always has been.
99.9% of your wow issues are self inflicted and self curable. Fix yourself, get better.
But with the armor being gatekept it keeps the trash players from being able to get said titles. Thus it would remove the achievement from it if anyone can hit like 2500.
There’s no valid reason in the world to reward bads with welfare gear. People need to stop complaining about rating requirements and just get better. It’s not hard
These takes are always so wild to me.
Like people would rather see the pvp scene die and be on life support (as if it hasent been the past decade lmao) then reduce the barrier to entry.
Imagine if the barrier wasnt so high and people played alts.
Imagine if people who never did arena actually bothered because to obtain the gear, which even if its honor farming, takes a lot of time to do so.
Then with no catch up cap, people are forced to play every week which leads to burn out significantly faster.
I just think its incredibly narrow minded and short sighted to say that any gear you have to put countless hours is considered welfare.
As well as telling people to just get good will somehow solve the population issue.
Rating requirements are not good for the game, and not healthy for the pvp scene.
Not having a catch up cap is terrible for the pvp scene as well.
I think we can all agree that gear shouldnt be given for free. That time should be invested.
However, reward players with titles, tabards, pets, cosmetic items and enchants.
No one who can critically think past their nose will think creating artifical barriers is healthy or good game design.
If you want a higher population, the barrier to entry has to be lowered.
High rated players and casuals alike will farm gear on alts and populate the brackets if it isnt terribly toxic to even start.
Ive tried gearing and playing 3 characters. Its not fun. Its not rewarding. Once i get the tabard im done. There is no incentive for me to play alts if i dont have the gear to bother because i missed a few weeks. Cant try fun or non meta stuff on my alts either because what if its gear thats stopping me from winning?
We all know gear wont get you glad, so why gate it?
We all know gear against equally skilled players greatly influences the game. So why gate it? Why not remove that variable?
After looking up your paladins armory, i hope that 2k isnt your life time highest for having such a wildy bad take.
I pray that you didnt just magically drop 150 rating after getting to 2k. And i hope you know that 160 wins and 140 losses is not a good ratio at that rating.
Rating bashing is disgusting. Its not productive to the community at large. So telling other people to just get good with that win loss at 2k is an extremely poor take.
I would have no reason to even look at that, or bring it up if your solution was even remotely helpful.
Titles are percentage based. Bad argument. There has been seasons when 2500 was glad.
There has been seasons where 2500 was rival.
Rating being an indicator if someone is good or bad is only relative, imo, to the current xpac.
Good points on your post, but I think it’s all secondary to the issue of PVE gear.
PVE gear being required at high ratings drove away far more players from classic Arena, than a PVP wep with Resil instead of Haste being rating-gated ever did. In fact I think the rating-gated weps encouraged non-raiders to push 2200.
The people who refuse to push to get items probably wouldn’t enjoy arena much anyway. I get the argument that “we need them to inflate the ladder spots”, but they’re not even counted until they climb over 1000cr, and realistically a lot of PVE’ers getting their 10 weekly cap will never even pass 1000 during a season
I don’t know how retail is, just talking about Classic here
We don’t want to do arena at all, to get the best PvP gear.
That’s what you don’t seem to understand.
Yeah you just want the best gear to stomp undergeareds and fresh 80s in bgs lmfao. You’d get full wrathful and STILL complain about the game because you’re bad. Next on the list would be anything you die to
I mean yea I wouldn’t mind a Shadowmourne from a Northrend Adventure Supplies while we’re at it
Then quite literally, go to retail.
You’re gonna be surprised if you look at their gear…
and then their spec…
The idea of people being rewarded for mediocrity is not a good one no matter who you wanna spin it. Players shouldn’t be rewarded for gear in PvP simply for smashing buttons. If that’s the hill you wanna die on, more power to you.
I have 2 alts that are close to hitting 2k. It’s a poor argument to say that because play alts, that’s another reason we should remove rating requirements.
Again, I have two alts that are almost 2k, and I had to do the catch-up honor gear like everybody else.
