Sorry if its too long…

Im Just curious what everybody complaining about wPvP thinks their experiences SHOULD be?

Do these players think world pvp meant that when THEY wanted to, there would be an instant fair 1 v 1 fight out in the world?

Do these folks consider it to be a fair fight when say random rogue encounters you in the wild and opens up on you, melts you in 30 seconds and disappears?

Is it not fair to assume there are groups of 5 players heading to a dungeon across vast spans of land and you may be a solo player standing in their way?

The whole idea of a PVP realm is that PVP is an integral part of the content. It is not a chose able option, that is pve flagging. PvP servers are intended to make every other PvE action more difficult to achieve. You want to farm plants, ore, leather? That will be more difficult. You want to level up? More Difficult. You want to travel to a dungeon? M O R E D I F F I C U L T ! ! ! !

These players complaining about how P2 made the game “unplayable” Does that mean you can not literally log into the game? NO! “unplayable” to you means that things took longer than you expected/assumed it would take to complete. Tasks were more difficult with interruptions from the opposing players. You chose this play style. You chose a PvP server where PvP is ALWAYS on with very few exceptions. Dont complain then that your choice of server made your life slightly more difficult and the end game epics weren’t handed to you instantly. The game was intended to take more then 4 weeks to enjoy…Dungeons are intended to take more than an hour of your time. Plan accordingly and play the game or quit.

Fyi this is coming from an ally player on a 40/60 horde dominated server. Fight back if you feel overwhelmed. Get a guild raid together, fix the problem. IF you have 30-45 minutes to spend corpse walking, you have time to form that raid.


They thought they did but they didn’t. They think getting “ganked” means having a fair and honorable 1v1 duel where the winner gets a firm handshake and pat on the back from the loser and the two factions are just friendly rivals.


Difficult, yes. Impossible, no.


Ok let them transfer to pve and the pvpers can sort everything out.


You’re a gnome, don’t worry.


absolutely not. it’s their mistake, they can fix it right now. blizzard will not reward LAZY players for crying. Absolutely not.

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You don’t know the definition of ‘impossible.’

Boy, it’s too late in the year to be wasting straw like that.


Is strawman just the latest buzzword people with no argument fall back to? Or did you seriously think world pvp would be or was ever fair?

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Everybody has their limits. At some point it just stops being fun. Difficulty can indeed be fun, but there’s a line in which it stops being fun and just becomes an inconvenience. Raids require people, and if there aren’t enough people then where do you propose someone pull a raid from? When you take the time to put together “a raid” and go out to actually participate in PvP and still get swallowed because the zone is 90-10, was it worth the time? Was it fun? WoW is a game, and games are supposed to be fun. Not everyone has the spare time or desire to spend 90% of their game time being inconvenienced.

For many they just simply cannot play the game due to population issues. What exactly makes their enjoyment less important than someone who happened to roll on the right side of the server’s population?

One side wants to boast that they’re glad people are rerolling and quitting, which is just going to ironically make their game experience more PvE-like just like the servers they’re telling people to reroll to.

So, yeah, can’t blame those people for rerolling to better servers or wanting transfers off. They put in the time to level their character as well, and it’s not their fault many servers had botched, mismanaged populations.


Sounds like you don’t understand what a straw man argument is, or why the bit I quoted qualifies as one.


Explain it in your own terms what you think stawman means then because it sounds to me you just had false expectations for what you were getting into.

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LMAO yes, that’s apparently exactly what it sounds like! Hahahaha!

Yes, actually. Apparently it applies to “what I have no actual argument to”.

Gee you’re really typing up a storm there for such a simple question lmao

And how would you know what my expectations were? All I did was point out that OP is strawmanning the folks who complain about PvP. Short of a very naive and very small minority of folks, nobody expected world PvP to be fair. Because that’s a silly expectation, and one you would only present if you wanted to misrepresent the complaints about Phase 2 in a way that makes it easiest to counter-argue (i.e., a strawman argument).

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Still didn’t explain what your definition of “strawman” is. Come on now, surely you can clearly define these illusory terms you keep using.

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You don’t read good.

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I wanted to be the underdog so I joined the underdog side. What I thought was that classic would be similar to vanilla, but the populations are so large in comparison that rather than having to 3v1 a lot, i have to 5v1 every inch of every zone worth moving through. I do form and join pvp raids, but the horde population is so large that your raid can only stick around for ~10 minutes before you are completely overwhelmed. Recently the horde camping has gone down, maybe they are waiting for BGs, most likely they finally got bored of sitting round spamming tab and instant damage spells in the hope of getting a fraction of an honor kill, but ally were able to hold BRM for a couple of hours for the first time since phase 2 the other day, and we took kazzak from the horde so its already looking a bit better, maybe BGs will push it over to finally be the 3v1s I was hoping for. I wouldn’t call it unplayable, but its definitely not the way it was.

So they quit or reroll, you are still short one person and have to figure out what to do or your server suffers.

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