You already see this in Gamma with certain fights.
They’re wipefests;, but…
Some groups do get it done just as well.
The exact same thing would happen if all raids were opened up to the automated queue. In time, ppl would learn to get it done, even randomly grouped players.
That’s you then taking it upon yourself to decide what randomly accessed groups are capable or not capable of, and why they should or shouldn’t have fair access to content; the exact same thing you see with ppl asking for Gamma to be removed from the queue or to nerf some of the harder aspects of it.
I don’t buy it when you say it. I have no choice but to make the statement that you don’t know what LFR is.
Comparing some of the easiest content to one of the harder ones, this is not a worthwhile thing to debate.
Sure some may get it done, but the vast majority who want to raid heroic ICC/raids likely will not use it and your wait time will be long and your success rate will be much lower than the group formed outside of LFR.
I did present an opinion, you’re catching on!
and now you’re lost again. Apples =/= oranges. I also never asked for gamma to be removed as I like them, I just think the ilvl requirement in RDF should be higher as it’s just not fun for that low GS or that high GS player at that point, often easily carried though so usually no kicks.
Should stop strawmanning and putting words in peoples mouths, it’s all you have been doing this entire thread instead of actually defending your build with some actual reasoning.
Gamma’s aren’t actually hard.
Do you take your head out of the sand to eat occasionally or are you just that dedicated?
this has been a 0/10 troll. You aren’t supposed to actually become the thing you are, hopefully, being a parody of. honestly at this point I have no reason to believe that you aren’t intentionally bad at this game to prove some point that matters to nobody but yourself.
You don’t get to decide what’s fun or what isn’t. That’s the prerogative of those 2 high/low GS individuals when they decided to use the random queue system.
You don’t get to decide what partners you are going to get in the random queue system.
You don’t get to impose your view of what is proper or improper play in random queue system.
You take the players you get and do the best you can with them; or queue within your own group, without imposing on the other randomly chosen players, or you get out and re-queue with a group that is more to your liking.
A bunch of players deciding that they don’t like others defending in AV was a breach of play that then induced the boss-rush meta that AV has degenerated into.
And if you didn’t go along with the boss-rush, then like that dumb@$$ rogue thinks, I’m in violation because I didn’t care to listen to a bunch of players, who theoretically shouldn’t have that kind of authority, to begin with.
My position on matters is concise, simple, and to the point.
Everyone should choose how they want to group up for any content; whether it’s with a guild, PuG, or automated system that does it all for one.
And I don’t need you to tell me that this is purposefully done because it somehow makes financial sense for the company to herd around the casual playerbase, like me, like cattle.
I get it. It’s a business and it’s all about money. But you can’t deny the fact with your bad logic…
It’s all a form of control.
I don’t buy that you’re keeping LFR out of ICC heroic because you are looking out for my best interests…
Nor do I need you to decide what is or what isn’t.
I can either queue for it, or I can’t. It’s as simple as that.
Dumb. You aren’t faster than a druid, or as survivable as a druid. If you have a feral druid, they should be the one running the flag. You running it will just get it sent back.
Sure, but you aren’t. Nothing about your character is useful, nor does it sound like you even know how to play by the blatant disregard of even understanding the fundamentals to this game.
You running the flag instead of turning it over is just another sign that you’re a selfish clown.
Learn to identify an opinion. I’m not saying anything like that. Strawman with words I never said.
Sure. Never said otherwise.
There is however proper play that you are refusing to participate in with the rest of the player base. again, attributing things to me that I never said. Strawman.
Or start a vote kick.
Defending is not worth doing. AV has had the same meta for close on two decades now, adapt.
By choosing to not be helpful to the team you have chosen to be a detriment. You solo will not defend a tower or bunker. Enjoy feeding the other team if you want.
Also masking profanity is reportable and considered a circumvention of the ToS you agreed to.
This is a lie. If you had any point you would explain why you spent talents the way you did instead of screaming it’s nobodies business. At least be proud enough of whatever build it is you made to defend it better than you have so far.