You must not have done arenas or pvp in the first half of TBC or Wrath classic, did you? Rating requirements isn’t killing the pvp community in classic, it’s a variety of other factors, most of which has nothing to do with pvp.
Time investment is not a good solution to anything. By that logic, we should just start giving players mythic-level raiding gear for doing LFR over and over again, give players Heroic LK loot for killing normal LK each week, etc.
Removing the rating requirement isn’t going to have any meaningful impact at all on the population because there’s so many other reasons that the game’s community continues to shrink. Stop pretending otherwise.
So “gatekeeping” now means “I’m not guaranteed to earn the top rewards”? smh.
If you can’t perform at high levels, you don’t get high level rewards. Simple as that.
You can call that “gatekeeping” if you like, but that’s not what most people understand it to mean.
Then high-level gear should only be used for high-level content and should scale down respectively.
I did. Hit 2.1k as resto druid in S1, and 2.2k in season 2 before i decided to not care anymore because of how imbalanced tbc arena is in general. I did dabble a little bit in S3 with a friend but it was super casual 1800 fun stuff.
Hotsoap is my druids name if you want to fact check me on that.
Alphoncejr is my wrath classic paladin, who i’ve hit 2k in S5, and 2300 S6, S7, and S8 as well. Playing on and off mostly for cosmetics like the tabard.
So i’m “one of the few” (if you encompass the whole games population) who gets the entire armor set when it is relavent. And obviously i’m not even that good at the game. Which is also why i want to see more people have an incentive to even start playing.
It really is boring to see the same team at a low rating of 2300, even though what… 2k people are at that rank and higher?
The thing is, gear isn’t a reward. Titlles are. Mounts are. Tabards are.
Gear is just an artifical barrier.
I’ve been playing since '09 and i understand its out of the question to ask for gear to be completely removed as a variable from an mmo. I’ve had many discussions about it.
However, to just start doing arena, the only thing limiting gear should be how fast you can get it, not what minimum requirements you should meet.
Why do you say that?
I don’t think you need 100 hours, but some form of time investment has been commonly noted as one of the biggest factors that must be required in MMOs.
I personally would love to see no time requirement, no point requirement, or any kind of requirement to be on as close of an even playing field as reasonably possible.
-Obviously-, thats of out of the question.
So the question is, when some people say there must be a time requirement, but you say it’s not a good solution to anything, i wonder what you mean by that specifically?
I mean, i would imagine based off
You think that rating requirements are impacting the community in a more positive manner. Or at the very least, keeping prestige to some of these temporary items.
But we have tabards, mounts, titles, and achievements for said prestige. Are these not sufficent rewards?
Surface level i get what you saying. I’m not sure i follow on an indepth reason as to why you think the way you do.
Are you trying to make it so that the lower rated players have something to look forward too? Or do you personally like it when you have a gear advantage becuase you invested time to “get good” at the game?
And yes, i understand unfortunetly that gear requirements are not the only reason why the games population is on the downfall.
PvE gear having such an impact makes things even more discoureging.
Time commitment just to do the arena aspect is insane in the brain. If you do not like PvE, there is few reasons to even play the game, let alone try new things. If you have never played arena in the past, theres little to no reason to do so now.
As well as the fact there is Retail, Wrath Classic, and SoD all going at the same time. Less people in one pool to participate in our specific version of arena.
I just don’t think we need to add one more reason not to even bother with arena.
No, you should scale up your skill and play.
Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → You just suck at this game my guy.
Nice trinket. You dropped the tank one for AP, and now you changed it to SP for your enhancement build.
Maybe go down a single tree and it’d work better.
And get a shield.
what the actual ef is that build
Yeah. I was looking at how much PvE gear i use for 3s. H LK weapon, wrist, rings… etc etc… If i didn’t have friends / GDKPs i wouldn’t even raid.
At least in 2s, for some classes, a full set of PvP gear is the bis.
I didn’t get the chance to play arena in OG wrath even though i did start back in the day.
Wish i got to experience what the ladder was like when people did wear mostly pvp gear.
Guess we’ll see that in cata. Trinkets and legendary weapons aside at least…
Don’t you have anything better to do than follow me around?
You clearly have no argument to offer.