I’m on a normal server so this isn’t my problem. That being said I did play on a PvP server during retail vanilla. I also played on pservers that did the whole honor system before BGs thing, so I knew what was coming (why I’m not on a PvP server).

The way I see it, there are two things that have made things as bad as they are, and it has nothing to do with faction balance. The first is the modern players min/max mentality. Back in 2005 pvpers would seek each other out. In 2019 it’s all about maximizing honor gains, which means avoiding pvpers. This did start to happen in 2005 with queue dodgers, but even that took time to pop up. I certainly don’t remember pvpers avoiding each other during that short 2 month period in 2005.

The second, and probably most important, is that there are far more players on a realm today. Even blizz confirmed that the vanilla server caps were intended for the size of the world. Servers are crowded, meaning you are seeing PvP far more often than you should.

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Im sorry if this came off as condescending…I truly meant it as a piece of advice. I know it sounds a little like “git gud” but truly, if you are traveling the world solo in the current state of the game then you are probably going to get ganked a BUNCH. dont leave your major city without 1 or 2 friends. Its not hard to play in that fashion.

I see people posting about it taking 30-45 minutes just to reach molten core. Are you suggesting that a 40 man raid cant group up at TP and travel across BRM in an organized manor?

I don’t think my friends want to die either. That’s the problem. It isn’t just “oh let’s head to Strat, but be sure to leave IF together so our 5man crew doesn’t get picked off one by one.”

Instead it is: “Get there however you can” and you proceed to spend 15-20 minutes corpse hopping into the rear entrance because together or separate, the murder-ball of Horde at Light’s Hope is going to kill you before the gryphon despawns on landing.

When my Rogue buddy and I 2-man stuff in instances, despite Sap and Stealth/Prowl, we don’t make it through BRM without a couple of deaths, regardless of the time of day, and that’s only because we can avoid a lot between TP and BRM.

Our last Molten Core this week, we paired with another Alliance guild to roll in as 80. No one made it in without more than 2 deaths. We don’t do Ony buff anymore.

Its this mentality right here that is causing a majority of the issues. If you tell your group just get there however you can then you are inevitably leaving the weak member behind which will then lengthen the whole process. If you know LHC is camped by roaming 20-40 man raids then fly to chill wind and discretely run to strat from wpl. THere are definitely ways to avoid large groups of roaming players. They arent EASY. and that is the ENTIRE POINT OF MY POST. PVP servers are not supposed to be easy…you arent supposed to be able to just walk into BRM no matter if ur a rogue with stealth or just another unstealthed class, the one place on the entire server where every single level 60 will be at least once per week to raid if not more often.

It does not mean getting rolled on by players 5-10 lvl higher than you either (both sides).
How is that fun for anyone except feeble minded players?


No i never lvl there :roll_eyes:
hard to defend myself when you " tough guys" run in packs of 5-??? just to ruin others play time and leveling. If you ppl do not want the other faction playing you’re on the right path,yet dont complain when it ends.

Have you ever leveled in Strangle Thorn Vale…? Vanilla or Classic…This is how STV is and was. Many zones span 5-10 level ranges. You share space with players who may be ahead or behind your pace. Players need to stop expecting special treatment to make their game play “fairer”. If you wanted that safe space then roll on a safe space server. There is no middle ground here.

Just an aside, it is totally possible for 3 level 52 ish characters to gank a single level 60 if they have enough CC’s. Its not all about the level difference.

Except it is actually shorter. Waiting on everyone to group up takes longer, and people try to stay together to protect each other. On top of that, it is far more likely that the murder-ball will move on if it is just you. But if they get 3-4 bodies in a spot together? They stop. They hunt. They wait.

Yeah I haven’t flown into Chillwind in a long time because there are 3-4 Warlocks that keep that place on perma-lockdown. That’s one of the few places Alliance will make a temporary counter push, but lately those haven’t been happening. We fly to Hinterlands and take the north route into Scholo when we can, but in my case, I don’t have a 100% mount so its still far faster to take the death at Light’s Hope and try to corpse-hop and Prowl to Strat.

They aren’t tenable, which is the entire point of most of our posts that are pointing to the dwindling numbers and saying this is a problem. When the run takes as long as the travel to it, people are far less inclined to go. Alts aren’t being leveled because 40-60 is a nightmare if you aren’t in an instance-grinding group. I haven’t needed to go to a 5man in a long time because I’m done gearing up but none of my friends need it either.

Most of us do our raids and that’s it. This toon is presently parked in front of the MC entrance, in stealth.