You have been consistently wrong and have chosen, in no way, to do more then lob insults and get mad when asked about your build. You are the opposite of concise and to the point but you sure are simple that’s a fact.
The casual player base knows how to gem and enchant, as well as optimize their talent builds. you aren’t a casual, you are a carry.
None of this is intelligible or related to anything I have said. I do not care about your best interests in WoW because you clearly do not. Nothing you responded with makes sense or relates to the text you quoted.
The bits about control and something something blizzard is a company is just word vomit.
It’d be funny for a week, condemned after it fails hard, and then Blizzard will scrap it and go “See, this is why we never listen to you guys.”
I also like LFR.
Too generous. He wants it because his entire wow career consists of him being roasted for these actions. He wants the AI party members to avoid having to deal with the consequences of his actions.
I actually don’t hate retail. The whole classic andy this, retail andy that, it’s funny hahas but both games exist for different audiences. One doesn’t invalidate the other. It’s cool to like retail, go for it.
But the delusions to condemn it but also want what it has while simultaneously complaining about the lack of these things in the “classic” version. It’s mind numbing.
It’s something I noticed way back when, when I went from pvp to raiding. The “veteran raiders” just refused to pay attention to anything that wasn’t relevant to them. Sure, the warlock doesn’t need to necessarily stare at the druid’s mana bar, but the giant Iron Star during the Garrosh fight still needs to be paid attenti-… Oh nevermind, it already killed half the ranged lmao.
I’ve watched some of my friends who don’t pvp do HC. They just… Don’t turn their camera? Like they’ll stare at the mountain while mining. My brother turn your camera please you’re at 20% health and mobs patrol around there pay attention. I don’t live on pvp servers anymore, but I’m still circling my camera for enemy players waiting to drop ship ontop of me and murder me.
100%. There is so much information about this game, there really shouldn’t be an issue. Even if you are bad and don’t know this information exists, just don’t get argumentative when someone tells you your build is bad and it’s why you’re failing at trying to do whatever you were doing. Obviously there are people who are just dumb and loud, but people like me don’t come aggressive on the first message. Legit just want to help. Only get toxic when they get toxic.
But, accepting the info and growing is great. Helped this zug zug shaman in TBCC, general things like “drop totems first before you do your dps. If you don’t care about your job as a buffer, and don’t care about raid dps, then do it for yourself. Think selfishly if you must, idc, just drop the totems, then dps.” as well as telling him to stay on the boss more for fights where he’d just, get off the boss? He waited way too long to start dpsing and was afraid of taking damage, but on fights like Illidari council, conc goes in a circle from the boss. The boss is always in the middle. You know where the tank is pulling the boss during conc, so just run forward with the boss to keep dpsing. No need to take the exact same amount of damage but run backwards and around.
He listened. Went from touching blues on his best days to respectable purps just like that. It was beautiful. I’m so proud.
That’s where I see it ending as well, good intentions but no way to execute it well.
Too bad he hates retail, I hear they have these things called follower dungeons now. Sadly, for him, they only work on normal dungeons.
Agree, I play all versions of WoW. Legit this is one of the best times to be alive and playing WoW. 4 options of how to play each game with one being a seasonal rotation.
People who blanket everything they don’t like as “retail” are just attempting to be edgy and if they can’t explain what “retail” means to them I write them off as smoother than glass.
intense war flashbacks to mythic siege
Honestly the LFR Garrosh is a perfect example of why Heroic raids should never be part of LFR (wafectus, this is called an opinion).
Or keyboard turn. “Why turn camera when enemy always in front?” Drives me insane sometimes lmao.
I keep my sound on specifically for the stealth noises. I play PVE now since Wpvp has become a meme to me, but I will never relax in the open world pve or not.