[citation needed]

Citation is needed to prove that there were naive players out there? Im sure if you maybe read the rest of the post and disregard that one anecdote about a fair 1 v1 then the point still holds up.

Theres a whole post dedicated to how “People DiDNT know what they were getting into” with over 400 replies.

Naive players are out there for sure

“We fly to Hinterlands and take the north route into Scholo when we can” -Fasciae

So this proves my point that the game isnt “unplayable” . You are finding ways around the gankin.

“but in my case, I don’t have a 100% mount so its still far faster to take the death at Light’s Hope and try to corpse-hop and Prowl to Strat.” -Fasciae

Sounds like maybe you should focus on getting that 100% mount its an essential pvp item along with the carrot and ride skill enchants…

“When the run takes as long as the travel to it, people are far less inclined to go” -Fasciae

So basically when the content is more difficult to access, people are less likely to play it…

“Most of us do our raids and that’s it. This toon is presently parked in front of the MC entrance, in stealth.” -Fasciae

Welcome to the true Vanilla experience. Its called “raid Logging” and that was 100% a completely viable playing style in 2005-2006. You think you do but you don’t might apply here. You want vanilla but really dont like raid logging/pvp encounters/ anything that makes your life any more difficult than it already is. Here let me get you some free loot and a side helping of rank 14 with that…can I bring you anything else on a platter?

If you actually believe this, there is little use in explaining to you how misguided you actually are, nor wasting time to treat you seriously from here on out.


Lazy being? Having a job, kids, if putting family first is “lazy”. You’re the best dude, 100 years from now you will be in history books, not.

You didnt take me seriously from the first “strawman” comment. Why would that change now?

There are PLENTY of players who find it 100% enjoyable to get to level 60, park the toon, and only raid with their guild. Whether that be due to pvp server issues, real world commitment issues, or just lacking any need or want to play the rest of the game after level 60. This doesnt make it a wrong playing style, and it also doesnt make it the ONLY playing style. I was just pointing out that it IS a strategy to avoid pvp on a pvp server if you would like and it definitely WAS part of the meta back in vanilla for weaker players or players with less time to dedicate.

See, this right here tells me you’re just trolling.

Raid logging is the last gasp of someone who is ready to quit the game, who only logs in to do the one thing their whole guild gets together to do and that’s that. Raid logging players are the folks guild leaders worry about because one day they just stop logging in entirely because they’re that disenchanted with the game.

Calling it a viable “strategy” or part of the “meta” is just completely asinine. You’re either completely obtuse or deliberately trolling, possibly both.

Yes because the ONLY way to play the game is to be logged in 24/7 for that rank 14 grind. People play this game 100 different ways…

Raid logging doesnt necessarily mean you are going to quit the game. It could mean you are a main tank fully geared for MC with absolutely nothing else to do in the world besides farming mats for flasks which are 100% NOT NECESSARY in MC, and you have very little interest in pvp.

Just because YOU dont particularly like that style of play doesnt mean it doesnt exist. If you don’t like the idea of parking your druid at the MC entrance, then maybe you should park at that chillwind FP and stealth camp those warlocks that are always there. Maybe they will think twice about posting up if they know a druid is always around looking for a gank…If you arent contributing to helping the problem and you are just raid logging, which you are, then you really don’t have much say in the situation as you are really just a bystander at this point until you jump into the fray and start fighting back…make those warlock’s lives more difficult as the horde have been doing to you…thats the “fair fight” everyone should be striving for. Tit for Tat type of skirmishes instead of just showing up on forums and complaining.

Oh FFS… you’re too dumb to do this anymore.

“Most of us do our raids and that’s it. This toon is presently parked in front of the MC entrance, in stealth.” - Fasciae

Let me know when you quit as you are already an admitted raid logger …

No, not really.

Your thought process is incoherent and really has nothing to do with anything.

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Not exactly sure who you are responding to… or what you are disagreeing with here

For the 3 whole years I played PvP servers in the beginning, 95% of the fights were “oh crap here comes the gank squad, time to see if I can take one out before they camp me”.

I dunno why people would think it would be better 12 years later, as honestly society is a lot worse off in many ways, the reasons for which are plentiful, but another topic.

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Right? what were people assuming would happen? Its almost as if there is this notion that if a group of 5 players comes upon a solo player then they should just /wave and keep on moving because it would be so mean to take 30 seconds to kill that player and maybe another 5 minutes tops to farm full honor from them. How dare you inconvenience another player!

The same reasons why “society is worse off” today are also some of the same reasons we have all of these soft players whining about “unfair play” ruining their safe space. A bunch of my millennial peers QQ’ing about not getting their participation trophy. Go out and earn it!