Helped a hunter in my guild get started raiding as a ret paladin and watching that dude go from 6th on the meters in 10man Ulduar to jockeying for first and second a month later gave me proud dad feelings. Dude is about as geared as he is gonna get for the level our guild runs at and he constantly looking for ways to improve, including dumping his maxed MN/BS to grind out engi for boots and gloves.
All it takes is effort and a desire to learn. This paladin is in his 50’s btw, so like, anyone can choose at anytime to better their own play.
Actual pain imo.
You have 5K posts so you aren’t new here, but this is apparently how things are done here lmao.
Too real. The fundamentals of raiding just deem it impossible. You need communication, organization, a plan of action for this level of content and more. Just the raw numbers alone need to be met first and foremost. Sindy doesn’t care how many hours you’ve been grinding, or how great of a family your guild is or whatever. If the tank doesn’t have the right numbers and gets tapped, then gg. Sindy does not care.
LFR only works because it’s such a low barrier of entry to the content it is grouping the players for. You can void everything but just having a couple of people know what they’re doing, and if not, stack determination baby. Just not feasible for higher difficulties.
It was my first serious interaction with him. I legit tried to see if he’d be interested in retail, but, as you can see, that didn’t go well.
Based. “RDF IS IN THE GAME? I DIDNT KNOW I WAS PLAYING REEEEEEEETAIL” type of players are actual mouth breathers. I used to legit try to discuss it, no. I don’t care anymore. No amount of logic will bring them out of their illogical bull, so, get roasted and toasted lol
LFR garrosh was so fun though. So was LFR bug guys right before him.
And Galakras as well. I remember people struggled with “Some stay here, some go towers.”
If that’s too complex then you are not ready for even LFR tbh lol
Speaking of MOP though, bring back the trials and their ratings. Loved seeing the bads cry that they can’t get carried in content because the game is preventing them from queueing because they can’t even do basic levels of dps. It was beautiful.
We’re watching btw. You never know when a rogue or druid is just there, waiting. It’s been a great 3 hours questing, you’re vibing, going to go get some food after you turn in your quests, and that’s it, gg, you died lol.
The amount of times I afk’d in stealth at a location, just to come back and see Alliance all vibing and happy, only for the one in the back to realize that there is indeed a rogue there is all too thrilling. Legit feels like a hunt sometimes, god I love rogue.
But yeah, never relax in the world, always keep that camera turning and sound on.
That’s the spirit. Always looking for that improvement, even if it’s minor. Those are the players that’s best to be around. If they do something wrong, they’ll be the first to fix it. Won’t need someone to tell them, or grind them to do it, won’t be argumentative or fight it. They see it as an error, and correct it, and then everyone gets to leave the raid and go do whatever we want.
Idc if another guild treats their raid as a social club. Go join them if that’s what you want, but if you’re in a guild I’m in, or in a raid I’m in, it isn’t a social club. Had all week to be social. It’s raid time baby.
Hey, mouth breather, if you don’t like it, go complain to Blizzard. They’re the ones who support the idea that if you’re just afk at a node, and doing nothing else at all, all game every game, then you’re afk.
How about you play with your team instead of being an individual. Maybe you’ll actually get rating then.
Oh also, reported. Masking language is against TOS for the forums.
### Obscene / Vulgar
This category includes both clear and masked language in posts, signatures, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:
Are an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions
Are pornographic in nature
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:
Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity
While these repercussions may seem harsh, we feel very strongly that this behavior has no place on the forums due to its extremely offensive and inappropriate nature.
Swearing is against TOS and masking it falls under it still.
I know its 2h old now but they do also look for language against the ToS in quoted blocks too, its hyper garbage policy but heads up.
I would also say that nothing you or thug has said has been wrong here, honestly it’s turned from hostile towards trying to support improvement and positivity towards being creative and playing your own way, but also understanding that there are expectations of players from other player, small ones really, but they should be respected.
Forgot. Assumed the company was competent for a second. Edit’d out. I know it doesn’t change if someone hit a report on me before the edit, but, prevents later I guess.